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s of cobalt and nickel were scarcely acted upon at a dull red heat. The red oxide of iron was not affected at a strong red heat, whilst the black oxide was readily decomposed at a much lower temperature. Arsenical acid underwent no change at the greatest heat that could be given it in the glass retort, whilst the white oxide readily decomposed. In cases where oxygen was given off, it was found exactly the same in quantity as that which had been absorbed by the metal. Thus two grains of red oxide of mercury absorbed of a cubical inch of oxymuriatic gas, and afforded 0.oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale of oxygen. Two grains of dark olive oxide from calomel decomposed by potash, absorbed about -/j— of oxymuriatic gas, and afforded -tw °^ oxygen, and corrosive sublimate was produced in both cases. In the decomposition of the white oxide of zinc, oxygen was expelled exactly equal to half the volume of the oxymuriatic acid absorbed. In the case of the decomposition of the black oxide of iron, and the white oxide of arsenic, the changes that occurred were of a very beautiful kind; no oxygen was given off in either case, but butter of arsenic and arsenical acid formed in one instance, and the ferruginous sublimate and red oxide of iron in the other. General Conclusions and ObservalionSt illustrated by Experiments. Oxymuriatic gas combines with inflammable bodies, to form simple binary compounds; and in these cases, when it acts upon oxides, it either produces the expulsion of their oxygen, or causes it to enter into new combinations. If idiscount oakley sunglasses t be said that the oxygen arises from the decomposition ooakley sunglasses outlet f the oxymuriatic gas, and not fromoakley sunglasses sale the oxides, it may lie asked, why it is always the quantity contained in the oxide? and why in some cases, as those of the peroxides of potassium and sodium, it bears no relation to the quantity of gas? If there existed any acid matter in oxymuriatcheap oakley sunglasses ic gas combined with oxygen, it ought to be exhibited in the fluid compound of one proportion of phosphorus and two of oxymuriatic gas; for this, on such an assumption, should consist of muriatic acid (on the old hypothesis, free from water) and phosphorous acid; but this substance has no effect on litmus paper, and does not act under common circumstances on fixed alkaline bases, such as dry lime or magnesia. Oxymuriatic gas, like oxygen, must be combined in large quantity with peculiar inflammable matter, to form acid matter. In its union with hydrogen, it instantly reddens the driest litmus paper, though a gaseous body. Contrary to acids, it expels oxygen from protoxides, and comoakley sunglasses cheap bines with peroxides. When potassi um is burnt in oxymuriatic gas, a dry compound is obtained. If potassium combined with oxygen is employed, the whole of the oxygen is expelled, and the same compound formed. It is contrary to sound logic to say, that this exact quantity of oxygen is given off from a body not known to be compound, when we are certain of its existence in another; and all the cases are parallel. Scheele explained the bleaching powers of the oxymuriatic gas, by supposing that it destroyed colours by combining with phlogiston. Berthollet considered it as acting by supplying oxygen. He made an experiment, which seems to prove that the pure gas is incapable of altering vegetable colours, and that its operation in bleaching depends entirely upon its property of decomposing water, and liberating its oxygen. He filled a glass globe, containing dry powdered muriate of lime, with oxymuriatic gas. He introduced some dry paper tinged with litmus that had been just heated, into another globe containing dry muriate of lime: after some time this globe was exhausted, and then connected with the globe containing the oxymuriatic gas, and, by an appropriate set of stopcocks, the paper was exposed to the action of the gas. No change of colour took place, and after two days there was scarcely a perceptible alteration. Some similar paper dried, introduced into gas that had not been exposed to muriate of lime, was instantly rendered white. It is generally stated in chemical books, that oxymuriatic gas is capable of being condensed and crystallized at a low temperature.
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by several experiments that this is not the case. Hie solution of oxymuriatic gas in water freezes more readily than pure water, but the pure gas dried by muriate of lime undergoes no change whatever at a temperature of oakley sunglasses sale 0 below 0° of Fahrenheit. The mistake seems to have arisen from the exposure of the gas to cold in bottles containing moisture. He attempted to decompose boracic and phosphoric acids by oxymuriatic gas, but without success; from which it seems probable, that the attractions of boracium and phosphorus for oxygen are stronger than for oxymuriatic gas. And from the experiments already detailed, iron and arsenic are analogous in this respect, and probably some other metals. Potassium, sodium, calcium, strontium, barium, zinc, mercury, tin, lead, and probably silver, antimony, and gold, seem to have a stronger attraction for oxymuriatic gas than for oxygen. "To call a body which is not known to contain oxygen, and which cannot contain muriatic acid, oxymuriatic acid, is contrary to the principles of that nomenclature in which it is adopted; and an alteration of it seems necessary to assist the progress of discussion, and to diffuse just ideas on the subject. If the great discoverer of this substance had signified it by any simple name, it would have been proper to have recurred to it; but dephlogisticated marine acid is a term which can hardly be adopted i n the present advanced era of the science. "After consulting some of the most eminent chemical philosophers in this country, it has been judgediscount oakley sunglasses d most proper to suggest a name founded upon one of its obvious and characteristic properties—its colour, and to call it chlorine or chloric gas. "Should it hereafter be discovered to be compound, and even to contain oxygen, this name can imply no error, and cannot necessarily require a change. "Most of the salts which have been called muriates, are not known to contain any muriatic acicheap oakley sunglasses d, or any oxygen. Thus Libavius's liquor, though converted into a muriate by water, contains only tin and oxymuriatic gas, and horn-silver seems incapable of being converted into a true muriate."—Bale. Lec. oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale . We shall now exhibit a summary view of the preparation and properties of chloakley sunglasses sale orine. Mix in a mortar oakley sunglasses sale parts of common salt and oakley sunglasses sale of black oxide of manganese. Introduce them into a glass retort, and add oakley sunglasses sale parts of sulphuric acid. Gas will issue, which must be collected in the water-pneumatic trough. A gentle heat will favour its extrication. In practice, the above pasty-consistenced mixture is apt to boil over into the. neck. A mixture of liquid muriatic acid and manganese is therefore more convenient for the production of chlorine. A very slight heat is adequate to its expulsion from the retort. Instead of manganese, red oxide of mercury, or puce-coloured oxide of lead, may be employed. This gas, as we have already remarked, is of a oakley sunglasses cheap greenish-yellow colour, easily recognized by day-light, but scarcely distinguishable by that of candles. Its odour and taste are disagreeable, strong, and so characteristic, that it is impossible to mistake it for any other gas. When we breathe it, even much diluted with air, it occasions a soakley sunglasses outlet ense of strangulation, constriction of the thorax, and a copious discharge from the nostrils. If respired in larger quantity, it excites violent coughing, with spitting of blood, and would speedily destroy the individual, amid violent distress. Its specific gravity is oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale . This is better inferred from the specific gravities of hydrogen and muriatic acid gases, than from the direct weight of chlorine, from the impossibility of confining it over mercury. One volume of hydrogen, added to one of chlorine, form two of the acid gas. Hence, if from twice the specific gravity of muriatic gas '= oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale , we subtract that of hydrogen = 0.0oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale ', the difference oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale is the specific gravity of chlorine. oakley sunglasses sale 00 cubic inches at mean pressure and temperature weigh oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale £ grains. See Gas.
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urs massive and disseminated. Internally splendent. Resino-vitreous. Distinct cleavage of oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale ° oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale '. Fracture conchoidal. Greenish-black variety; translucent on the edges, velvet-black, opaque. Occurs in the Saualpe in Carinthia, in a bed in primitive rock, associated with quartz, kyanite, garnet, and zoisite.—Jtimcsoii. CARMINE. A red pigment prepared from cochineal. See Lake. CARNELIAN is a sub-species of calcedony. Its colours are white, yellow, brown, and red. It has a conchoidal fracture, and a specific gravity of oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale . It is semitransparent, and has a glistening lustre. It consists of oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale silica, oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale alumina, and 0.oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oxide of iron. The finest specimens come from Cambay and Surat in India. It is found in the channels of torrents in Hindostan, in nodules of a blackish-olive passing into grey. After exposure for some weeks to the sun, these are subjected to heat in earthen pots, whence proceed the lively colours for which they are valued in jewellery. It is softer than common calcedony. CAROMEL. The smell exhaled by sugar, at a calcining heat. CARPHOLITE. This mineral is yellow, but sometimes colourless. It occurs in minute crystals, generally in a radiating form; also amorphous. In this state it is white. Sp. grav. oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale . It consists of silica oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale , alumina oakley sungdiscount oakley sunglasses lasses sale oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale , oxide of manganese oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses saloakley sunglasses sale e .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale , protoxide of i ron oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale , water ocheap oakley sunglasses akley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale . It fuses at the blowpipe with intumescence, whitens, oakley sunglasses cheap and then becomes a brown opaque glass. It is found at Schlackenwalde in Bohemia.—Philips'* Mirwralugy. CARTHAMUS, SAFFLOWER, or BASTARD SAFFRON. In some of the deep reddish, yellow, or orange-coloured flowers, the yellow matter seems to be of the same kind with that of the pure yellow flowers; but the red to be of a different kind from the pure red ones. Watery menstrua take up only the yellow, and leave the red, which may afterward be extracted by alcohol, or by a weak solution of alkali. Such paroakley sunglasses outlet icularly are the saffron-coloured flowers of carthamus. These, after the yellow matter has been extracted by water, are said to give a tincture to ley; from which, on standing at rest for some time, a deep red fecula subsides called safflower, and from the countries whence it is commonly brought to us, Spanish red and China lake. This pigment impregnates alcohol with a beautiful red tincture, but communicates no colour to water. Rouge is prepared from carthamus. For this purpose the red colour is extracted by a solution of the subcarbonate of soda, and precipitated by lemon juice previously depurated by standing. This precipitate is dried on earthen plates, mixed with talc or French chalk, reduced to a powder by means of the leaves of shave-grass, triturated with it till they are both very fine, and then silted. The fineness of the powder and proportion of the precipitate constitute the difference between the finer and cheaper rouge. It is likewise spread very thin on saucers, and sold in this state for dyeing. Carthamus is used for dyeing silk of a poppy, cherry, rose, or bright orange-red. After the yellow matter is extracted as above, and the cakes opened, it is put into a deal trough, and sprinkled at different times with pearl ashes, or rather soda, well powdered and sifted, in the proportion of six pounds to a hundred, mixing the alkali well as it is put in. The alkali should be saturated with carbonic acid. The carthamus is then put on a cloth in a trough with a grated bottom, placed on a larger trough, and cold water poured on till the larger trough is filled. And tliis is repeated, with the addition of a little more alkali toward the end, till the carthamus is exhausted and become yellow. Lemon juice is then poured into the bath, till it is turned of a fine cherry colour, and after it is well stirred, the silk is immersed in it. The silk is wrung, drained, and passed through fresh baths, washing and drying after every operation, till it is of a proper colour; when it is brightened in hot water and lemon juice. For a poppy or fire colour a slight annotto ground is first given; but the silk should not be alumed. For a pale carnation, a little soap should be put into the bath.
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