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«January 2025»
8/9/2009 9:50:00 PM [生活-健康] 分享





  本报讯 记者黄继妍、实习生胡艳报道:记者7月16日获悉:江西省近日制定了《进一步加强省级公共机构公务车节油和办公节电工作的实施方案》,要求省级公共机构把节油目标量化到每辆车上,杜绝使用白炽灯,购买空调、办公设备必须达到能效标识2级以上。北京网站建设《方案》要求,各公共机构要根据本单位车辆具体情况,以上年油耗为基础,按下降5%以上的标准核定当年的耗油总量,并将总量分解到每辆车并跟踪检查,对节约和超标者进行奖罚。鼓励各单位淘汰高油耗车辆,使用低油耗节能环保汽车和清洁能源汽车。严格公务车集中统一管理,建立健全车辆档案,实行公务车“一车一卡”和定点加油、维修制度。



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8/9/2009 9:50:00 PM [财经金融] 分享


 I've read comments here, over on the Official Forums, and other Hunter blogs and forums saying how Blizzard ischeap wow goldwow gold forcing Hunters to spec either as Survival or Marksmanship. I always find this a hard argument to support, especially since it is Blizzard that has continued to give us three different talent trees that we can spec into. But as always, there seems to be a preferred talent spec.

To me the blame isn't Blizzard but us Hunters always looking to squeeze out every ounce of DPS out of our class and remain on top of the damage meters. (Go ahead let the flames begin, but hopefully you'll give me a chance here.) We go out of our way looking, experimenting, and testing different build combinations to find the one magic build that gives us top DPS. Once we have found that, we tend to forget that we really can play all three builds. No, they all won't perform. the same. And if you are in a progressive, hardcore,buy wow gold, min/max raiding guild, well then stick with the spec-du-jour. But if you are like the majority of the players out there, you probably want to play something that better fits your play style. Like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, it has to fit just right.

So let's
runescape goldlook at the different Talent Trees, discuss a bit about what makes each one tick. Then look at the currently recommended builds and shot rotations for each spec.MarksmanshipLet's first look at the current leader of the DPS race and for many the preferred raiding spec, Marksmanship.I like to think of the Marksmanship Hunter as the epitome of the Sharpshooter, one might even say the William Tell or Robin Hood of the Hunter specs. (I'd use Sniper but that talent is over in the Survival tree.) The can sit back and with their weapon of choice and unleash a barrage of damaging shots from a distance.

The Marksman Hunter has a casual relationship with their pet. Unlike the pure partnership bond exhibited by the Beast Mastery Hunter you will see that the Marksman Hunter relies less on their pet and more on their own ability to achieve higher numbers.One thing you need toworld of warcraft gold consider as you raid as Marks is threat management. Because of the higher Crit and damage bursts done by Marksmanship you might out aggro your Tank. So make sure you keep an eye on your threat meter or use an add-on like Omen.

So what spec should you use?
ed hardy hatsThere seems to be three recommended builds depending on your hit rating, raid composition, or play style.7/57/7 Elitist Jerks Highest DPS Build –This talent build will give you the opportunity to achieve the highest possible DPS as a Hunter. Just understand that you will never reach the full potential of this build unless you have all of the recommended buffs.

Another requirement of this spec is to use the correct shot priority.Serpent Sting Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Kill Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot 7/57/7 Marksman Build –This is an optional spec recommended by Rilgon of Stabilized Effort Scope to the one by Elitist Jerks. Its major difference between this spec and the EJ one is where a few talent points are located. It moves the 2 points from Endurance Training,cheap wow gold, and puts it into Focused Fire instead. There are a few other tweaks also that allow you to not be so dependent on specific raid buffs.

7/57/7 Focused Aim
tax free cigarettesBuild –If you like the above spec, but find yourself shy of the Hit cap, then you might want to try this optional spec. It uses 3 points into Focused Aim to help get you capped.For these specs, the following shot priority would be recommended. The only addition might be using Silencing Shot when it is available.Serpent Sting Kill Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Arcane Shot Steady Shot SurvivalThis is probably the buy wow gold closest thing to a red-headed stepchild spec that Hunters have. Until the release of Wrath of the Lich King it was often maligned. It has recently earned respect for not only providing utility with Hunting Party,wow gold, but as a bona fide DPS spec thanks to the combination of Lock and Load and Explosive Shot.



8/9/2009 9:49:00 PM [文化-历史] 分享



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