一、培养目标 </STRONG> 使学生掌握本专业基础理论、基本知识和相关技能以及国际最新的国际旅游管理知识,熟悉国际惯例,具备较强的英语听说读写译能力,能独立分析、解决旅游管理的实际问题,获得相应的学分和职业资格证书,成为德智体美全面发展、实践能力强的应用型国际旅游人才,适应社会对国际旅游管理和导游人才的需要。 二、基本要求 </STRONG> 英国高等教育文凭(HND)采用“9+5+5”的管理模式。“9”是指9个统一,即统一模式、统一策划、统一形象、统一推广、统一教材、统一师资、统一质量、统一招生、统一服务;“5”是指5个结合,即中国留学服务中心、英国苏格兰资格监管局、中国大学、英国大学和用人单位相结合;“5”是指5年学习方案,即第一年预科,第二、三年专业课程(获得英国高等教育文凭),符合条件的学生可选择英国大学第四年续本、第五年硕士,分段学习,独立文凭。 坚持知识、能力等素质的协调发展,正确处理理论与实践、课堂教学与实践环节等方面的关系,重点提高学生的职业能力和业务能力.认真搞好本专业课程的教学,使学生完成规定各门课程的学习,把握旅游管理和导游的一般规律和特点,英语水平较高,具备国际旅游管理和导游的素质和能力。 三、教学形式 </STRONG> 英文原版教材,双语教学,脱产面授,课堂教学,理论学习与实践实习相结合。 四、学制</STRONG> 三年(第一年语言强化,第二、三年专业课程学习) 五、课程设置 </STRONG>(一)专业课程和学时安排 该专业共开设24门专业课程(含两个综合考试):航空旅行:预定及票务(初级)(高级)、旅游业市场学、商务会计(初级)(高级)、商务沟通技巧、客户服务文化构建、提高个人效率的技巧、经济学导论、信息技术:应用软件I、国家旅游目的地(缺)、旅游零售商实务(初级)(高级)、旅游业:信息与物资使用、综合1、高级航空旅行:预定及票务(初级)(高级)、团队中的个人成长、长途包价旅游和自助休假、旅游业营销规划、旅游业规划与可持续发展(初级)(高级)、旅游零售行业经营方式(初级)(高级)、水陆运输、旅游胜地指南、旅游实务(初级)(高级)、综合2。 总计1440学时,其中:英国SQA要求的必修专业课程22门 1440学时;办理毕业手续4周,办理出国手续6周。 (二)主要课程基本内容与要求 01 DK0G 34 (2 HN Credits) Air Travel - Reservations, Fares and Ticketing (I and II) This course is designed to enable the student to demonstrate that she/he can process routine air travel requirements and carry out reservation and associated procedures on an airline computer reservation system. It is intended for students intending to seek employment in the retail travel industry (particularly business travel agents or airline consolidators) or with airlines. 02 DK0E 34 (1 HN Credit) Applying Marketing Principles in Travel and Tourism Provide an introduction to the principles of marketing as a management discipline, and to their application within the context of the travel and tourism industry. It focuses strongly on the way in which the particular nature of the tourism product impacts on the marketing activities of travel and tourism businesses. Students will investigate the dynamic nature of the travel and tourism industry and consider methods that can be used to understand and identify existing and potential customers. This will include a study of consumer motivation and market segmentation as well as identification of the factors which influence demand for the travel and tourism product. 03 DE39 34 (2 HN Credits) Business Accounting (I and II) Provides students with an understanding of the use of accounting information within a business organization. Gain skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare basic financial and management accounting reports, and to enable students to interpret and use financial information for decision-making. 04 DE3N 34 (1 HN Credit) Communication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication Analyze complex written business information. Produce complex written business documents, and learning how to organize and participate in a formal meeting. This course is basically about responding to and presenting complex business communication. 05 DJ42 34 (1 HN Credit) Creating a Culture of Customer Care This course is designed to enable the student to recognize, develop and uate effective customer care within a work environment appropriate to his/her needs. It will be relevant to students wishing to enhance their knowledge and understanding of a key area of importance and value in today’s world of work. 06 DF4D 33 (1 HN Credit) Developing Skills for Personal Effectiveness This course will enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes, which underpin personal effectiveness. It will provide them with the underpinning knowledge to audit their own personal effectiveness; equip them with the skills to create an action plan to develop their own personal effectiveness – based on the audit of their existing strengths and development needs; provide them with a framework to implement the action plan: and, require them to uate their plan, its implementation and its contribution to developing their personal effectiveness. 07 DE3A 34 (1 HN Credit) Economic Issues - An Introduction Introduces students to some basic issues in economics with a particular emphasis on the business environment. The Unit introduces the basic economic problem (i.e. the al 阅读全文>> |
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</STRONG> 挑战游客胆量,油炸昆虫小吃在泰国十分常见,咬下去嘎吱嘎吱,却富含蛋白质。油炸蚱蜢、油炸蟋蟀、油炸蝗虫、油炸螳螂,油炸水甲虫。 烤天竺鼠(厄瓜多尔奥塔瓦洛)</STRONG> </STRONG> 天竺鼠被整只放在火上叉烤,看着当地人撕咬着冒烟但又美味的天竺鼠,鼠头、鼠爪全都在,可能会让人有些不安。 烤鲨鱼(特立尼达岛马拉卡斯海湾) 如果在热带海域游泳你会担心鲨鱼出现,那么尝尝这种油炸三明治;油炸面包中间夹着滴油的鲨鱼肉,淋上罗望子酱汁,美味的沙滩小吃。 水石混(马来西亚吉隆坡) 马来西亚吉隆坡的“水石混...阅读全文>> |
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