How to choose the correct auto parts Spare parts for the automotive purchase is a very important thing, as we choose for themselves the right drugs, can not be careless, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable. Therefore, there are several points to note: 1, it was unclear parts of the specification model, have to look at the vehicle certification, instruction manual, the engine certificate, etc., as well as to look at the car plate, engine plate, vehicle model, the factory date, serial number and so on, select the same type to buy. Caution here that the same production plants close to model the engine parts are not necessarily universal. 2, buy accessories, they should make full use of generic, or that we can understand some of the title. Some buyers are often arbitrary to the auto parts named, the name does not use standardized parts, and therefore buy the wrong materials, such as some users to have six forward gear, 1 reverse gear transmission of the FAW produced is called 7-speed transmission, the 5 a forward gear, a reverse gear of the transmission is called six-speed transmission. If they are required to buy six-speed transmission (actually want to buy petrol CA1091 transmissio 阅读全文>> |
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最近略微的浏览了一下美国的一些体育网站,发现现在烂的一塌糊涂的篮网非常的招人待见,球迷人数不见少,专家们也对他们的前景相当的看好,其实想想这也是应该的。篮网难以被忽视,原因还是客观存在的,不是易黑易蜜能控制得了的。 首先是市场,虽然纽约和新泽西分属两州,但是两队主场距离却是很近,所以有德比之称!看看中国的CBA大家也可以略有了解,别说广东省就两只球队,就是再来上两支也一样球市火爆;或者以上海为中心,辐射江浙,就是一个县级市也可以养活一个球市。所以,纽约贵为全美第一球市,新泽西在他旁边想不沾光也难。虽然篮网整天吵吵着要搬往布鲁克林区,但是也是因为参照物市纽约才自觉寒酸,比比冰天雪地的密尔沃基和重建中的新奥尔良,已经不知道要好上多少了。所以,这种市场不可能不让人关注。 其次,是篮网已经有了建队基石。这人不是哈里斯,冥王不是个可以依托的主。基石是洛佩斯!想想近些年的冠军,奥尼尔、邓肯、双华莱士、加内特和加索尔,没有一个冠军能离开内线霸主,这是个不变的定律,除了飞人陛下谁也打不破。洛佩斯从目前的发展来看是完全可以成为统治级别的内线的,最次也要比老沃顿强(老兄已经是名人堂 |
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