又下雪了。一切都镶上了银白色,那么洁白,不含任何杂质。 小虫站在窗前,静静地望着天。那彻心彻骨的白让她无法不想起去年冬天的那个雪夜。 那是小虫和小哲最甜蜜的时候。他们一起漫步在雪夜中,就那么一直走,走呀走,没有太多的言语和对白,但两张脸上却充实着同样的笑容,幸福的笑容。 那个雪夜很美,可是他们两个一起度过的却只有那一个。 小哲走了,离开小虫了。他说他和小虫在一起很压抑,他不想再谈恋爱。小虫无言以对,她爱他,那么的爱他。可是为什么他却先背叛了他们的爱情。小虫多么怀念那样的夜晚。 小虫没有再缠着小哲。他们像从前那样成为了好朋友,小哲觉得很开心,可是小虫却总在夜深时独自哭泣。 小虫忘不了小哲,忘不了他们的曾经,那一切的一切都飘在眼前,挥散不去。 夜幕开搪玻璃反应罐始降临,雪依然在下。小虫脑中开始疯狂地闪过一个个那晚的画面。小哲安静的脸还有那两只紧紧握在一起的手。 窗外那棵高大的梧桐树还站在那里,虽然已没有了叶子,但是雪花已厚厚地覆盖了一层,银装素裹的样子,那么可爱。 小虫望着雪花一片片落下,她的泪也从眼角渐渐滑出,沿着她的侧脸落下。 这时 阅读全文>> |
Miller said he and his friends wanted to turn a negative situation into a positive and that the response has been "extraordinary.We wanted something good to come out of this," he said.Doug Libelich, manager of the Yours Truly <B>mlb apparel</SPAN> </SPAN>location in Shaker Heights, Ohio, said there has been a steady flow of fans — mostly young ones — ridding themselves of LeBron-related clothing, including the iconic 23 jerseys, which were wildly popular during James' seven seasons with the Cavaliers.You want to give all your stuff back.T-shirts with the slogan "It's Not Us, It's You," on the front.Organizers are shipping the discarded James gear to homeless shelters in <B>nfl football jerseys </SPAN>South Florida.All kinds of stuff. It's like any breakup," said Beau Miller, who began the campaign with three friends.It's been picking up in the last <B>wholesale mlb jerseys </SPAN> few days," he said.Then tossing them away — for a good ca...阅读全文>> |
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