With her piano and magical voice and her unique sound Jonna Enckell is among few composers musicians today. Mixing classical sound using classical instruments, violins and pianos with modern sounds. With Siren On she creates a beautiful haunting soundscape using both classical influences and electronic sounds. Jonna Enckell is a singer, pianist, songwriter and producer. She started her musical career taking piano lessons at the age of six, studying classical music. She remembers her fascination with melodies and pianos early on. Something caught her parents attention and they introduced her to a piano, she remembers sitting for hours just playing with the piano keys shortly thereafter Jonna began to play and make her own music. Much changed during the years but one thing always remained, her piano. Throughout the years her piano and voice became her main expression. Siren On was formed in 2007. Jonna Enckell is currently working composing and producing music to various projects and working with various bands. As of 2008 she runs record company SILVER TREE RECORDS. Jonna Enckell's debut album "Siren On" was released April 2008. The second classical & electronic album "Piano Sparkling" is out May 2009! Jonna Enckell来自瑞典,是一个歌手,钢琴家,作曲家和音乐制作人,可谓多才多艺,美丽的声音搭配古典音乐元素,加上电子音乐的影响,这一切被共冶一炉,营造出一份缠绵而又难忘的时间。Evangeline选自她5月发表的最新专辑"Piano Sparkling"。------部分文字来源于音乐朋友耳朵里的海。 一首不可多得的好歌曲,胜过天籁。一个后劲十足的才女歌手。还是那句话:好久没有听到这么好听的歌曲了! 歌手更多音乐分享: Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/sirenon 阅读全文>> |
糖糖的小姨姥乃紧跟时尚的潮人一枚。三十大几的年纪,于外美丽依旧 手感很柔软,色泽很漂亮的夏季套装,可惜糖妈拍照水平有限,实物要美多了。 红色套装 麻豆登场!小螺号滴滴滴吹。。。 嘿嘿,有创意 认真研究玩具。。。身穿的这件小坎儿也是赠品哦 帅哥就是帅哥,再忙活也不忘记看镜头 层层叠,锻炼手眼协调。 这种对号入座的玩具糖糖有好几个,小姨姥这个的质量上乘颜色鲜艳,价格也非常合理,物超所值。同样是锻炼手眼协调和精细动作的发展。 这个用糖爷爷的话说是很热闹的一个玩具,功能超级多,齿轮,音乐,灯光,麦克风,手机,彩珠,镜子,模拟汽车,图片。。。顶上的灯会随着音乐闪动,宝宝正在悉心的研究呐! 彩珠很有魅力哦 沙锤也是糖糖的大爱,一拿在手里就挥个不停 红色T是小店的主打哦,很亮眼吧! 嘿嘿,看我帅吧 小鸭子会随着前进的方向摆动哦,还有好听的音乐伴奏。 玩的有多认真,看看我嘟着的小嘴和勾着的小脚豆儿就知道啦 红色套装的效果图 有兴趣的妈妈们可以到糖姨姥的小店逛逛,由于小店新开张不久,很多图片还没有发上去,有什么需要可以直接询问糖姨姥MM, 小店地址:http://shop57947149.taobao.com/?asker=wangwang 哈哈,糖妈妈言止于此吧,再说下去恐有广告嫌疑啦! |
去年暑假做公交志愿者才留意到公交车上的小锤子,说明“紧急情况下敲破玻璃”,可是也看到一些车上锤子已经不在了。当时也没想什么,觉得公交很安全,不会出现什么意外情况,哪知今天的9路公车自燃造成那么多鲜活生命的丧失!要是有锤子,多少也能挽救一些生命……情绪还没舒缓过来,又得知重庆山体塌方也死了很多人。生命,真的很脆弱…… |
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