GE, Sequoia on A123Systems and cleantech
Published October 16, 2009 at 5:59 AM
in 2001, when Sequoia
Capital participated in the Series A for
lithium-ion battery maker A123Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:AONE), the
investment marked the Silicon Valley venture capital firm's debut
into the cleantech category -- "only it wasn't even called
cleantech then," recalled Sequoia partner Michael Goguen at a media
forum on cleantech VC investing hosted by GE
Energy Financial Services at GE Global
Research, the company's research and technology development center
in Niskayuna, N.Y., earlier this week. A123Systems ultimately
raised $350 million before its successful initial public offering
last month. (The company will announce
earnings on Nov. 10, with a conference call
scheduled at 5:00 p.m. EST that day.) When asked to compare and contrast investing in cleantech versus traditional VC-backed categories, such as information technology, Goguen said that "the common elements in building a sustainable company include the right entrepreneurs and frugality, but there are some undeniable differences." "The customer base tends to be pretty difficult to sell into in the energy world," continued Goguen. "We found that unlike in the IT world or the enterprise software world, close cooperation with 'big brothers' were much more paramount here. Having the right partner was crucial." Enter GE, which began backing A123Systems in 2006 with its Series C when the battery maker's only customer was Black and Decker Corp. (NYSE:BDK), said Ric Fulop, a co-founder of the company, who spoke on another panel at the media forum. "Most VCs I've worked with don't really have the resources to dig into the technology and do the type of heavy-lifting research work at the molecule level that GE does," said Fulop. Since 2006, GE has invested $160 million in 20 private companies, a small but important part of the $4 billion GE has spent on alternative energy over that period, CEO of GE Energy Financial Services Alex Urquhart said at the media forum. "GE brings much more than money to the companies we back," he said, citing connections to GE companies and partners, the research and development center, and the abilities to "look at technology and assess it early on and collaborate along the way." The media forum was designed to showcase GE's considerable resources, which include impressive research and development labs in solar panels, nanotechnology and hybrid vehicles. GE also made news from the forum on Thursday, when it unveiled strategic investments in two venture capital-backed alternative energy startups, SolarEdge Technologies Inc., a Herzliya, Israel-based company that develops efficiency-boosting technology for solar panels and has raised a total of $34.8 million in VC funding since its founding in 2006, and Tendril Inc., a Boulder, Colo., startup that develops smart-grid technology to help utilities operate more efficiently and has raised $50 million since its inception in 2004. (The Deal Pipeline subscribers may read more about the investments here.) On future cleantech investments for Sequoia, Goguen says he's excited by "energy efficiency-related technologies in everything from chips to dramatic battery savings for hand-held devices to smart-grid-oriented technologies, and also fuel savings in areas including transportation, such as fossil fuel-driven vehicles." - Mary Kathleen Flynn from</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
羽毛球,一个心中小小的激动,令我为此奋斗了二十多年,这是羽毛球冠军张宁在夺得了2008年北京奥运会羽毛球女单冠军后说的话。 张宁,夺得了无数个冠军,中国羽毛球的骄傲,也是我最尊敬的人。今天应邀来到了我们北京体育大学博乐俱乐部,为我们的学员们讲解羽毛球的奥义,讲述了她过往的辛酸,讲述了她夺得无数冠军的经过,那一幕幕的画面仿佛真实的呈现在我们面前,大部分学员都被她感染了,斗志激昂,因为她的一句话:羽毛球的荣誉要你们来捍卫。 张宁的一席话使我找到了方向,羽毛球不仅仅只是一向体育运动,它更代表了我们国家体育事业的辉煌。北京体育大学,作为全国体育运动行业首府,国家投巨资为我们完善各项设施建设,我作为背景体育大学博乐俱乐部的总经理感到莫大的荣幸,这么一份艰巨而光荣的事业落在了我的肩上,使得我的心更加坚强,意志更加坚定。 作为国家运动事业首府,我们北京体育大学博乐培训俱乐部所有成员都将为着这份荣誉去付出,为国家培育出一代代捍卫国家荣誉的好儿女。我们也真诚的希望喜爱运动的同学和朋友们,一起加入我们的行列中来,一起为中国的体育事业发展而努力。 中国是一个体育大国,无数的奥运会冠军就在我们身边产生,他们一直在捍卫着国家的荣誉,而我们也一样可以像他们一样做到,父母期望儿女成长,羽毛球便是其中一个起点,羽毛球虽小,却是能够学到很多道理的。 |
2009年6月15日孙悦随洛杉矶湖人队获得了08/09赛季NBA总冠军,成为中国获此荣誉的第二人。(第一人是巴特尔,他当时在马刺队获得总冠军) 刚进奥神队时孙悦继续出任组织后卫,但是由于年龄和经验上的差距,他经常在比赛中出现失误,在球队进攻的组织环节也做得不甚理想。经过奥神队主帅的精心调教,以及队友的帮助,尤其当时奥神队的主教练是美国教练,孙悦的进步非常明显。此后,孙悦开始在征战CBA联赛的过程中崭露头角。 奥神队独特的篮球理念影响了孙悦的篮球思想,这为后来的尤纳斯相中他,将他招入中国国家队埋下了伏笔,孙悦的篮球之路也因此得到改变。 2005年10月, 美国篮球协会宣布,CBA联赛的北京奥神队在接下来的赛季正式加盟美国篮球联盟(ABA联赛),孙悦也随队征战ABA。 孙悦在ABA大放异彩,2005年11月14日,北京奥神进行了加入美国ABA联盟的首场常规赛,在加利福尼亚梅伍德的主场以122-120险胜弗雷斯诺热浪队取得开门红,孙悦处子之战就打了45分 |
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