Josef Burg, who as one of the last Yiddish authors in Eastern Europe preserved vestiges of a once-vibrant culture in fictional reflections on Jewish life, from the ghettos of the cities to the remote shtetl villages of the Carpathian Mountains, died on Aug. 10 in Chernovitsi, the city where he grew up in what is now Ukraine. He was 97.
His death, which was not widely reported in English until last week, was confirmed by Itzik Gottesman, associate editor of The Forward, a weekly published in Yiddish and English in New York, who knew Mr. Burg. Republished in German in recent years, his early works found a new audience in Germany and Austria and won him a wide following. “Josef Burg was the last Yiddish writer from the generation before the Holocaust to remain in the Ukraine,” Mr. Gottesman said on Thursday, “and he valiantly strove to perpetuate Yiddish language and culture there.” “His writings,” Mr. Gottesman continued, “capture the multifaceted, multicultural history of the Jews in the Bukovina region during most of the 20th century and reflect the unique journey of a Yiddish writer in a city with fewer and fewer Jews.” In an interview with The New York Times in 1992, Mr. Burg called himself “the last of the Mohicans of the great Yiddish tradition in Czernowitz” — referring to his city as it was known when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Although Yiddish was his beloved mother tongue, Mr. Burg was fluent in the spectrum of languages that reflected the war-torn history of his homeland. After World War I, the Bukovina region was ceded to Romania. At the end of World War II, northern Bukovina, including Chernovitsi, its capital city, was annexed by the Soviet Union. For centuries, Chernovitsi had been a focal point for German and Yiddish literature, theater and higher education. Until 1941, more than a third of its population was Jewish. Then the Nazis arrived. Though no other members of his family survived, Mr. Burg escaped to the Soviet Union, where he lived for nearly 20 years. “Burg was a very unusual figure because he was an embodiment of several cultures,” Gennady Estraikh, a professor of Yiddish studies at New York University, said on Thursday. “His first language, of course, was Yiddish, but he also knew Hebrew, and his German was excellent. Then he lived for decades in a Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking environment. He com 阅读全文>> |
2009年10月8日,随着“十一”长假进入尾声,苏州火车站迎来旅客返程客流高峰。苏州火车站采取增设售票窗口、增加人员维持秩序等措施,确保旅客及时顺利返程。中新社发王建康 摄</SPAN> 点击浏览更多最新图片</SPAN> 中新社北京十月八日电 (记者 赵建华)持续八天的国庆、中秋节今日宣告结束,八天的时间里,中国人蓄积已久的旅游需求得到释放。 最近几日,北京天安门上的游客比肩接踵。地铁站里,挤满了游客。许多外地人在参观完天安门广场后,又急忙赶到火车站等待返乡。 仅在五天的时间里,北京的大型国庆游园活动,就吸引了八百多万游客。除此之外,在诸如四川等地的景点,一天接待的游客最高时能增长两、三倍多。 根据中国旅游研究院此前的预测,八天时间里,仅在中国国内,旅游人数就将超过两亿人次,旅游收入超过一千亿元人民币。 至今,许多景点接待的游客,已远远超出了原先预期。全国假日旅游部际协调会议办公室八日晚间公布消息称,不论长线和短途旅游,还是都市与乡村旅游,均出游密集、市场兴隆,成为二00八年以来旅游市场最红火的时段。 官方媒体 |
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