Tyson is our deepest,
most intimate encounter yet with Mike Tyson -a guided tour through
his checkered life with the former prisefighter
acting as his own narrator . With the filmmaker ,
James Toback, the famous and at times infamous Tyson gets to tell
his complicated, uneasy life story his way.But though this movie
tells us much about Tyson ,it reveals infinitely more about our own
internal contradiction. We also destroy things we love, repeat mistakes and dance like Muhammad Ali around the truth in our most candid moments. It 's just that Tyson does it more spectacularly-or disastrously than most. Caught in the prim glare of a man who admits he'd visualize punching holes through his opponents's heads,we're riveted.This is our one-on- one with the Minotaur, the monster,Iron Mike.But as tyson spills everything beyond the camera, he becomes inconveniently human. And that's what makes James Toback's film so powerful. We're as moved as we are appalled. We feel for the shy ,asthmatic kid who was robbed and beaten up in the mean streets of 阅读全文>> |
减肥者还要补充营养,可能你会奇怪,难道肥胖不是营养过剩引起的吗?本来就营养过剩还要补充营养,能减肥吗。事实却是减肥者不但需要适当补充营养以预防营养不良,而且适当补充营养还有助于减肥。 食物中的营养成分有6大类,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素、矿物质和水。其中前三种属于能源物质,可以为人体提供能量,吃多了超过身体的需要(即营养过剩)就会在体内转化为脂肪,导致肥胖;后面的三种不是能源物质,不含有能量,在体内也不会转化为脂肪,吃得再多,再过剩,也不会导致肥胖(倒是可以引起中毒)。节食减肥时要减少食量,减少能量的摄入,但不可避免地也同时减少了维生素和矿物质的摄入,这是我们不愿意看到的。这也是节食减肥有副作用(例如营养不良、厌食症等)的一个主要原因。节食减肥者很少吃肉,就减少了锌、铁、维生素A、维生素B2的摄入,造成微量元素和维生素的营养不良,容易出现食欲下降、贫血、性功能低下、视力下降、口角炎、皮肤变粗糙、掉头发等症状,严重的会有厌食症。适当补充这些营养素就可以预防上述症状。因此,节食减肥者有必要适当服用一些由维生素和矿物质组成的营养补充剂,这一类产品现在非常普遍,很容易在药房 |
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