五月的阳台,也是最热闹的时候。晨起,常常去阳台上看看我的草木们 阅读全文>> |
<STRONG>好消息北京三星汽修学校</SPAN>09</SPAN>年优惠活动开始了为庆祝</SPAN>09</SPAN>年新春佳节之际</SPAN>,</SPAN>我校北京三星汽修学校特举行此优惠活动凡是在四月份之前入学的学员均可优惠学费</SPAN>1000</SPAN>元并赠送</SPAN>300</SPAN>元的餐费和报销往返路费活动</SPAN>,</SPAN>名额有限望广大汽修爱好者踊跃报名</SPAN></STRONG><STRONG>! </SPAN>全国免费咨询电话</SPAN>:4008--116—114</SPAN></STRONG> <STRONG></SPAN></STRONG> </SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> |
1、五十歩百歩 /五十步笑百步 ● 50 steps or 100 steps ○ There is no difference to speak of. 2、どんぐりの背比べ /半斤八两 ● Comparing the height of acorns. ○ There is little to choose among them. 3、郷に入っては郷に従え /入乡随俗 ● Obey the customs of the village you enter. ○ When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 4、出る杭は打たれる /树大招风 ● A protruding stake will be pounded down. ○ A tall tree catches much wind. 5、二度あることは三度ある /一而再再而三 ● What happens twice happens thrice. ○ What happens twice will happen thrice. 6、一石二鳥 /一石二鸟 ● One stone, two birds. ○ To kill two birds with one stone. 7、好きこそものの上手なれ /兴趣是最好的老师 ● To do well at something you like. ○ We tend to be good at those things we like. 8、案ずるより産むが易し / 恐惧比危险本身更可怕 ● Giving birth is easier than the fear of it. ○ Fear is greate |
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