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urs massive and disseminated. Internally splendent. Resino-vitreous. Distinct cleavage of oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale ° oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale '. Fracture conchoidal. Greenish-black variety; translucent on the edges, velvet-black, opaque. Occurs in the Saualpe in Carinthia, in a bed in primitive rock, associated with quartz, kyanite, garnet, and zoisite.—Jtimcsoii. CARMINE. A red pigment prepared from cochineal. See Lake. CARNELIAN is a sub-species of calcedony. Its colours are white, yellow, brown, and red. It has a conchoidal fracture, and a specific gravity of oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale . It is semitransparent, and has a glistening lustre. It consists of oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale silica, oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale alumina, and 0.oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oxide of iron. The finest specimens come from Cambay and Surat in India. It is found in the channels of torrents in Hindostan, in nodules of a blackish-olive passing into grey. After exposure for some weeks to the sun, these are subjected to heat in earthen pots, whence proceed the lively colours for which they are valued in jewellery. It is softer than common calcedony. CAROMEL. The smell exhaled by sugar, at a calcining heat. CARPHOLITE. This mineral is yellow, but sometimes colourless. It occurs in minute crystals, generally in a radiating form; also amorphous. In this state it is white. Sp. grav. oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale . It consists of silica oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale .oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale , alumina oakley sung
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s of cobalt and nickel were scarcely acted upon at a dull red heat. The red oxide of iron was not affected at a strong red heat, whilst the black oxide was readily decomposed at a much lower temperature. Arsenical acid underwent no change at the greatest heat that could be given it in the glass retort, whilst the white oxide readily decomposed. In cases where oxygen was given off, it was found exactly the same in quantity as that which had been absorbed by the metal. Thus two grains of red oxide of mercury absorbed of a cubical inch of oxymuriatic gas, and afforded 0.oakley sunglasses sale oakley sunglasses sale of oxygen. Two grains of dark olive oxide from calomel decomposed by potash, absorbed about -/j— of oxymuriatic gas, and afforded -tw °^ oxygen, and corrosive sublimate was produced in both cases. In the decomposition of the white oxide of zinc, oxygen was expelled exactly equal to half the volume of the oxymuriatic acid absorbed. In the case of the decomposition of the black oxide of iron, and the white oxide of arsenic, the changes that occurred were of a very beautiful kind; no oxygen was given off in either case, but butter of arsenic and arsenical acid formed in one instance, and the ferruginous sublimate and red oxide of iron in the other. General Conclusions and ObservalionSt illustrated by Experiments. Oxymuriatic gas combines with inflammable bodies, to form simple binary compounds; and in these cases, when it acts upon oxides, it either produces the expulsion of their oxygen, or causes it to enter into new combinations. If i
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