上一个昨天晚餐时做的麻婆豆腐,这道菜可是我们川菜的代表作,我想四川人没有不会做的。 原料:豆腐400克,要稍微老一点的豆腐,青蒜苗两根,肉末二两,豆豉一大勺,豆瓣酱一大勺,姜粒少许 盐一克,酱油一小勺,白糖一小勺,料酒少许,辣椒粉一大勺,花椒粉一大勺,葱花少许,水淀 粉少许。 过程:1.把豆腐切成大小适中的小块,用盐水稍微焯一下,然后放在冷水里浸泡一下,去去豆腥味 2.把肉末用点料酒抓一下 3.把青蒜洗净切成段,豆豉剁碎,姜切成粒,葱切成葱花。 4.坐锅热油,等油温七成热时加入肉馅翻炒,肉馅变色以后加入豆瓣酱使劲翻炒 5,炒香以后加入豆豉、辣椒粉、姜粒再翻炒几分钟,然后加入一点清水煮开, 清水不要太多,刚没过肉馅即可。 6.煮开以后加入豆腐,不要使劲搅动,以免豆腐破碎,三分钟以后加入青蒜、酱油、白糖、盐。 7.两分钟以后加入一点水淀粉就可以起锅了,装盘的时候撒上一点花椒粉和葱花就可以开吃了 麻辣鲜香,香飘万里啊,而且豆腐是冬季最好的暖身菜,刚好和昨天北京下的第一场雪应景,大家不要客气,趁热吃。 阅读全文>> |
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X Golf was born. Yili Rui, Mr. Fo Sika Rawi (Ely Reeves
Callaway) the acquisition of "Hickory Stick USA", renamed "Callaway
Hickory Stick USA", the company launched. Hired in 1985 to create units in Japan, the famous club to become Richard C · Helmstetter, chief designer, opened a prelude to a series of amazing golf industry. 1986, "Demon-Strably Superior & Pleasingly Different" (excellent and pleasure) into the Yili Rui, Mr. Rawi Fo Sika products appear in this philosophy, it was during this period product beginning to receive attention. The design of the 1988 landmark "S2H2" was born. Just this year, the company changed its name to "Callaway X Golf Company". In 1991 the first large-size metal wood club head of the One Big Bertha (in Germany during World War I the long-range cannon named) was first published, opening a new era of golf equipment. Metal head with all the advantages of playing to the ex...阅读全文>> |
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