这些天看了太多关于交易麦蒂的报道,突然想发表一些感想。我觉得麦蒂被交易后,一定可以重新找到感觉,必定我们已经看到了他能够上场比赛,他的伤已经无大碍了,他需要的是时间,是一个恢复状态的时间,估计十场比赛就能恢复,可是火箭现在不能给他这个机会,因为十场比赛可能会左右火箭冲击季后赛可能,阿德尔曼宁 阅读全文>> |
Pre-made puff pastry, flatten on floured surface, and then use a
plate to cut it into a circle (normal plate size), prick the pastry
with a fork so it won't puff up. Peel, core and cut apple in thin round slices. Lay then in a circle, slightly overlapped. Brush butter on top of apple pieces and add sugar to cover the tart? Put in oven 425 F for 10-15mins until the tart is cooked. Take out and add sugar again. Dust with icing sugar and use the fire gun (i think the name is blow torch) to burn the sugar into Caramel. Then serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in middle. Sounds very tasty! Enjoy. |
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