72胜并不是湖人的目标,卫冕高于一切Lakers' Jackson: 72 wins not a
goal72胜并不是湖人的目标 Phil Jackson doesn't do predictions. It's not his style. The Lakers' coach usually refers questions about how many games they might win to "the pundits," the reporters, columnists and TV commentators who are unafraid to go bold when it comes time to make predictions about the fate of the team. It's not as if Jackson doesn't care whether the Lakers win 72 games and match the NBA record set by his Chicago Bulls team in 1995-96, it's simply that he would rather not set a public goal. Setting the bar that high might only invite failure. 禅师并不会预测一些东西,因为这不是他一直以来的作风。 禅师经常谈论到这些问题:当需要预测新赛季湖人能够取得的成绩时,那些所谓的“专家”,记者,专栏作者,电台评论员就会大放厥词,无所顾忌。 这并不就代表禅师不关心湖人的战绩,以及能否打破芝加哥公牛队在1995-96赛季取得的记录,这只能说明他不会公开为球队订立一个目标,因为他知道:眼高手低的话,收获的只能是失败。 Besides, the Lakers have made it clear that a 72-win season isn't their ultimate goal for 2009-10. Winning a second consecutive championship is about all a few of the Lakers have talked about since training camp began earlier this month. But Jackson has set more nebulous goals for the season. "I don't want the players to get that as a goal," he said when asked Tuesday about chasing the league record of 72 victories. "That's not a goal. The goal is to go through the season in an orderly fashion and build momentum through the end of the year. I think it just takes so much out of you to push that all the time, to just keep pushing it. "A lot of things could happen." 此外,湖人上下清楚的知道,在新赛季,72胜并不是他们的终极目标,卫冕成功才是最重要的,从训练营开始以来,大家就一直在谈论这件事了。 但禅师已经为这个赛季定下了一些其它的目标。当他在星期二被问到关于是否想打破72胜的记录时说道:“ 阅读全文>> |
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