受博友Cherry 的诱惑我自己做了豆瓣鱼。鱼是朋友钓的。好吃的无法用文字形容。我放了豆瓣酱,辣椒酱,干辣椒末,生抽(两种),老抽,蒜瓣。好吃的我都舍不得多吃。才吃一条不到。其他留给老公到了尝尝鲜。他带女儿估计今晚到多伦多。住两晚后回家。我现在对他也不再有恨,有时觉得他也很辛苦很无奈。他至少是个工作狂人。以前也是麻将狂人。现在就不知道了。现在在一起少了。基本没机会吵架。我呢也学乖了,有不满意电话直接指出。不要憋屈自己。他也不主动吵架了。可能上年纪了,肝火没那么旺。 糯米饭和西红柿。来加拿大后我不喝汤,省事。现在也不爱炒蔬菜。基本黄瓜西红柿生吃。或喝鲜果汁。非常省事。面包也是比较爱吃的。估计再过段时间米饭都不吃了。改吃面包更加省事。 阅读全文>> |
Bryant,you make me really
know what should I do.</SPAN> First year in the university,I didn't do well in many things.</SPAN> Because I always think I have done them.</SPAN> I always think so long as I go to Spain next year,I will do a good job.</SPAN> But in fact,I am wrong,I am lack of a lot.</SPAN> My major spanish,it's really not easy.It's much more difficult than English.</SPAN> But I found that I really like it very much.Just as iI used to like English very very much.</SPAN> I hope I can speak everything only in spanish in my all daily life.</SPAN> Now,I am eager to learn it never better than recent time.</SPAN> I know only do I study Spanish hard and do well in it,can I make my dream come true.</SPAN> Even thongh I can't go to USA for my learning,I will keep on my belief.</SPAN> I'm sure I will go to L.A to watch your games someday.</SPAN> Because you ma...阅读全文>> |
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