黄金小馒头</STRONG> 看电视的时候学到的,品相看似不错而且是粗粮,就随手记在本上了。 主料是白面、黑芝麻糊、粗棒渣。比例是1:1:1 放适量泡打粉,加水揉成面团 盖上保鲜膜饧15分钟 饧后,将面团揉成小馒头再盖上保鲜膜继续饧10分钟 之后上锅蒸30分钟即可开吃啦! 阅读全文>> |
Beijing December 3, Allen Iverson back to
return to his former club the Philadelphia 76ers. Talking about
Allen Iverson, people first thought may not be in his performance
on the pitch, but Iverson maverick personality. Iverson's every
move seems willing to work with everyone singing a different tune,
as he came into the league, and did not choose shoes market, the
two super-giants Nike and adidas, but closer to young people
joining Reebok Reebok. 13 years later, Reebok's market competitiveness has deteriorated, but the good news is that they bet on a chip. By virtue of this "problem of juvenile" super-popular in the league, Allen Iverson signature dishes in this series of shoes to keep a place for the Reebok. Today, Reebok has launched over 13 on behalf of Allen Iverson The Answer series, and three on behalf of The Question series, Allen Iverson basketball shoes history of the series to become second only to Nike Air Jordan</STRONG></STRONG> series, t...阅读全文>> |
日前,俄罗斯冰球联赛爆发罕见斗殴,两队的全部队员几乎都投入群殴战斗。冲撞、挑衅甚至是打 斗是职业冰场上非常常见的一幕,冰球迷们早已认可它是冰球运动的一部分。甚至每个球队都有专门负责打架的角色。但是,像鄂木斯克Avangard队和契科 夫维特亚兹队这样全队参与打斗的情况的确罕见。最终共有30名队员被罚,而比赛也在开场不到4分钟之后就被宣告延期进行,因为打架之后,双方都找不到足够 的队员参赛。 一开始,两名球员扭打对方一名球员,眼看情况不对,那个挨打球员的队友 聚拢过来,连替补席上的球员也涌入场内进行混战。即便是混战,不过他们仍很有“秩序”,绝对是一对一对打。球场内,冰球、球棒等比赛物件被扔得满场都是, 看台上的球迷们也异常兴奋,不但为双方加油,还吹起了口哨。最终,有30名队员被罚,而比赛也在开场不到4分钟后宣告延期进行,原因是双方都凑不齐足够的 上场球员。 随后,俄罗斯大陆冰球联盟官员在分析比赛录像之后,给出了处罚结果,两支 斗殴球队各被罚款100万卢布,主队还被加罚300万卢布。另外,两队教练各罚5万卢布,参与打架的4名主要球员各罚1 |
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