In general, it was a very well approved match. Some might think him, and others might think her, the most in luck. One set might recommend their all removing to Donwell, and leaving Hartfield for the John Knightleys; and another might predict disagreements among their servants; but yet, upon the whole, there was no serious objection raised, except in one habitation, the Vicarage.--There, the surprize was not softened by any satisfaction. Mr. Elton cared little about it, compared with his wife; he only hoped "the young lady's pride would now be contented;" and supposed "she had always meant to catch Knightley if she could;" and, on the point of living at Hartfield, could daringly exclaim, "Rather he than I!"-- But Mrs. Elton was very much discomposed indeed.--"Poor Knightley! poor fellow!--sad business for him.--She was extremely concerned; for, though very eccentric, he had a thousand good qualities.-- How could he be so taken in?--Did not think him at all in love-- not in the least.--Poor Knightley!--There would be an end of all pleasant intercourse with him.--How happy he had been to come and dine with them whenever they asked him! But that would be all over now.-- Poor fellow!--No more exploring 阅读全文>> |
自从我担任每月收交本单元卫生费任务之后</SPAN>,</SPAN>算是和同单元的几个住户慢慢熟悉起来</SPAN>,</SPAN>可能是对我热心的回报</SPAN>,</SPAN>邻居们见了我都热情地打招呼</SPAN>,</SPAN>完全打破了以前面对面还不认识不说话的不良状况,我心里也为自己主动迈出这“吃亏”的一步而感到欣慰。</SPAN> 就这样过了几个月</SPAN>,</SPAN>有天晚上</SPAN>9</SPAN>点多了</SPAN>,</SPAN>老公值班去了</SPAN>,</SPAN>我和儿子正准备睡下</SPAN>,</SPAN>忽听到咚咚的敲门声</SPAN>.</SPAN>大半夜的我一听到这声音心里就猛一惊</SPAN>,</SPAN>好半天才问</SPAN>:”</SPAN>谁呀</SPAN>?”“</SPAN>我</SPAN>”,</SPAN>到底是谁呢</SPAN>?</SPAN>老公不在家</SPAN>,</SPAN>对面也没住人</SPAN>,</SPAN>我可不敢开门</SPAN>,</SPAN>就想赶快把他打发走</SPAN>,</SPAN>就说</SPAN>:”</SPAN>我们都睡了</SP...阅读全文>> |
[彩经网]晗莎197期福彩3D推荐:大数仍是重点 ! 【胆码方面】:综合近期观察,0路仍继续走强,1路回补态势非常强劲,本期仍是重点,2路继续保持平稳运行;本期0路重点看好9,防0、3;1路看好4,参考1;2路看好热码5,慎防8。本期主胆重点推荐:0、5、9,辅助胆码参考:3、4、6、8。 【奇偶方面】:从近期奇偶出号来看,偶数表现相当的强劲,奇数走势相对偏弱,预计两奇一偶是本期关注的重点;本期重点推荐:两奇一偶,看好奇偶奇。 【大小方面】:从近期大小出号来看,偏小组合占优势,预计本期两大一小仍是本期关注的重点,本期重点推荐:看好大大小。 【和值方面】:本期重点推荐12点、13点、14点、16点、17点、19点,本期重点看好:16点、17点、19点。 【跨度方面】:本期重点推荐跨2、跨4、跨5、跨6、跨9,本期重点推荐:跨5、跨9、跨6。 【冷号方面】:关注第一位的数字1473,第二位的数字50,第三位的数字2。 【组选复式方面】:本期推荐0345689,直选组合复式035689。 【本期直组大底53注】 005 035 045 055 056 058 059 006 036 046 066 068 069 009 039 049 089 099 038 338 348 358 368 388 389 345 445 455 456 458 459 346 446 466 468 469 349 449 489 499 356 556 566 568 569 359 559 589 599 369 669 689 699 个人观点,仅供参考,购买福彩,奉献爱心,少量多次,长期坚持,两元钱不会影响你的生活,可能改变你的一生,晗莎诚祝朋友们继续好运! 更多精准预测请登陆彩经网查看彩币文章</STRONG> ...阅读全文>> |
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