The Female-use Evergreen hair regenerator is made up of the extracts of more than ten Chinese medicinal herbs
meticulously chosen from among hundreds of the special native products
of the Yunnan Province. These herbs are subjected to a biological
extraction process to yield the ingredients of this version of
Evergreen which is suitable for female use. It has a superb therapeutic
effect for curing female hair loss without any disagreeable side effect
on the skin and endows hair with the luster, elasticity and luxuriance that every female will be proud of. The Evergreen hair regenerator contains a number of biologically active constituents which promote circulation in very small blood vessels and improve the physiological functions of the mucous membranes. They are aimed direct at those parts of the top of the head where pathological changes are taking place and perform the functions of cleaning, repairing, nourishing and reviving all the structures and organs connected with the hair follicles, thereby making it possible for the hair follicles to participate in the life cycle of the organism again and absorb on their own the needed nutrients from the surrounding scale with the result that proper regulation of the environment of growth of the hair follicles is assured. Oral administration of traditional Chinese medicines may be given for improvement of the patient’s constitution if deemed necessary. For the effect so far achieved of reviving debilitated hair follicles, Evergreen hair regenerator has won the reputation of "the Chinese wonderful regenerator of hair growth". Our female customer does not need to depend on Evergreen hair regenerator long. It will take her only one month or three months at most to see her beautiful hair growing gracefully again. Main ingredients of Evergreen hair regenerator (Female use): (Extracts of) Root of membranous milk vetch, Fruit of Chinese wolfberry, Chinese angelica, Tuber of multiflower knotweed, Ginseng. Caution:For external application only. Only to be sprayed on the scalp.If it is frequently sprayed through negligence on any other part of body,it will tend to make that part hairy. Evergreen hair growth treatment Evergreen female hair loss treatment for new hair growth |
从愚笨害羞的青葱岁月,到焦虑不安的落寞晚景,男人走过一个个阶段。然而,似乎他们的一生都在进行着释放性欲和控制性欲的战争。你了解吗? 失控期(18岁以前) 男人对性事的关注是从青春期到来后开始的。身体的那一部分在冬眠多年以后,终于无法阻止地复苏了。痛苦的是,无论什么时间什么地点,它都可能突然勃起。这种情况甚至发生在衣衫单薄的夏天,被老师喊到讲台上面向同学们背课文的时刻。它似乎越来越难以驾驭了。有些男孩子学生时代光芒四射,进入社会则更显成功,其中很重要的原因就是他们恰当地控制了自己的本能。但这谈何容易!随着发育的日益健全,他会时常幻想一个异性和自己亲热,她是谁和漂亮与否的问题倒在其次。 炽烈期(18—28岁) 男人的情绪开始慢慢地稳定下来。性已不是唯一,还有感情和事业,且这些方面都可能出些成绩。假如男人到了这个阶段还不思进取,那他这辈子将一事无成。但他暂时还不够强大,想证明自己的愿望十分强烈,在乎拥有远多于在乎适合。追女孩子的时候,他通常会诚恳地说:“我爱你,真的,一生一世……”然而,女人们往往难以承受他们的炽烈而至无疾而终。这一阶段也是男人对女人进行长足了解的时期。 迷人期(29—38岁) 经过多年的风风雨雨,他已经变得十分稳重,举止优雅得体,善于控制自己的情绪,更重要的是他已经拥有了自己的事业。他满怀自信,同时又知道性爱是两个人的事,如果遭到拒绝,也不会像以前伤心难过。他能够举重若轻地面对一切,因为对他来说,女性早已不是神秘的。他对性的渴望很大一部分已让位于和伴侣的互相扶持。他能够欣赏女人的魅力,也能使自己的魅力让女人感受到;他不会让女人尴尬,也不会让自己尴尬。他会在很平静的状态下,激起女人心里的波澜。 守成期(39—55岁) 一个让人恐惧的现实摆在面前:性欲减弱了,尽管见到可意的女人还会产生性幻想。他已能够完全控制情绪,但这种平淡又让他们自己担忧。出于有意无意的弥补,他渴望温馨的家庭生活,妻子、孩子、一个个呆在家里的周末。由于主要器官开始衰老,头发逐渐变得稀疏,他常常顾影自怜,幻想拾回逝去的青春,因此,一旦遇到倾慕他的女性,他会很容易做出越轨的事。但这些关系通常不会长久,而且往往以悲剧收场。 怀想期(56岁以后) 尽管性可能曾经给每一个男子带来过痛苦与伤害,但一旦完全丧失了对它的需求,男人们又会产生生命将休的恐惧。进入此期,他们已差不多对性敬而远之,而喜欢把兴趣投入在其他方面,比如下棋种花之类,当然,也包括对似水年华的追忆。据调查,假如一对夫妇停止过性生活,那95%都是由男人提出, 虽然这对女人不公平。他们觉得自己齿落发秃,性器官开始萎缩,已经完全失去了吸引力。其实这是生理影响了心理。如果他们能够调适自己,同样可以享受满意的性生活。 神力达-人参虫草胶囊,作为中草药类的男性保健品中的圣品,有着其它中西药男性壮阳产品所无可比拟的优势。神力达-人参虫草胶囊与市场上销售的壮阳产品的根本区别是:它是非充血型产品,即不会在人的意志无法控制的情况下,因为药性的作用而使阴茎保持在一个持续勃起状态,且高血压和心脏病患者也可安全服用。很多中老年男性将神力达-人参虫草胶囊视为男性保健滋补品,它可平稳血压,保养前列腺,使尿急尿频现象得到明显改善。从根本上提高免疫力。神力达-人参虫草胶囊,适用于先天禀赋体质较差,体弱多病房事过度,小便黄、遗精、出现早衰、脱发、久而未老先衰;或者随年龄增长,肾亏精耗,生理机能衰退等。常常有腰膝疼痛、畏寒肢冷、头晕目眩、面色晦暗、精神萎靡,或有阳萎早泄、五更泄泻、全身浮肿、心悸咳喘等表现。性交持续时间在10分钟内的人群。 服用后效果: 如需进行房事,在第一次服用的2-3小时后,即可自如地进行性生活,有效成份在人体内段时间迅速被吸收、起效,立竿见影,性功能障碍得到改善,性生活质量有明显的提高,且能延长性动力,药效可使人体最佳反射状态保持72小时。 连续服用7 天后:启动性活力因子,补充性能源,增强性动力,改善性功能障碍,性欲望明显增强,性生活恢复正常,每天或隔天进行房事后,你将不会感到身体虚脱或体力不支。 更多论文请访问: 香港神力达环球保健品有限公司 中英文官方B2C网站: 神力达-人参虫草胶囊-男性保健品中的圣品 |
What is the effect of SANLIDA? By merging quick effect with temperate long-term improvement of sexual health, SANLIDA has shown itself to be the ideal product on the market at present for eradicating handicaps in the sexual function. Quick effect: By virtue of adopting the micromolecular technology, the most-advanced carbon-dioxide supercritical extraction technology, the slow measured release technology, and targeted administration of medicine, it has eliminated the special attribute of Chinese herb medicine, which consisted in the medicine being hard to absorb and tardy in showing effect. All this has conduced to the ingredients of the medicine being assimilated at high speed by the human body, thus achieving the purpose of quick amelioration of the symptoms. Temperate long-term improvement of sexual health: Cordycepin and other pure Chinese medicinal constituents, taken over a long period of time, can improve health in a non-drastic manner, which is comprehensive and long-enduring in therapeutic effect, radically eliminating erectile dysfunctions. SANLIDA adopts the traditional rationale of the Chinese herb medicine and, by virtue of the technology of targeted administration of doses, rhythmically and systematically replenishes the male's source of energy, cure erectile dysfunction, increase libido, keeps in harmony the male's psychic force, strengthens in a comprehensive way male sexual power and immunity, improving the system that maintains in equilibrium the male's organism of muscles and keeping the man who is a user of SANLIDA product in a lasting youthful condition so far as his sexual life goes. SANLIDA from China can increase libido SANLIDA can cure erectile dysfunction SANLIDA best male enhancement |
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