I will be doing a multipart series on Chinese hooliganism in
football over the next week or so, these comments are coming from
what I've read in the press and experienced myself at a number of
different venues around China. I'm firmly of the
belief that unless something is done by the CFA and city
governments, there could be a major incident at a match in
China. Part 2 : When Things Go Pear Shaped Inside and Outside Stadiums In Part 1 I talked about the angry young men that tend to be the majority of supporters that attend football matches in China, in this part we'll focus on incidents that have occurred in the past. Away supporters is a new concept in China, while this season the police has been good at dealing with them, in the past there was little if any attention paid to the situation. Over the past 25 years of Jia A/CSL football, there have been incidents of fan violence at almost every venue around the country and the police is usually caught surprised by these situations and don't know how to deal with them. The typical incident in China occurs after the game as the crowd awaits the visiting side's (or supporters) bus and throws things at it. Incidents rarely go beyond that and damage is minimal except, perhaps, for the bus company. Incidents inside the stadium are rare, mainly due to the massive size of the venues most teams play their matches in and the comparably small number of fans who attend matches. With those numbers, even the most inept police knows when the home supporters are planning an "attack" on the visitors and the police and other security is usually more than enough to handle these matters. The problem arises when the police isn't planning on away supporters attending. While its easy to guess that a team like Shandong or Tianjin will bring a decent sized fan base to Gongti, the police wouldn't be so prepared if, say, Guangzhou does the same thing.* It was that unpreparedness that led to the incidents widely reported after the Qingdao-Henan match a month ago. When fans have the opportunity, they think nothing of beating the shit out of an opposing team's fans or taking "souveniers" of their "congquests" by stealing fans' scarves or jerseys. Since many Chinese stadiums are located in the center of cities, there is also the problem of traffic outside the venue, m 阅读全文>> |
炎热暑期如何制做凉拌黄瓜(七)</STRONG></STRONG> 拌青椒黄瓜凉菜</STRONG> </STRONG> 《图片来源于网上》 </STRONG> 原料: 黄瓜二斤五两 辣椒四个 精盐五钱 白糖三钱醋五钱 葱一钱 姜丝二钱酱油二钱椒油五钱 制法: 将黄瓜洗净去瓤,直刀切成三分宽、八分长的段;辣椒也直刀切成丝;黄瓜在开水中焯一下捞出控干,撒上盐拌匀盛盘。起锅把椒油加热,放上葱、姜、辣椒、酱油、醋、白糖等调好炝在黄瓜上即成。 特点: 色鲜味美,制作方便。 二〇〇九年七月二十四日 |
海南三亚旅游必备防骗费钱秘籍(09最新版) 2009-02-26 22:07 三亚游览防骗必备秘籍 三亚是一个很合适度假旅游的地方,可以过猪一样的幸祸生涯。大天然把最宜人的气象、最清爽的空气、最温煦的 阳光、最蔚蓝的淡水、最柔和的沙滩、最风情万种的美儿、最美味的海鲜……都赐夺了这座中邦最南真个海滨旅游城市。 吃在海南-三亚吃海鲜 三亚就是“看海、吃海、玩海”去三亚不要加入止路促的游览观光团,要干一个实倒的“自游人” 。快活船少 通过一番名地踩勘,联合前人总结的教训,顺便赶造了一份“自游人”适用指南,盛大向各位推出。要去的敌人筑议挨 印一份下来,随身携带以息参考。盼望能给你的高兴出行带来辅助。 一、动身前的预备 三亚的阳光很美,海滩也美,但人要美就得应用护肤品。SPF30以上防晒霜是必需装备的,晒后镇定建护含、保湿 喷雾、美文面膜等都可以带上。洗领液、护领荤也是必备的。淡水很伤头发的,酒店供给的比较优量。 到了三亚确定是要上海的,泳衣、游泳眼镜、耳塞都要预备赖。调换衣物、太阳伞、太阳帽、太阳眼镜、沙滩拖鞋 也要带上。 药物也要筹备一点。抗功敏药、感冒药、起泻药、行疼药、创 |
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