Soul Wars(part 1) Description: This Mini-Game is very similar to Castle Wars, each game lasts 20 minutes and can be played on any world, although the themed worlds for the Mini-Game are currently Worlds 44, 143, and 145. In Soul Wars, two teams compete against each other to gather Soul Fragments and offer them to the Soul Obelisk in order to defeat the opposing teams Avatar (runescape power leveling 525). This requires a combination of combat and Slayer skills. This is a safe mini-game, so feel free to bring your best equipment! Items Recommended: Your best Melee/Magic/Ranged combat equipment. Starting Point: Soul Wars arena is accessed through the yellow portal southwest of Edgeville Bank, east of Varrock. Talk to Nomad. Soul Wars is a team-based game. Before joining a team, it is strongly recommend that you speak to Nomad, who will teach your runescape accounts about the game. There is a bank chest just north of Nomad should you need to change out your equipment or bank items. You will be fighting other players with any combat style, so bring appropriate equipment. Note: You are not allowed to have a cape equipped in-game. Therefore if you with to use Ava’s Attractor or accumulator, talk to Nomad and he will enchant the in-game team-cape. Once enchanted your team-cape will serve the purpose as Ava’s Attractor or Accumulator. To join a team, enter either the red or blue team's waiting room. If you do not know which team to s 阅读全文>> |
食用调味品的禁忌 日常生活中,少不了油盐酱醋糖。然而,在服用中药时,应注意油盐酱醋糖对某些药物疗效的副作用。 ①油 植物类食油,可增强降脂药物的效果。可是动物油,主要是猪、羊、鸡油等,却会增加体内脂肪存贮,降低某些治 疗及降低血脂药物的功效。 所以在吃降脂类药物时,不宜吃动物油,应吃植物油以利增强降脂药物的功效。 ②盐 盐的主要成分是氯化钠,主要起着调整体液和细胞之间 酸碱平衡的作用,吃盐过多可导致高血压,因此食盐可降低 降压药、利尿药、肾上腺皮质激素等药物的疗效。 所以在服用降压药、利尿药、肾上腺素药物时,病人应尽量少吃盐。 ③酱 酱油、豆瓣酱等调料是烹调必不可少的佐料,但有的病人在服用伏降宁、闷可乐等治疗心血管疾病及胃肠道疾病的 药时,不可吃酱油,不然会引起恶心、呕吐等不适症状,降 低药物效果。 ④醋 由于醋为酸性食物,在服用碳酸氢钠、碳酸钙、氢氧化铝、胰酶素、红霉素、磺胺类药物等属碱性药物时,食醋会 使药物中和失去药效。所以服用上述药物时防须忌食醋。 ⑤糖 有些人吃中药汤剂怕苦,常加糖调味。其实,吃中药不能滥加糖,这是因为糖会抑制某些退热药的疗效,干扰矿物 元素和维生素在人体内的吸收。又因中药的化学成分很复杂,其中的蛋白质、鞣质等成分能与糖,特别是与含铁、钙等元素和其他杂质较多的红糖化学反应,使药剂中的某些有效成 分凝固、变性、混浊、沉淀。这样不但会影响药效,而且还 可能危害健康。 另外糖分还可作用分解某些药物,如马钱子,糖分会使其失去治疗效果。所以,不管服中药,还是吃西药,都不能因其味苦而随意加糖。 |
又是周末了,难得闲暇一下了,平时忙里忙外,好紧张啊!今天去文怡博客里选了一道家常小菜,特意推荐给朋友们,希望大家过一个快乐舒心的周末!让我们享受一下忙里偷闲的快乐吧!</STRONG> 原料:</STRONG>猪皮500克 葱1根 姜1小块 八角3颗 桂皮1小块 花椒20粒 香叶3片 小茴香20粒 调料:</STRONG>生抽3汤匙(45ml) 老抽1汤匙(5ml) 盐1/4茶匙(1克) 糖1/2茶匙(3克) 做法:</STRONG> 1)将猪皮洗净,放入开水中焯烫3分钟,捞出后用清水冲净猪皮表面的浮沫并沥干。如果有猪毛,用刀彻底刮净。焯烫猪皮的水倒掉不要。 2)把煮好的猪皮切成宽1厘米,长5厘米的条。 3)葱切成段。姜去皮切片。把八角,桂皮,花椒,香叶和小茴香放入调料包里。 4)锅中倒入清水,放入料包,大火煮沸后继续加热3分钟,调入生抽,老抽,盐和糖,搅匀后放入猪皮,改成中小火,炖煮1个小时以上(煮到用筷子轻扎猪皮,就可以穿透的程度)。 5)捞出葱姜和料包,将煮好的猪皮和汤,倒入一个方形的耐热容器中,自然冷却后,盖上一层保鲜 |
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