Invest more than billion in BYD Battery item expansion and plastic
October 26th, 14:27
Recently learned that BYD Auto and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in
Foshan Plastics Group Co., Ltd. joint venture expansion of
separator project, involving a total investment capital amount of
about 1.05 billion yuan. October 22, the Shenzhen A-share listed in Fosugufen issued a statement saying, and BYD, and is responsible for the Buddha's plastic lithium-ion battery separator business, management and technical staff to set up a joint venture, Foshan Jin-Hui, the construction of an annual capacity of 4,500 million square meters (about 542 tons) lithium-ion battery separator is expected the project put into production a year in new revenue and profit after tax were 229 million yuan and 6,250 million yuan. BYD joint venture with the Buddha plastic ASUS EEE PC 8G battery separator project This is the second investment in the last 50 billion in Huizhou, Guangdong built production base of electric vehicle batteries, the BYD in the new lineup in another investment in the energy sector initiatives. It is reported that BYD, Buddhist, and Buddha plastic plastic related management and technical personnel, will be accounted for 39.375%, Foshan Jin Hui, 48.125% and 12.5% stake, in addition to the Buddha Buddha plastic plastic will Sanshui Industrial Park, 45.3 acres of land plus cash investment, the other two shareholders are based on cash injections. In the new energy field, shot a lot this year, BYD, which it wants to compete for the world's pattern of development of new energy vehicles the right to speak about. Followed by 60 million acquisition of Hunan Hunan passenger cars, the success of the advantages of the new field of energy extends to the passenger area, to form a car-based, taking into account bus (large passenger vehicles), and micro-cars full of new energy vehicle development system, the 7 the end of BYD with Buffett's MidAmerican Energy completed the two sides entered into a strategic investment and the subscription agreement, Sino-US energy subscribed 225 million shares BYD new H shares, the transaction amount of 1.8 billion Hong Kong dollars, now, Buffett shares BYD the formal completion of the transaction. Then, a total investment of nearly 50 billion BYD electric vehicle battery production base in Huizhou in Guangdong completed, this base will assume the core technology BYD electric vehicle - iron battery production tasks, which means that BYD has been on the mass production of electric cars are well-prepared. BYD 5 billion to build a base in Huizhou-iron battery September 18, BYD electric vehicle battery production base in Huizhou in Guangdong announced the completion of this base will be responsible for core technology BYD electric vehicle - iron battery production tasks, BYD electric cars, mass production of an important meaning, its electric car industry chain has been further improved. BYD Huizhou Industrial Park business scope covers mobile phone parts and components, rechargeable batteries, auto parts three main areas, a total investment of nearly 5 billion yuan. A project covers an area of about 51 million square meters, in June 2006 to start construction in October 2007 began to put into operation. 2 project covers an area of 810,000 square meters, was started construction in September 2008, at present BYD electric vehicle battery production base in capital construction can be carried out large-scale production of Dell 312-0058 Battery. From</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
六月份就已知道这本书行将出版的消息,到昆明探营的老房,忍不住给我们介绍了一些书中的内容。老房我是要尊称为房老师的,之前日志也数次提及。谈到兴起处,老房频频许愿,那就是,等书出来,一定送我们一本袁指导亲笔签名的。 上周日带孩子去中关村图书大厦买小学生英语磁带,结账时在收款台看到此书,不管老房能否兑现诺言了,先买一本一睹为快吧。回到家里把与我们有关的那一章节仔细读了一遍。周一原来的老队员,在线上把腾讯网上的链接发来,同样是那一章节的内容,于是再次重读一遍。之后我问她,写得客观吗?她说:基本上是她们的原话,只是当时具体参加那次谈话的其他人记不甚清了。 七年半前的往事,当时只是一个小小的翻译,虽在村里数次见到袁指导,但那次事关我们队伍最重要的谈话,还轮不到我参加。但会议的效果,我是印象非常深刻。当时的领队,我多年的老领导,第二天忙得没吃上午饭,之后叫我一起出去找个餐厅添饱肚子,已是下午近三点。我们到了比赛场地附近的中餐馆,小莉饭店,先找服务员说要松花蛋,服务员说没有,后让服务员找餐厅老板,老板把自己私藏的拿出来。可口的松花蛋很重要,因为领导说了,昨天老袁出面的谈话效果非常好,谈完之后, |
八宝全鱼的做法具体先容-浙菜家常菜谱 菜系及功能:</STRONG>浙菜
补气食谱 延缓朽迈食谱 产后调理食谱 健脾开胃食谱 口味:</STRONG>咸鲜味 ,美食; 工艺:</STRONG>蒸八宝全鱼的制造资料:主料:</STRONG>大黄鱼600克 辅料:</STRONG>猪网油250克,火腿75克,菜谱,虾米25克浙菜特色浙菜简介,鸡胸脯肉25克,蛋糕50克,竹笋25克,香菇(鲜)25克浙菜的特色,豌豆25克 调料:</STRONG>大葱15克浙菜图片,姜10克,黄酒100克浙菜菜谱浙菜的代表菜,盐7克,味精2克,猪油(炼制)25克八宝全鱼的特点:此菜以多种配料嵌进鱼腹烹制,香味浓郁,原汁不走,肉质鲜嫩,汤清多味。教您八宝全鱼怎么做,如何做八宝全鱼才好吃 1. 将鱼往鳞、鳃、在鱼背两侧各剖1长刀天天饮食菜谱鱼做法浙菜代表,取出内脏和背脊骨(不能切断鱼腹)洗净; 2. 将火腿(50克)、香菇(15克)、竹笋、鸡脯肉、蛋糕(25克)均切成黄豆大小的丁; 3.炒锅放在旺火上,下熟猪油,烧至七成热,放进火腿丁、虾米、香菇丁、笋丁、鸡脯丁、豌豆、蛋糕丁、盐(5克)、味精(1克),略煸一下浙菜精选,待凉后嵌入鱼腹内; 4. 将猪网油摊开浙菜家常菜谱,将鱼包在里面,放在盘内,参加葱结、姜片,烹入黄酒,上笼用旺火蒸约半小时左右取出,往掉葱结、姜片,滗往卤汁,盛进腰盘; 5. 炒锅内放入肉清汤(200克),用旺火煮沸,参加盐(2克)、味精(1克)、火腿(25克)、香菇(10克)、蛋糕(25克),搅拌后起锅浇在鱼身上,再放上葱段即成。 小帖士-食品相克:</STRONG> 大黄鱼:黄鱼不能与中药荆芥同食;吃鱼前后忌喝茶;不宜与荞麦同食。 相关的美食blog: |
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