A Dream “Everyone in this world must possess the power of carrying dreams, no matter how insignificant he is, or even if he is just a rat.” From the movie named Ratatouille, we can see that how indispensable the role dreams play in our life and what an amazing function dreams have. I have been dreaming for being a singer since I was very little. I just mean singer, not singing star. Actually, I don’t believe that I am so talented as little Remy, the little mouse who dreams to become an excellent cook, instead, maybe Linguini feels the same as I do. However I've always believed with hard work and a little bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before I'm discovered. When I firstly taught to read the staff, I was curious about it and a little bit afraid that I couldn’t learn it well. When I open up my mouth to sing the first note, I was happy and also worried about singing out of tune. When firstly finished a song and received the applause of my classmates, I was extremely satisfied with my performance and even proud of myself. The feeling is not second to that comes from finishing a delicious dishes. Since that moment, singing for everyone was a dream deeply rooted in my heart. Everyone who wants to achieve his dream needs a model, Rem 阅读全文>> |
总是爱挑食,怕胖不敢放开怀抱吃饭,整天吃零食,落得脸色苍白,头晕无力,蹲下一站起来就满脑袋是星星,而且眼睛也越来越不好使。。除了不得不开始要服老外,这些症状表明很有必要补肝肾补血了。马上翻箱倒柜,把买了好几年的阿胶抄出来做阿胶膏,居然一次成功,沾沾自喜,接着看电视见到人家说喝桑寄生很养血的,又去买了一盒这个东东,希望能喝出一个不一样的小肥猪来。 该款茶汤的功效有袪风益肝、强筋安胎。性平,不寒不热。可用红枣、鸡蛋或鹌鹑蛋、冰糖同煮,做桑寄生蛋茶。 桑寄生为桑寄生科植物槲寄生、桑寄生或毛叶桑寄生等的枝叶。可以简单理解为傍他人枝头生的枝叶植物,味甘苦,性平;入肝、肾经。补肝肾,强筋骨,除风湿,通经络,益血,安胎。用于治疗腰膝酸痛,筋骨痿弱,偏枯,脚气,风寒湿痹,胎漏血崩,产后乳汁不下等症。加鸡蛋一起煮功效会更好。 做法是,取适量桑寄生加水煮40分钟,途中加入煮熟剥壳的鸡蛋,快好的时候,捞走茶渣,放入适量冰糖再 |
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