We dig deep into the double cork playbook to see which riders
have it, what their variations are on the trick and where the most
hyped-up pipe trick (in an Olympic year) goes from here.
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Roenigk Archive Pablo AzocarShaun White debuted his double cork 1080 in New Zealand last month. White won pipe at both the NZ Open and the NZ Winter Games. Sometimes, just believing something is possible</SPAN> makes it so. (Isn't that what they fed us in "The Secret"?) The double cork is a perfect example. Six months ago, no one was sure the trick was even possible in the halfpipe. The learning process seemed downright dangerous, not to mention scary as hell, and no one seemed willing to step up and take the risk of attempting the trick to snow. Then, in March, Red Bull built Shaun White a private, perfectly manicured, 22-foot superpipe, complete with the sport's first foam pit, in Silverton, Colo. Dubbed Project X, the company flew White and a few friends to Silverton, where it took the 2006 Olympic gold medalist -- who had surgery on his right hand just four days prior -- all of three days to figure out the trick. The frontside double cork 1080 came first. "On my first try to snow, I hit my butt. The second, I dragged my hand and the third it was, 'Stomp!'" White told me in Silverton, two weeks into the experiment. "I had imagined it taking longer, and I was really nervous. It worked differently than I imagined, but it worked. I used to learn a trick a day. But now, to learn a new trick in a couple days, a trick that's never been done, is unheard of for me. This is exciting." Phil Erickson Luke Mitrani dropped the double cork at the NZ Open. It landed him second place next to White. Once word leaked that White had landed a double cork -- one of several tricks he conquered in Colorado -- his competition went to work. "It was like the four-minute mile," says U.S. snowboard coach Ricky Bower. "Once one person landed it, the flood gates opened. Now guys on the Chinese team are trying them." Still, it wasn't until the New Zealand Open in mid-August when the international snowboard community picked up on the storyline that will follow these athletes straight to Vancouver. (In Torino, the story was back-to-back 1080s. In Vancouver, and in the Grand Prix season leading up to the Olympics, the double cork will dominate.) White planned to keep a lid on his new tricks until later in the season, but his hand was forced on the double cork when other riders began throwing the trick publicly Down Under. Although the cork is out of the bag, there is a benefit to its early reveal: Come winter, fans will be educated about what they're watching and judges will be better equipped to score the trick. Louie Vito, who learned double corks at the U.S. team camp in Mt. Hood this summer after working double backflips on a trampoline in Park City, was the first rider to land the trick in competition. He threw a frontside double cork 1080 in the semifinals of the NZ Open on Aug. 15, followed by White, who landed the same trick. In the finals, Vito, White and Luke Mitrani -- who landed a double cork 900 melon -- all landed double corks in their finals runs. Mitrani took second place and White, who landed the first back-to-back double corks, won the event with a cab double cork 1080 stalefish and a frontside double cork 900. (Vito finished ninth.) White is still the only rider with back-to-back double corks, as well as the only rider who can land the trick both frontside and switch (cab). (He also owns the only double cork backside 1080, but has yet to land it in competition.) Once one person landed it, the flood gates opened. Now guys on the Chinese team are trying them. -- U.S. Snowboard coach Ricky Bower The week after the Open, White also won the World Cup halfpipe opener in Wanaka, New Zealand, which sets up one exciting winter contest season. Only four riders will make the U.S. Olympic team for the men. Already, seven U.S. riders claim ownership of a variation on the Trick of the Year. But Danny Davis, who owns two variations of the trick, says the double cork isn't 阅读全文>> |
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高雄昨提前放映“纪录片”被指制造“人祸”,国台办表示坚决反对 台湾高雄决定,原订在10月高雄电影节放映的热比娅纪录片“爱的十个条件”,提前在昨天、今天的“特别邀请场”放映。民进党叫嚣10月1日当天起于台北市播放这部片子。而此时恰逢旅游旺季,在高雄电影节要放映热比娅纪录片的消息传出后,很多大陆团取消了高雄市的行程。高雄饭店订座率因此骤降5成以上。 国务院台办发言人20日就高雄市一些势力决定播放美化民族分裂分子热比娅影片一事 发表谈话,指出高雄市一些势力不顾台湾各界和社会舆论的反对,执意放映这部歪曲事实、美化民族分裂分子的影片,是对恐怖暴力犯罪活动发出的错误信号,我们 对此坚决反对。我们敦促高雄市有关方面不要一意孤行,不要在两岸关系上再挑事端。 台湾《中央日报》发表社论称,本月上半月,高雄观光旅馆的平均住房率,从7成遽降到5成以下,取消的订房总数近5000间,旅馆业叫苦连天,连带还严重拖累了这个南台湾最大城市的旅游产业。社论说,民进党竟然在21世纪,还停留在“勒紧裤带闹台独”的陈腐思想,摆明了要和民众福祉过不去。 高雄市观光协会理事长曾福兴表示,高雄观光业陆续受到国际金融风暴、“八八水灾”、甲流感等影响,加上受到达赖窜访的效应影响,已不能再承受更多冲击。大陆10月1日起有8天的黄金周,这事关8家观光旅馆、200多家一般旅馆、300多家旅行业者、游览车、餐厅、商场等员工的生计问题。他表示,如果是天灾就算了,现在是“人祸”! 东南快报 供稿 【来源:扬子晚报】 |
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