Xiamen[/B] Gulangyu Rugby
Saturday 9th May 2009[/B]
Xiamen[/B] Typhoons RFC[/B] The Typhoons were officially formed in January 2009 from a group of enthusiasts who had been playing touch rugby together for several years and finally decided to get their act together. Their aim was to build on a series of hugely successful pub crawls and beach parties organised in 2008, and to finally arrange an actual rugby fixture. This gave rise to the inaugural Xiamen Gulangyu Rugby Tens, to be held on Saturday 9th May, which will see the Typhoons take on the might of the Shanghai Hairy Crabs, the Guangzhou Rams, and the Valley Griffins of Hong Kong. The Typhoons consist of over twenty different nationalities. Many have never played rugby before, but all have been brought together by a common need to do some exercise between drinking sessions. 厦门台风队简介[/B][/B] 台风队于2009年1月正式组队。该队由一群多年来一直热衷于橄榄球赛的爱好者共同组建而成。对橄榄球的爱好,使他们相聚于此;2008年一系列成功的酒吧和沙滩聚会,使他们情谊渐浓;爱好与情谊升华为美好的理念,并促成了今年5月9日(星期六)即将举行的厦门鼓浪屿橄榄球赛。届时,台风队将与上海的大毛蟹队,广州的羊城队以及香港的跑马队一较高低。台风队的队员来自20多个不同的国家,有些队员之前并没有接触过橄榄球,但是大家有共同的期待 — 那就是在享受美酒与休闲时光前尽情沐浴于运动之中。 The People’s Stadium [/B] What is now known as the People’s Stadium of Gulangyu was built in 1898 by the Ying Hua School, which was founded in February of that year by an English missionary. The pitch was used predominantly by the school football team andGulangyu-based expatriates until 1940 when it was opened up for wider use. The Chinese Football Association has formally recognised the People’s Stadium of Gulangyu as the earliest documented official football pitch in modern China. 9th May 2009 is therefore a historical occasion, as we seize this opportunity to right the wrongs of 111 years of history by showing them how to pick up the ball and run with it. 人民体育馆[/B][/B] 据悉,鼓浪屿人民体育馆由英华学校的一位传教士于1898年2月份建立。该球场主要用于供学校足球队和鼓浪屿侨民运动,直到1940年它才向大众开放。中国足球协会认可该体育馆是现代中国最早的有文件记载的正式足球场。今年的5月9日是重要的历史时刻,我们将在这一时刻向111年来的历史烙印展示与传承橄榄球的魅力与独特。 Gulangyu[/B] Island[/B][/B] The island of Gulangyu became a foreign enclave with the signing of the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. Much of the architecture on the island is European and dates from the late 1800’s thru’ 1930’s. Most of the consulate staff, expatriate business community and wealthy local families who resided on Gulangyu in the early twentieth century fled overseas during the 1930’s and 1940’s, abandoning their grand European-style mansions. It is these grand old decaying mansions which give the island of Gulangyu the peaceful colonial charm which we will be disturbing on 9th May. The Gulangyu authorities have been extremely supportive and enthusiastic about staging a rugby tournament on Gulangyu, perhaps because they understand that watching a bunch of crazy foreigners smashing into each other violently and drinking excessively fits nicely with the colonial heritage and history of Gulangyu. We thank them sincerely for their support. 鼓浪屿[/B][/B] 随着1842年《南京条约》的签订鼓浪屿成为外国殖民地。大多数岛上的建筑都属于19世纪晚期到20世纪30年代的欧洲风格。20世纪初,住在岛上的许多领事馆工作人员,移民商团,以及当地富裕的家庭都移居到国外,放弃了他们在岛上的大欧式官邸。但正是这些宽敞而古典的建筑赋予了这个岛屿安宁的异国魅力色彩,而这次将于5月9日举行的比赛必将打破这份宁静。鼓浪屿相关管理部门对此次即将举行的橄榄球赛给予很大 阅读全文>> |
2005年4月11日至15日,法国嘎纳国际电视节(简称MIPTV)在嘎纳小城如期举行。期间,笔者有幸以会展机构参展代表的身份对其进行观摩考察,切身感受到了影视会展经济已成为嘎纳经济、文化甚至政治活动的重要组成部分,对中国举办类似影视音像会展活动具有十分重要的借鉴意义。 会展活动全面带动嘎纳经济 嘎纳与尼斯、摩纳哥并称为南欧三大旅游胜地,每年都有来自世界各地的富商巨贾在此休闲度假,但真正使嘎纳小城在国际上享有盛名的,远不止地中海北岸的蔚蓝大海、金色沙滩和纯净阳光,独具特色的影视会展活动也扮演了重要角色,为嘎纳美妙的自然风光增添了迷人的人文风采。除了MIPTV以外,目前在嘎纳举办的会展活动还包括嘎纳国际唱片节、嘎纳电视节纪录片展(MIPDOC)、嘎纳国际电影节、移动及宽带互动内容展(MILIA)以及秋季举办的嘎纳国际影视节目交易展(MIPCOM),为我们所熟知的香港艺人梁朝伟就曾凭借其在《花样年华》中的出色表现在嘎纳电影节荣膺影帝称号。 会展活动每年为嘎纳带来大量财富。其中,作为全球最具影响力的国际电视节目市场之一,仅MIPTV每年就要吸引来自数十个国家的上万名影视音像专业人士。据统计,2004年MIPTV及MILIA举办期间, |
现实——搞笑版(2009-04-24 23:14:26)</SPAN>
搞笑版 社会现象 感叹 杂谈
今晚一上网,QQ群里突然看到一则搞笑消息,当时觉得很好笑,但笑过后,又留下一些思索,觉得与现实社会的一些令人堪忧的现象很吻合。的确,就拿平时电脑里出现最多的脑白金来说,我也是最讨厌的,特别是看到那二个木偶老人跳还跳去的画面,真让人恶心。 在社会的进步的同时,也给一些别有用心的人钻了改革的空子,不顾什么社会道德,人的良心,什么药品、奶粉、食品添加剂都可以做假等等,这些人为了钱,什么都可以不顾了,真人让人寒心啊!还有一些政干部,于国家法律法规不顾,利用手中的权利,做一些有损于国家、人民和自身形象的事。很多老百姓是看在眼里,恨在心里。如在饭店吃饭,打白条是常事。老板又敢怎样?敢怒不敢言啊!诸如此类还有很多、很多......。 人生, 让房贷给废了 一手字,让键盘给废了 电视剧,让广告给废了 广告, 让脑白金给废了 羊肉, 让瘦肉精给废了 英雄, 让美人给废了 女孩, 让大款给废了 帅哥, 让富婆给废了 干部, 让人民币给废了 医德, 让医药代表给废了 书信, 让电话给废了 饭店, 让政府签单给废了 国足, 让足协给废了 运动员,让兴奋剂给废了 生命, 让医疗费给废了 胃, 让酒给废了 肺, 让香烟给废了 学生, 让网络给废了 儿子, 让媳妇给废了 农民, 让欠薪给废了 法律, 让法院给废了 睡眠, 让夜总会给废了 景点, 让黄金周给废了 小孩, 让三鹿给废了 一个群,让不说话的给废了。 |
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