China's Bai Xue crosses the finish line to win the women's marathon at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin, capital of Germany, August 23, 2009. Bai Xue won the gold medal with a time of 2 hours 25 minutes and 15 seconds. China's Bai Xue (L) and Zhou Chunxiu celebrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate after the women's marathon at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin, capital of Germany, August 23, 2009. Bai Xue won the gold medal with a time of 2 hours 25 minutes and 15 seconds. Zhou Chunxiu won the fourth place. BERLIN, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- Bai Xue became the first Chinese to win a marathon race at the World Championships here on Sunday. The 20-year-old Bai pulled away from Japan's Yoshimi Ozaki in the last kilometer to finish the 42.195km race in two hours 25 minutes and 15 seconds. Ozaki took silver in 2:25:25 and Aselefech Mergia of Ethiopia finished third in 2:25:32. It was also the first gold medal for China in Berlin, taking its medal ta 阅读全文>> |
( 淘宝店铺《维力世界》,专业运动护具。淘宝旺旺ID:healthysports) 我们每日早晨起床之前,坚持做几个简单易行的动作,不但有助于使全天精力充沛,提高工作效率,而且有利于增强身体素质,促进身心健康和延年益寿。 搓脸:早晨睁开惺松睡眼之后,很多人习惯用手背揉揉眼皮,这对清醒头脑是有一定益处的。但这还不够,揉眼后不妨用手搓搓脸。最好先用双手中指同时揉擦两个鼻孔旁的"迎香穴"数次。然后上行搓到额头,再向两侧分开,沿两颊下行搓到颊尖汇合。如此反复搓脸20次,更有促进面部血液循环,增加面部肌肤抗风寒能力和醒脑预防感冒之功。天长日久,还有减少面部皱纹,永葆青春容颜之益。 转睛:运转眼珠,宜不急不躁地进行。可先左右、后上下,各转十多次眼珠。有提高视神经的灵活性、增强视力和减少眼疾之功。 叩齿:轻闭嘴唇、上下牙齿相叩击36次,间宜旋舌,以舌头舐动上颚数次。能促进口腔、牙齿、牙床和牙龈的血液循环,增强唾液的分泌,从而收到清除污垢,提高牙齿抗龋能力及咀嚼功能等作用。 挺腹:平卧、伸直双腿,作腹式深呼吸。深吸气时,腹部有力地向上挺起,呼气时松下。 |
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