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With her piano and magical voice and her unique sound Jonna Enckell is among few composers musicians today. Mixing classical sound using classical instruments, violins and pianos with modern sounds. With Siren On she creates a beautiful haunting soundscape using both classical influences and electronic sounds. Jonna Enckell is a singer, pianist, songwriter and producer. She started her musical career taking piano lessons at the age of six, studying classical music. She remembers her fascination with melodies and pianos early on. Something caught her parents attention and they introduced her to a piano, she remembers sitting for hours just playing with the piano keys shortly thereafter Jonna began to play and make her own music. Much changed during the years but one thing always remained, her piano. Throughout the years her piano and voice became her main expression. Siren On was formed in 2007. Jonna Enckel...阅读全文>> |
日常不良小习惯会成为损害美女健康的“杀手”,看似悄然无声,但日积月累,必然积重难返,使你美丽不再。 有了痘痘使劲挤</STRONG> 拥有一张光洁靓丽的脸是每个女孩子都梦寐以求的事,一旦脸上长了疖肿或痘痘,许多女孩子都喜欢去挤捏。其实,这样做比不挤捏对面部的损害更大,有时会造成炎症的扩散,形成大的疖肿或脓肿更难以消除。 浓妆艳抹显靓丽</STRONG> 有的女孩子喜欢“人不漂亮妆来补”,一天到晚都将自己的脸当做化妆品的“试验田”,日霜、晚霜、彩妆、隔离霜抹个不停,皮肤整天都没有休息的机会。皮肤的分泌和排泄功能受到严重影响,自然容易长痘、生斑。 毛巾搓脸图干净</STRONG> 许多女性特爱干净,洗脸时深恐洗不干净,于是,用毛巾使劲搓脸。但这样很容易引起皮肤的损伤,继而又引发细菌感染,这种情况在没有对毛巾进行消毒处理的情况下更容易发生。此外,使劲搓脸还容易使皮肤变得粗糙、干涩、松弛,并产生皱纹。 常去“死皮”显年轻</STRONG> 一些女孩子经常会到美容院里“去死皮”,其实所谓死皮是皮肤最外层的角质层,是皮肤对外界有效的防御保 |
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