看了一篇帖子,写的很不错,转载如下: 如果我有一个女儿 如果我有一个女儿,我会让她的爸爸在她小时候多多地抱她,给她多多的温柔与宠爱,以免等她长大后,只是因为贪恋一个男人的怀抱而离不开他。 如果我有一个女儿,我不会在她青春期的时候,阻止她恋爱。我怎么忍心,怎么忍心让她错过也许是一生中惟一的一次刻骨铭心?那么,就拼着让我夜夜无眠,为她担忧吧。 如果我有一个女儿,我不会让她感觉过于贫穷,以免等她长大后,拿自己作价来卖钱;但我也不会让她感到过于富裕,因为,一个优越感过强的女孩是会让人感到不快的。 如果我有一个女儿,无论在她多小的时候,我都会给她足够的尊重,让她知道,自己的尊严是最重要的,胜 阅读全文>> |
旅行, 不必在乎目的地,在乎的是眼中的风景和看风景的心情…… Wuyuan County is located at the northeast of Jiangxi Province. Ziyang,in the county's central town, is 140 km away from Quzhou of Zhejiang to its east,180km from shangrao to its south,80km away from Jindezhen to its west and 114km away from Huangshan to its north;it is like a bright pearl embedded in the Huangshan-Wuyuan-Lushan golden tour line and is honoured as the "Most Beautiful Countyside in China" by the media at home and abroad. With an 81.5% tree cover of woods,Wuyuan is one of the sixteen most ecologically advanced agriculture counties is China.Like a large park the county is praised as the "Last shangri La". Wengong Hill,Yuanyan Lake (the Mandarin Duck Lake) and Linyan Cave are known as ecological wonders. There are also many well-preserved ancient villages like Jiangwan,likeng,Wangkou,Yan village,Six...阅读全文>> |
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