Hello, my dear chinese friends, I am Kaka and so pleased to have my own Tencent blog in chinese。 Hope we could have more communications through it. I have to say that playing at AC Milan helps me to improve my skills every day, some of my teammates have great skills and make my life on the field more easy. For example: Maldini: training every day with a champion live him teaches me professional discipline, Paolo has been playing playing at top level for 24 years, he started 5 years before pato was born, this is because as a true champion, He lives a simple life, he is a family man, he eats well every day and goes to bed early, He truly is a model an example for players who want to success. Pato: a very exciting young talent, I believe in two or three years he will be one of the top three players in the world. He is fast and unpredictable, and often he can win a game for us with his pace and tricks, speaking the same language it’s a help, I can give him some quick advise, I am like an older brother for him on the filed and off, when he arrived in Milan everything was new for him and he often asked me advise on things like housing, learning the language, shopping and other things, I am happy to have him both at AC Milan and Brazil national team. Inzaghi: some time they criticize him and some say he is not as exiciting as other strikers, but Inzaghi is a goal machine, you can rely on his performance every year,and even now at 35 is one of the most productive strikers on the market, he is another great example to follow. Pirlo: probably one of the most underestimated players in Europe, he is the brain of our team, he always know what to do, when we are in trouble we pass him the ball and he will do something useful, so when I won the award as best footballer in the wor 阅读全文>> |
众所周知,时尚美女对美的追求越来越高,80%以上的人对自已的身体某部位都有一定的不满意,怎么办呢?当然是做整形美容手术了。那么,现在整形美容界流行什么整形手术呢?现在,就让我们跟着韩国整形专家去了解一下当前时尚达人们最爱的五大整形术吧! 一、牙齿不齐</STRONG> 由于现代食物越来越精细,所以大多数人由于骨骼发育退化导致牙齿排不整齐,现在牙齿不齐的发病率呈逐年增加。一副美丽的牙齿能给人一个美好的印象,一个美丽的微笑能使人淡却烦恼。很多名星也在成名前后也都对牙齿下过功夫。当前有很多很先进的技术来矫正牙齿,由于口腔正畸治疗技术越来越先进,矫牙已不只限于少年儿童,成年人也可以矫正牙齿了。现在由于大学生面对社会,更多 的大学生开始在找工作前有矫正牙齿的计划,每年寒暑假都是牙医最忙的时候。 二、双眼皮</STRONG> 所谓“画龙点睛”,眼睛在五官中起着举足轻重的灵魂地位,因此要求做双眼皮的人数占美容手术量首位。 双眼皮手术方法大致分为埋线、缝线和切开三种。其中切开法适用任 |
刘桦金 20:23:51 现在在那里上班 十字路口 20:24:08 还没有啊 刘桦金 20:24:21 哦 在学校啊 十字路口 20:24:24 七月份出去实习 刘桦金 20:24:30 哦 刘桦金 20:24:33 呵呵 十字路口 20:25:01 最近怎么样啊 刘桦金 20:25:19 压力大 啊 十字路口 20:25:48 还是原来那家公司? 刘桦金 20:25:59 没有了 在成都 十字路口 20:26:22 啊 什么时候 刘桦金 20:26:35 刚来啊 刘桦金 20:26:56 上了一个月了 十字路口 20:27:17 哦 ....那不是租的房 刘桦金 20:27:25 没啊 十字路口 20:28:47 那... 刘桦金 20:28:48 在做业务 刘桦金 20:29:06 公司里 十字路口 20:29:14 哦 还在忙啊 刘桦金 20:29:24 没啊 刘桦金 20:31:22 等两个月就回技术部了 十字路口 20:32:08 哦 那不错啊 刘桦金 20:32:28 现在行情不太好 十字路口 20:33:21 受金融危机的影响... 刘桦金 20:33:36 呵呵 这知识一方面 |
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