7.3 非常有幸参与GXG09时尚夜秀时尚秀的现场! 貌似是首届天一购物节 广场正在不断的进行活动 比如走秀之类的 废话不多说 直接上P(其实是死活挤不出话来) 更多照片 请去我的摄影博客 http://braarb.photo.pconline.com.cn END 阅读全文>> |
动物小时候毛茸茸的都非常可爱,可是当我们决定把他们带回家的时候也要充分考虑自己是否有能力有条件来照顾他们。 我家本来有两条狗,两只小鸡,两只小鸭,两条金鱼,呵呵。有小动物的家里气氛当然活跃了不少,可是当劳累了一天,回家还是不能忘记要给小鸡小鸭擦地、清理;狗狗要出门遛遛,周末要洗澡;金鱼要定时地换水、喂食。所有这些是要在带他们回家前仔细考虑好的,善待动物,就从好好陪伴、照顾身边的宠物开始。 小鸡小鸭小时候的照片今天突然在U盘里找到,看着他们以前的照片,更觉得可爱了。 其中有一只,后来翅膀长硬了飞走了。 小鸭更胆小,不过我更喜欢小鸭。其实本来养鸭就比养鸡干净。 来张合影,那个小鸡的PP好圆啊,哈哈! 你的眼神怎么这么忧郁,我也认不出是不是那只不在的小鸭了。。。 <embed pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="http://vhead.blog.sina.com.cn/player/outer_player.swf?auto=0&vid=22704550&uid=1617070925&pid=346&tid=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="articlevblog" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="480" height="370"> |
Cristiano Ronaldo has caused friction between himself and the Real Madrid hierarchy with his tenacious promotion of Nike Jordan shoes, and has no thoughts of changing to Adidas. Los Merengues' kit providers are Adidas and they were reported to be wholly unhappy when the Portuguese star turned up for his well-publicised medical at the club wearing their rivals' brand. Having been one of Nike shoes's key players for many years, Ronaldo agreed to step up a level by wearing a white t-shirt with the company's famous tick in orange as he checked in for his medical exam. Adidas may recognise that it would cost millions to convert the world's most expensive player to promote their brand, but are not pleased at what appears to be a considered campaign by wholesale Nike shoes to have him promote their name so blatantly In pre-season training Ronaldo has donned garish red boots that are also in stark contrast to Madrid's trai...阅读全文>> |
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