第五段:</SPAN>对于世界旅游业来说,这些数字是喜人的。它们表明,虽然旅游景点屡遭恐怖分子袭击,其中包括巴厘岛的爆炸事件,但并不意味着全世界都不能提供旅游的安全。</SPAN> 1</SPAN>译:</SPAN>This figure is very good for the world tourism, which indicate that although some sites was attacked by the terrorism like the Bali island Boom, this isn’t mean we could not find a travel sites where can provide enough safe.</SPAN> 专译:</SPAN>The numbers are good news to the world tourism industry</SPAN>, for they show that several major terrorist blows to tourist spots, among them the bombing in Bali, do not mean the entire world is unsafe for travel.</SPAN> 总结:</SPAN>1 the numbers are good news to the world tourism industry.</SPAN> </SPAN> 2 for they show that …</SPAN> </SPAN> 3</SPAN> the entire world</SPAN> 整个世界</SPAN> 第六段:</SPAN>中国旅游业在遭受非典的沉重打击之后,得以顺利复兴,亚洲也再次成为国际旅游业的活跃地区之一,去年旅游业总收入达到了</SPAN>4</SPAN>,</SPAN>730</SPAN>亿美元。</SPAN> 1</SPAN>译:</SPAN>China</SPAN>tourism industry has been recovering after the suffer from SARS, Asia has become the most popular area in the world again which tourism profit was 473000million in last year.</SPAN> 专译:</SPAN>After the hard blow dealt by the SARS epidemic</SPAN>, </SPAN> China’s tourism has undergone soomth recovery and Asia is again a dynamic region for the international travel industry with a total tourism revenue of $473 billion last year.</SPAN></SPAN> 总结:</SPAN>1</SPAN>、</SPAN>after the hard blow dealt by the SARS epidemic</SPAN> 随着非典的重大打击之后</SPAN> </SPAN> 2</SPAN>、</SPAN>China’s tourism</SPAN> 中国旅游业</SPAN> </SPAN> 3</SPAN>、</SPAN>soomth recovery</SPAN> 顺利的复兴</SPAN> </SPAN> 4</SPAN>、</SPAN>a dynamic region</SPAN> 热点地区</SPAN> 活跃地区</SPAN> </SPAN> 5</SPAN>、</SPAN>a total tourism revenue of…</SPAN> 旅游总收入达到</SPAN>…</SPAN> 第七段:</SPAN>中国反复重申,到中国旅游是安全的,中国已经为挟制非典再次爆发做了广泛的准备工作。</SPAN> 1</SPAN>译:</SPAN>China</SPAN>claimed that visit China is very safe and has already get enough ready to hold the SARS epidemic rehappen.</SPAN> 专译:</SPAN>China</SPAN> has said repeatedly that tourists are safe in China and that it has made comprehensive preparations for containing any new outbreak of SARS.</SPAN> </SPAN> 第八段:</SPAN>随着收入的增加,中国人逐渐成为了出境旅游的一支主力军。预计到</SPAN></SPAN>2020</SPAN>年</SPAN>,中国出境游客将达到</SPAN>1</SPAN>亿人次。</SPAN> 1</SPAN>译:</SPAN>Following Chinese people’s income rising, more and more Chinese people travel abroad and become a main power for the bound tourists. It is predicted that by 2020, the number of outbound tourists will achieve to 100millon.</SPAN> 专译:</SPAN>With growing incomes, Chinese are also become a major force as outbound travelers. Their numbers are expected to reach 100 million by 2020.</SPAN> 总结:</SPAN>1</SPAN> 随着收入的提高</SPAN> with growing incomes</SPAN> 注意</SPAN>income< 阅读全文>> |
李连杰加入新加坡籍就是不爱国吗?</STRONG> </STRONG></SPAN> 据法新社报道,好莱坞中国功夫明星李连杰被证实已经加入新加坡籍,并在新加坡市区购买了价值一千四百万美元的房产。该社记者试图联系新加坡移民局以确认此消息,移民局人员以遵守移民局的保密规定为由没有给答复。报道说,李连杰的“壹基金“在北京公司的工作人员拒绝对此作出回应。李连杰是继去年巩俐加之后的又一位入新加坡籍中国明星。(6月17日中新网) 李连杰加入新加坡籍的消息,让一些人再次热议起了爱国与不爱国的话题。实际上,一个人加入某个国籍和爱国有什么关系呢?身在海外或加入他国国籍者,一样能为国做贡献!爱国不爱国,不能以某种简单形式而衡量或论之。比如功夫明星李连杰,可以在海外弘扬和发扬我国的武术及功夫电影,使世界上更多的国家了解和喜爱我国武术及功夫电影。这难道不也是爱国行为,不是也为国做贡献么? 一个人加入他国,原因有很多种,比如工作、事业、婚姻等。每个人都希望自己生活幸福,每个人都在寻找适合自己幸福生活的地方。这是一个人的自由,他人又有什么可以非议的呢?更何况,加入他国国籍,并不等于忘 |
摄影机有扩大的效果,所以银幕上的美女生活里都是巴掌小脸,一张大脸上了镜头肯定不好看,于是大脸明星们应该很苦恼,不过现代的整容术这么发达,一个小小的削骨手术便可将大饼脸变成瓜子脸咯。 李冰冰 变化很明显了,磨腮下巴。她也不曾争辩过,因为实在没什么可辩的了。 这次整容实在很失败,尤其是那个下巴加得那么长,活生生地把圆下巴变成了狐狸下巴,活生生地把李冰冰变成另一个范冰冰。 黄奕 这个可一直拼命否认自己整容的。可是,你当观众是傻子啊?大饼脸变成锥子脸,乍一看象丑版FBB,再一看象低俗版巩俐,但总之就不象她自己了。原来:宽脸,方下巴。 现在:锥子脸,尖下巴 <img |
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