前几天去了西安红石榴小动物救助中心,里面有一百六十多只狗,大多数都是有残疾的,还有很多长的都不够漂亮,甚至很丑,于是,被抛弃的它们聚集到了红石榴这个温馨的大家庭里,每天都按时吃饭,按时遛弯,还有很多的爱心人士去看它们,给它们带去食物、药品.....有个对它们很好,很细心的妈妈照顾它们。相比较很多小动物,它们都有各自的故事,更有美好的现在。 这个眼睛很亮很亮的狗狗叫板结,是因为找到它的时候它身上的毛都打结了,所以叫板结。可是,这么一双纯净、明亮的眼睛,什么都看不到! 它叫甜甜,刚到基地时间不长,还没有做绝育手术呢!呵呵!很漂亮很上镜吧!! 这个是豆丁,也是新来的,也还没有做绝育手术呢!我去的时候正是它发情的时候,老是围着漂亮的狗小姐转悠!呵呵!!! 这个可爱的萨摩叫奶油,都说萨摩的微笑很美,很迷人,可是在这只温顺的萨摩的嘴角,我找不到微笑,但它真的很温顺,也很粘人,它是先天残疾,少一只前腿! 看奶油多粘我,呵呵!我很招狗狗喜欢吧!!! 我还是很有狗缘的么!哈哈!玩的好开心哦!!! 还有很多照片因为网速问题今天就不传了,后面我都会传到相册里的。 真的很尊敬办这个救助基地的蒋姐,能坚持这么多年做这个事业真的很伟大,而且完全是非营利的,也多亏了很多朋友的爱心,否则也很难走到今天!蒋姐的照片下次补上,今天没有传上来! 阅读全文>> |
Cristiano Ronaldo has caused friction between himself and the Real Madrid hierarchy with his tenacious promotion of Nike Jordan shoes, and has no thoughts of changing to Adidas. Los Merengues' kit providers are Adidas and they were reported to be wholly unhappy when the Portuguese star turned up for his well-publicised medical at the club wearing their rivals' brand. Having been one of Nike shoes's key players for many years, Ronaldo agreed to step up a level by wearing a white t-shirt with the company's famous tick in orange as he checked in for his medical exam. Adidas may recognise that it would cost millions to convert the world's most expensive player to promote their brand, but are not pleased at what appears to be a considered campaign by wholesale Nike shoes to have him promote their name so blatantly In pre-season training Ronaldo has donned garish red boots that are also in stark contrast to Madrid's trai...阅读全文>> |
世界有时很脏,孩子很可怜,希望明天不会在这样,我们的生存环境有时是不能忍受的。如果幸运,出去吧。或许外面确实是一片乐土呢?! 给孩子们一片湛蓝的天空吧,让孩子的心自由呼吸吧。 |
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