With NBA salaries rising, players of the
"entertainment" activities are also more and more off the rails, on
the Union is also "strike hard", when marijuana and illicit drugs,
but Bu Zengxiang a new and dangerous signs of being jump up - to
carry firearms. Arenas had a gun regarding the alarming enough, but
a veteran NBA player has pointed out that the pistol like a cell
phone in the NBA, like no big deal, but the incident is only NBA
player Gilbert Arenas acts of armed tip of the iceberg. Arenas There are hundreds of gun possession Beijing yesterday, the U.S. media reports, Arenas because in the locker room is not in possession of four loaded guns and get into the police investigation, but for the entire collection of Arenas, the three guns may be fully considered nothing. According to informed sources, the Wizards All-Star guard was once held by several hundred sticks of firearms. Several sources claim that Arenas in the past few years, continuing to bring these guns back to their home in Virginia, but the collection of firearms, Arenas have a legal procedure. In particular, he is still not clear how much of firearms possession. It is understood that Arenas has to aspects of the investigating officers as well as the NBA shows the situation about his collection of firearms. More than 30 years ago, the gun casually with a A veteran NBA player Machang Man Barnes, in his era of players has worked in the effectiveness of the five teams, including one called "the Detroit mob" - of course, not real "thugs", but the Pistons . Barnes also recall that his Pistons teammates put his gun into the locker room as today's players, with a cell phone as an everyday affair. But that is the past more than 30 years ago, so that when Barnes heard the Arenas and teammates Keli Tan tons of dispute into more than one gun involved only when surprised. Barnes said: "I am very surprised, did not expect so many years after the NBA players are still not able to prohibit the guns into the arena, I thought this issue had already been resolved yet." Barnes said that in his days, the players gun primarily for self-defense and put NBA jerseys</STRONG></STRONG> when playing games, those guns would openly hung in the closet. Barnes is used to carry an automatic pistol and a revolver, his argument is that if it stuck the pistol, revolve 阅读全文>> |
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