I woke up at the half past five in the
moring......</STRONG>and then rushed to the kitchen
to implement my plan i made
yesterday....</STRONG>Every things were done
perfectly......</STRONG> </STRONG> 芝士萨拉虾</STRONG> </STRONG> 意式沙拉</STRONG> </STRONG> TUNA 手卷</STRONG> </STRONG> 海带鸡汤</STRONG> </STRONG> 鳗鱼寿司</STRONG> </STRONG> </STRONG> In a word ,Happy everyday with my best wish....</STRONG> Love u forever.</STRONG> How can he give us such a tedious topic........</STRONG> To hand up my essay.......</STRONG> The invention of the Internet has had negative effects on civilization. I think it depends on people's perspective. They can make it harmful or useful, but in my opinion, it is more useful than harmful.</STRONG> First of all, the Internet is very essential in our daily life. It helps up send and receive electronic mails. It lets us get to communicate each other easily. In addition , there are many kinds of works can not be done very well without the Internet. Such as International bussiness, distance education, design task and so on...</STRONG> In the second place, the Internet is indeed useful source for everyone. It is a complex environment. You can find a lot of informations and learn many things , and also you can spend your free time playing games or surfing on the internet. I believe that most of all the people need to use it .</STRONG> Finally, the Internet brings us to a highly technical life. For example , you can buy any things you want on the internet marketing,even you can bargin or make the extra requests with the merchantors . Besides it , you can note your things happened every day on it , that is blog.I have been keeping a diary ever since I constructed my own blog few days ago, and updating it almost every day. Furthermore, I've uploaded some pictures taken by myself, and added what I thought interesting and valuable to my blog..</STRONG> As far as I concerned, it is a dead certainty that the invention of the Internet has had positive effects on civilization.</STRONG> 阅读全文>> |
我都快生了 老公竟然还带情人去旅游 主持人:小舟本期做客:从林(化名),女,33岁,职员 我和老公结婚6年了,有个5岁的女儿。就在前一段时间,我发现老公有了外遇。他提出离婚,我不同意。他坚持要离,已经去法院起诉,然后不再回家。虽然我们还没有正式离婚,但到目前已经分居很久,他准备再次到法院起诉。现在,我很痛苦,也很愤怒,什么也做不下去,天天被一种坏情绪缠绕着,有种接近崩溃的感觉,不知道以后的路该如何走下去,不知道我们的婚姻还有没有救。 我和老公谈了4年恋爱才走进婚姻。结婚时,婆家没给我们买房子,而是花了30多万元给我们买了一部车。公公的理由是,老公做生意需要一部商务轿车,既提高身价,生活上也用着方便。其实我是希望买房子的,如果买了房子我们可以自己住,而现在只能跟公婆一起住,没有自己的空间。 刚结婚时,我们一家人相处得很好,我把公婆当父母,他们也把我当女儿对待。那时,我和老公的关系还不错,只是老公是独生子,很喜欢无拘无束的生活,他的事不愿让我过问。 我知道老公的脾气,所以对他的事我从不过多地参与。我比老公大3岁,都是我 |
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