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«January 2025»
9/29/2009 10:49:00 PM [生活-健康] 分享


  不管你是几月鱼,现在你已经来到十月份了,终于可以小舒一口气了o(∩_∩)o 水星的逆行还将持续到15号,到那一天水星仍旧会强烈的散发着自己影响力,你感觉自己仍旧处于迷雾之中。在十月20之前不要签订任何的合同或者口头约定包括重要的决定。当然,如果你能等到新月之后,也就是10月29号那将是最好不过了。


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9/29/2009 10:57:00 PM [生活-健康] 分享



    当这两个行星处于和谐的这些年里,你行动的异常之好.今年,二者将交会在最具能量的点!这个联盟标志着重大新循环的开始.将带你向前知道2022(这一年两星再次交会另一个新循环将开始) !!!!!


    在深暗的空间中,木星和海王星仍旧缓慢的移动着.他们从未相遇的足够近但现在是时候了:5月27.你不用等到月末就能看到行星结合带来的喜人的影响.5月伊始,二者已很接近------实际上,足够保护你和强化你的气场. !!!


     它们在属于你的太阳第十二宫(solar twelfth house)相遇,双鱼座星图上的特别区域.十二宫是你的领地,是梦的居所,反映你的潜意识.这是你需要挖掘你心灵深处企图和灵感之处.很明显,你将成为重要的思想工厂! 



    下定决心伸展你的能力并且在你创造性的产物上冒险吧.今年,没有理由太过保守.工作上,分享计划和想法,请求上级的帮助(top-level VIPs).如果你是单干,要更努力去交际,从现在到年末,去结识新的朋友.你从未像现在这么的有能力.在等待一个重要的风险项目的回话的人,优势的地位在你这方,你将在6,7月看到证明,事情会越来越好. 











       满月附近,5月9日,你可能议定一个电影剧本或试播片( pilot),或被邀请在电视或广播中出场.你可能和网站内部运作有深层接触,或议定一个媒体公司的细节.如果你有一个服装品牌,你应出版你的新样式手册.如果你是演员,你应拍摄写真,送给选角人员.这是提升你迷人公众形象的绝佳时机. 








 需要注意的日子: —————————————————————》   


    在5月9日的满月,有关出国旅行、广播、出版、学术利益的计划会安排得非常密集。 开始计划家庭方面的事务或变动:


       5月24日及接下来的两个星期。它会在七月中旬实施并计划在8月下旬结束。 你可能遭遇财政紧张,但在金星的轨道靠近火星之时,你会轻松地找到新的资金来源。这需要野心和不遗余力的决心。下个月,可以轻松地管理你的预算。 







9/29/2009 10:46:00 PM [军事探讨] 分享


Pisces Horoscope for August 2009

By Susan Miller

You went through two major eclipses last month, on July 7 and 21, in Cancer and Capricorn, and those lunar and solar events accented your relationships in love and friendship. You may have fallen in love or were focused on a certain friend. These eclipses will continue to exert their messages in your chart as the weeks unfold and their effect will be friendly and work to benefit you.

Under normal circumstances, no more eclipses would be due until December 31, 2009, and January 15, 2010, the next in this new series of Cancer-Capricorn. If you did not catch last month's forecast that I prepared for you, you may want to go back to see what I wrote (the previous month's forecast is always available on Astrology Zone.) Indeed, read last month's also to point up possible weaknesses in your close ties, if there are any.

Now a third eclipse is on the way, due August 5, and it will arrive as a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius at 14 degrees. Eclipses are often the harbingers of enormous change, and it is rare to see three arrive in a row, two weeks apart. We are seeing this now because this one will be the last in the series of Leo-Aquarius eclipses that have come by every six months since February 2008.

There are various ways you may feel the effects of this eclipse of August 5. First, you may hear of a family member who is in the hospital or other medical facility, like a nursing home or physical therapy center. I say family member because Mars will reach out and touch this eclipse in a positive way, and Mars will be touring your fourth house of home.

Your relative will most likely be a woman or girl because this is a lunar eclipse, and in astrology, anything lunar is feminine in nature. If you should hear of this person being infirm, you will want to be there for that person, of course - keep your schedule open so that you can be there when that person needs you.

Although I feel it is more likely this eclipse will point to someone else, there is a possibility that you might need a "tune up" and decide to see a doctor to have a procedure done. The twelfth house also rules intuition, and I firmly believe that nature gives us an inner eye to help us correct health problems early. If your instinct is to check something out, even though you have absolutely no reason to feel that anything is wrong, go ahead and have that test anyway.

Actually, your intuition will be working so well this month you should follow it, no matter what it tells you, on any subject at all!

The twelfth house rules not only facilities that help us get well, like hospitals - the ancients called them "places of confinement" - but this part of the chart also rules your psychological state. If you have been seeing a psychiatrist to work out a certain problem, you may now see a breakthrough, for full moons tend to bring things to light in an especially clear and forceful way. In that sense, you may feel enormous relief after this full moon is over. Experiences like this are often quite exciting.

You currently have Jupiter guarding your twelfth house all through 2009, so any medical, dental, or psychological help you seek this year, for yourself or those you love, should be excellent. The professional you select would more likely be esteemed and dignified with his or her work lauded by peers. If you were not completely happy with the doctor you have, this eclipse would be a good time to seek a second opinion, if you feel that's necessary.

There are other, alternative, ways that you may feel the effects of this eclipse of August 5.

The twelfth house also rules secrets, so if anyone has tried to conceal something from you, their actions on this eclipse may make you suspicious and lead you to uncover what you need to know. Sometimes news comes out suddenly and forcefully, like a geyser springing from deep within the ground. At other times an eclipse reveals the behavior of the person who is working at cross-purposes and truth emerges slowly, in the weeks and months to come. Again, your intuition will lead you to follow the breadcrumbs, straight to the truth.

Eclipse points are testing points to show you truth that has been hidden until now. They are meant to protect you, for they provide full disclosure. Be glad to know what comes up, but realize too that perhaps nothing will come up because the eclipse will not find anything to show you.

If a relative is ill during this eclipse, think good thoughts - the illness would reach a full point quickly, so that person can be helped by her doctor and hopefully provide relief just as rapidly.

The theme of health will continue at the new moon, August 20, but this time it will center on yours. This will be the very best time of 2009 for you to begin a fitness or physical therapy program. Of course, you should check with your doctor to be sure you can begin, and if so, how much you can safely do. If you want to get sleek, toned, and fit, you should use the energies of this new moon straight away.

I am enthusiastic about this new moon on August 20 because Mars, a competitive, athletic planet, and Pluto, the planet of regeneration and transformation, will powerfully support it. That's a wow in anyone's book!

Be smart and find something good to do for your body at this new moon, for the results you see in a short time should please you. If you wait until January 1 to begin your resolution for having a more fit and healthy lifestyle, you will have squandered the energy that is being so lovingly given to you now, dear Pisces. This is your time to begin, August 20, not January 1. You can hire a trainer or coach, take up a new sport, or start going to a certain new class you enjoy at the gym.

If you will be on vacation at the end of August, then find something small but significant to do for your health, perhaps by going to the hotel gym and spending a half hour there before heading out, or making it a point to swim a few laps each morning.

In astrology what matters is when you begin, not how much you do. You must start at the new moon, or within a few days of that new moon. Consistency is much more important than intensity, so don't become overly enthusiastic, do too much, and then suddenly have to stop. Do something physical every day, even if that only means taking a brisk walk.

Although you will have a two-week window after that new moon appears in which to act, don't wait too long after August 20. The energy of a new moon is at its strongest within three days of the date it appears. Even small steps will be rewarded.

This is also a perfect time to pick up the phone and schedule dental and medical checkups, tests, and procedures. If you are going to be away, just make the initiation - book the appointments - at the time of the new moon. When Mars moves into Leo on October 15, Mars will enlarge the energy of this new moon for a whopping eight-month tour, so you will be energized and enthusiastic about setting off in new healthy directions. You'll be a firecracker of energy, dear Pisces.

Your work assignments should explode in number after this same new moon appears August 20. Expect to be quite a busy bee. Although the end of August is a popular time for people to take a deep breath and relax before the fall begins (at least those in the northern hemisphere), this year you'll be crazed at the end of August. Still, that's a good sign, because it proves your skills are being valued in the workforce and that you have a lot to offer.

If you are self-employed, you'll see customers and clients beating down your doors. In fact, it is likely you'll be so busy that you will need to pace yourself, now and in months to come.

If you are out of work, you might consider doing a series of freelance jobs, because your outlook for finding this kind of work will be very strong. In fact, you might begin by taking one or two jobs on a short-term assignment basis and be surprised to see how one project quickly leads to another, and another, and so on until you are officially in your own business. If you don't want to work for yourself, then it should also be possible for you to find a good position, similar to the one you had been previously.

Keep in mind that this new moon will show you a preview of what's to come later, beginning in October. From where I sit, it looks like you are beginning a very work-intense lifestyle. That's why this month will set the tone for much of 2010.

It will be critical that you find ways to relax and have fun, for the quality of your work will actually improve if you do. It will be easy to fall into a work-work-work mode in coming months. Find ways to delegate work where you can. You may be saying, yes, but delegating requires cash. To that I say: Money is on the way for you, so money will not be a problem. (Ha, ha, when have I ever said THAT to you, dear Pisces?) It's true - you may be heading into a hard work period, but you are also entering into a high earning period, too.

Speaking of fun and relaxation, once Mars enters Cancer on August 25, you will see a lovely and quite enchanting phase begin, one due to last until October 15. Enjoy this phase, dear Pisces, because you will find it quite bewitching and romantic. After October 15, as said earlier, you will start to work hard, so the carefree moments will be fewer and farther between. That doesn't mean you won't enjoy love - you will! In fact, you may enjoy it all the more because the time you do have with the one you love will be all the more precious.

Your home may be getting quite a bit of attention this month too, for Mars will be touring this sector from August 1 to 25. If you need to move or have a plan to fix things up, this is the time to focus on your goal, for it is when you will make the most impressive progress.

It's a great time to clean out closets and have the rugs, windows, and upholstery cleaned; to make repairs, paint, and buy furniture; and to even make important renovations. If you need to change roommates, that too will be possible now.

There are two days when differences with your roommate or a family member will likely come up. The first is August 18. That's when Mars in Gemini will send a harsh glance to Uranus in Pisces. You will need to use all the diplomacy you can muster at that time. Then, you and your partner may not see eye-to-eye on August 21, due to an opposition of Mercury to Uranus in Pisces - so again, use a light touch.

When it comes to not getting along with other people, August 26 could be a difficult day, too. In this case it will be your lover, friend, or even your child that gives you a tummy ache. You may touch off a firestorm quite innocently, so be careful then.

Your home is due for a lovely uplift on August 12 and 13, when Mars and Jupiter will be so beautifully angled. These are four-star days, not only terrific for shopping and improving the look and comfort of your home, but also for buying, selling, or leasing a space. Use August 12 and 13 to your advantage, dear Pisces.

Aim to get home-related projects done by August 25, for I want you to fully enjoy the exciting, sweet, and romantic seven-week phase that is about to begin then!

Romantically, as mentioned, you really do have a strong month in store. My favorite weekends for you will be August 8-9 and also August 22-23.

I particularly love the second weekend mentioned, for on August 22, Venus in Cancer will wink at Uranus in Pisces, making this a fantastic weekend for single Pisces to find love and for dating Pisces to draw closer.

If you want to have a party or casual get-together with friends at your house one night, do so on Thursday, August 13, when the moon will be in sublime Taurus and Jupiter and Mars will bubble up a roaring good time.

Dear Pisces, August will be highly productive, but September will not. Mercury will be retrograde throughout September, and you will begin to sense a slowdown with meetings and events by August's last week. Go with the flow and don't try to pressure others to respond. Next month, especially from September 15 to 23, the planets will be in a very angry mood and create strain on all of us, of every sign. September 17 will be one of the most challenging dates I have seen in some time, so try not to schedule an important presentation for then. By all means, if you can, leave some space around September 17.

A slow atmosphere as you reach month's end will allow you to devote your time to your one true love. Complete all your important decisions and actions now before the coming cosmic storms start to blow. If you can't complete things this month, that's fine - in that case, table things until October.

One sparkling event will happen October 29, and it's an event you've long awaited. Saturn will finally leave Virgo and stop opposing your Sun. This is a major date, and one you will want to celebrate. While Saturn will be back for a final 14-week stay from April through most of July, those weeks will go quickly. For all practical purposes, you are done with Saturn and the good times will return!


A secret that someone has been hiding from you will soon come out in the open, due to the lunar eclipse of August 5. It is to your benefit to know about this, for it is the only way you can protect yourself. People behind the scenes are rooting for you, even though they may not outwardly reveal their support of you just yet - let that knowledge embolden you.

The news that is at first revealed may be sketchy, but in weeks to come, you will glean more detail - this is how eclipses work. Be open to news, even if what you hear seems to challenge your previous assumptions of someone's character. You'll need time to mull things over. Aim for a strategic response rather than a hasty one.

A home improvement project can move forward now too, and you will have until August 25 to finish it. After that, you won't have the productive powerful planetary support that you do now, so make the most of it. Venus, now in your house of true love for the first time this year, is doing wonders for your social life as well as your looks. Once Mars joins Venus in the month's last week, your social life will really catch fire. Book a salon visit now, for later you will be on display and you'll want to look your best.

Pisces Dates to Note

The full moon eclipse, August 5, could easily bring to light in the coming weeks a secret that someone has tried to conceal. Once you know, you can protect yourself.

This would be a superb month to work on your home to make it chicer, more comfortable, and inviting. If you need to move, you will find the right space now.

A tip you get regarding a house, apartment, or a home-related bargain could make you very happy: August 13.

Family and people you hire to help you with the home could be touchy and quick to start an argument on August 18. Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus.

If you are married or in business collaboration, expect your partner to be cranky and difficult on August 21 due to Mercury opposed to Uranus.

Romance sparkles for all Pisces, especially single ones: August 22.

A friend, lover, or possibly one of your children could give you pause August 26, due to Pluto opposed to Mars.

Make safety a priority at home on August 18, too - especially things electrical, due to an altercation due between Mars and Uranus.

If self-employed, a new client or new assignment will likely show up on August 20 and in the two weeks to follow. Don't be on vacation, for you can clean up extra cash. The first three days following this new moon will be your strongest.

Give a party or get-together at home (not a club): August 13.

The weekend of August 22 should be divine, thanks to Venus in perfect harmony with Uranus, planet of surprise, in Pisces.

When Venus tours Cancer from August 1-25, find a way to refresh your appearance. Your social life will be heating up soon too, once Mars enters this same area of your chart, August 25-October 15.

Most romantic dates: August 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 24, 29, and 30.



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