1915年的食谱,看起来满有意思,什么时候试一下。</STRONG> http://www.candymaking.net/Nougat.html </SPAN></SPAN> The Art of Candy Making Fully Explained</SPAN></SPAN> Nougat </STRONG>Two cupfuls sugar Two-thirds cupful corn syrup One cupful broken nut meats One-half cupful water Whites two eggs One teaspoonful vanilla Put the sugar, syrup, and water into the kettle and put over fire, stir until the sugar is melted, then wipe down the sides of the kettle, put the thermometer in, and boil to 248°, or until it forms a firm ball when dropped into cold water. While the syrup is cooking, beat the egg whites until they are stiff enough to stand, and slowly pour the hot syrup into the beaten whites of eggs. Beat the mixture constantly while pouring the syrup into the whites, and keep beating until the candy begins to stiffen, when the nuts should be folded in and the candy should be turned on the buttered slab or platter. Allow to cool and cut into squares. The nougat may be poured into a deep buttered pan like an individual bread pan and, when cool, sliced down in thick slices. Add the flavoring when adding the nuts.</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> Fruit Nougat </STRONG>Make over the preceding recipe, and in addition to adding the nuts, add one-half cupful each of minced candied cherries and candied citron. Seeded raisins may be substituted for the citron. </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> French Nougat </STRONG>Two and one-half cupfuls sugar One cupful water One-eighth teaspoonful cream of tartar Whites of five eggs </SPAN>Put the sugar, water, and cream of tartar in the kettle and place over the fire. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then wipe down the sides of the kettle with a damp cloth, put in the thermometer, and boil to 248°. While the syrup is boiling, beat the whites of the eggs until they are stiff enough to stand. The second the syrup reaches the correct degree, remove from the fire and begin to pour it slowly into the whites of the eggs until they are stiff enough to stand. The second the syrup reaches the correct degree, remove from the fire and begin to pour it slowly into the whites of the eggs, beating the mixture all the time. The whites of the eggs must always be beaten in a kettle large enough to hold the mixture after the syrup is added, and when a 阅读全文>> |
1.番茄 西红柿的酸味能促进胃液分泌,帮助消化蛋白质等,此外丰富的维生素C能结合细胞之间的关系,制造出骨胶原,强健血管。矿物质则以钾的含量最丰富,由于有助于出血液中的盐分,因此具有降血压的功能。 2.黄豆 很多人都知道黄豆有植物性荷尔蒙,有利于女性,殊不知黄豆对男性也是绝佳食品。例如常吃黄豆制品的日本男人,罹患摄护腺癌的机率比西方男人低。而且黄豆对改善男性的骨质流失一样有效。男性过了60岁,骨质会开始流失,情况和更年期妇女一样严重。而且多吃黄豆可以补充卵磷脂,卵磷脂已被证实与短期记忆力和学习力有关。 3.番瓜子 男性40岁过后,大多数人有摄护腺肥大的问题。美国一项实验发现,让摄护腺肥大的患者服用番瓜子的萃取物,确实减少了患者频尿的次数,也改善了其它症状。而且番瓜子也是维生素E的最佳来源,可以抗老化。番瓜子在一般超市即可买到,有些产品是多种坚果混和,可以撒在沙拉上食用,或平日当零嘴吃。 4.胡萝卜 B-胡萝!卜素会在体内变化成维生素A,提升身体的抵抗力,抑制导致细胞恶化的活性氧等。此外,因含有丰富的钾,具有降血压的作用,以及食物纤维能发挥整肠功效。含丰富B-胡萝卜素的胡萝卜也因此大受欢迎,是因为它能预防癌症。 |
12ª Jornada de la liga(28 y 29 de noviembre de
2009) 1-0 SPORTING 4231 FW:Barral MF:Castro Cuevas Morán Míchel Rivera DF:Canella Gregory Botía Lora GK:Pablo VILLARREAL 442 FW:Rossi Nilmar MF:Pires Cani Bruno Senna DF:Capdevila Godín Gonzalo Ángel GK:López 我评选的MVP:里维拉 这将是近期呈现上升状态的潜水艇所面临的一个坎儿,赛前我认为。果然本赛季更加务实的希洪牢牢掌控了整个上半场,一个并不令人惊讶,非常正常的局面,还好客队没有出现过多纰漏,如果是赶上起初阶段的低迷,或者说没有形成巴尔维德式的战术理念的话,必败!习惯于走卡斯特罗的左路,本场却多走莫兰的右路,是否看到卡普喜欢助攻的理由?几个定位球潜水艇的球员只抢到第一落点,如此差劲的防守说明球队的反弹并未提高到质变,而希洪的防守却是在本赛季完全被定义为质变!这是球队排名如此靠前的最大原因,进攻没有减弱的基础上,我曾经想过如果他们能够保持状态,在西甲几个赛季以后,希洪将会是最大的潜力股。下半场比力奇 |
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