第一次做的蛋挞,呵呵。蛋挞皮子擀破了,黄油漏了很多,哝,烤出来居然还说得过去。外形虽不是很好看,味道比较不错。![]() ![]() 阅读全文>> |
![]() 目前,警方</SPAN>正对此事进行调查,6名伤者都无生命危险。 送餐小工惊魂</STRONG> 两车追尾 奔驰司机见人就刺</STRONG> 昨日下午近1时,记者赶到现场时,追尾的奔驰车和宝马车还停在现场,大量民警在现场取证,并设置了警戒线。车祸发生在机场高速高架桥下的火车南站西路。奔驰车车型</SPAN>为ML350,车牌号为川A6D008,车头右部紧“咬”着前面那辆宝马车,宝马车型为X6,车牌号为川A00D01。奔驰车车身后不远处的人行横道上,还斜躺着一辆电动车,车筐后打包的饭菜、汤汁流了出来。电动车旁,还有一摊血迹。撞车现场旁的慢车道、人行道和路边工地外、路边川菜馆前的电杆下以 |
Wedding ceremony speech tips and ideas for
speech topics. Although many people traditionally think of wedding
speeches occurring at the reception, in some cases you may be
called upon to give a speech during the official ceremony as well.
Here are some specific public speaking tips to help you with
writing and presenting a talk in local town hall or
church: Tip # 1</STRONG> - Keep it Appropriate When you're asked to actually say a few words at the wedding ceremony, you definitely need to keep it appropriate for the occasion. Remember, this is not the light, party atmosphere of the reception. There's a good chance you'll be in a church as well. So, keep the text you write appropriate. Don't use words that would not be fitting for a solemn day, and definitely save the funny stories for later. Tip # 2</STRONG> - Make it Genuinely from the Heart If you're speaking at an official serious occasion - and weddings do have serious and parts - you'l...阅读全文>> |
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