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9/29/2009 5:11:00 AM [军事探讨] 分享











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9/29/2009 10:44:00 PM [生活-健康] 分享



Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your September Horoscope by Susan Miller

Pisces Forecast for September 2009

By Susan Miller

Your life will soon be a study in contrasts. These days you have been facing your dragons and ruthlessly rooting out the parts of your life that are no longer working for you. This may not be the most convenient time to go through this sorting out process, but the universe is asking you to do so now, so you might as well go with the flow.

It's remarkable how different life will be for the early-born Pisces - those with birthdays in February - and those in March. The February-born Pisces are now on their way toward a much more rewarding life. The stresses and strains of 2008 are now over and they are starting to see wild flowers sprout in profusion and green shoots come up too, everywhere they look.

Pisces born in early March had their most difficult times earlier this year, and they are gradually beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel because Saturn has by now moved into later degrees of Virgo.

It is the Pisces born from March 15 to 20 who will most feel the energies of the planetary push-pull this month. Pisces with earlier birthdays than March 15 have paid their dues.

Before I go into the aspects of this tough month, let me tell you the good news. Relief is in store for all Pisces of every birthday once Saturn moves out of its difficult position in Virgo on October 29, 2009. This will be the first time you will feel out of range of Saturn's demands since Saturn first entered Virgo in September 2007. Saturn will make a very brief 14-week visit to Virgo from April 7 to July 21, 2010, but after that every Pisces will be done, and you can rest.

Saturn will not visit Virgo again until 2036. You won't have the tug-of-war you've experienced with at least one partner, and you will also find your health to be stronger and more energetic.

Let's have a very detailed look at September from the top. Stay optimistic, Pisces - there is a lot of good that will come out of this month for you.

The start of the month will seem quite calm and actually be quite positive. It begins with a full moon in Pisces on September 4, highlighting an endeavor or relationship that is deeply important to you, so close to your heart that I cannot detect what it is. This full moon will light your first house and emphasize your identity and your deepest sense of self.

The first house, being spotlighted on September 4, also rules your health and vitality, so if you have been ill, you will reach a much better, key phase where you may see an end to the disorder or at the very least you may at least see a big improvement.

For a clue to what might come up on September 4, look back to the time near March 10, for this full moon will look back to all that was going on near that date. The full moon of September 4 could bring a culmination to the situation that was going on then, and bring closure now.

Mars will be very supportive to that full moon, and because Mars will be in Cancer, now posited in your house of love, you should have a highly romantic time with someone special over this weekend, which in the United States marks the important Labor Day weekend, traditionally a time of taking a few days off to mark the end of summer.

If you are attached, plan a private, romantic hideaway weekend. If you are single and want to meet a romantic partner, make plans with friends and show your face to the world in a beautiful, relaxed setting.

Pisces born on March 3 plus or minus four days will feel the effects of this full moon most, and benefit the most, too.

Your social life should get a lovely boost from September 11 onward once Pluto turns direct orbit. Your friends will be more helpful to you in a very outward, warm, and comforting way. You've not had this kind of support in months, but it was not your friends' fault - it was just the way things were, and certainly they never stopped loving you. Your friends may have been preoccupied before this, but now they'll have more time for you.

Mercury will be retrograde from September 7 to 29, but you will feel the effects of this out-of phase Mercury all month. This time, Mercury will retrograde in your house of partnerships, so you may have second thoughts about forming a commitment in either your business or personal life. This will be a recurring theme that you and I will talk about quite a bit in this report.

By midmonth, you will get into the most challenging time of the month, extending from September 15 to 23. Let's have a look at the toughest dates in detail and see what you should do about these days.

On September 15 Saturn in Virgo will oppose Uranus in Pisces at 24 degrees. Pisces who were born on March 15 plus or minus four days will feel this day the most. Saturn is the planet that represents tradition, and Uranus is the planet of innovation and sudden change. Old and new will clash in a powerful way, and it will be up to you to decide what needs to stay and what needs to go.

The wind gusts of the coming cosmic storms will pick up speed on one of the most dramatic and difficult days of the month - possibly of the year - on September 17. Uranus in Pisces will oppose the Sun, and Saturn will conjunct the Sun. These are nerve wrecking, draining aspects and you must do all you can to protect your health. Life events may wear you down, and should you feel overwhelmed, call a friend or a therapist, and do all you can to get more rest. Protect your bones, teeth, feet, ankles, and your digestive system. Avoid fatigue. Ask your doctor if a flu shot is a good idea, and if she feels it is, get one straight away.

I don't remember ever seeing such powerful aspects happening on the very same day. These testing aspects will create a strong desire to separate from a personal or business partner or from a situation, if you feel it has been difficult for a long time and you have lost all hope it will improve. You won't have any more patience with people who don't appreciate you, don't support you, or don't understand you.

These aspects will not cause a breakup if your relationship is strong. Instead, you may suddenly have to face a very aggressive competitor or step up to a critic.

One day after this very troublesome day comes September 18, but rather than provide a soothing sense of calm, Uranus and Saturn will come gunning for the new moon. Your seventh house of partners will be full with planets - Mercury, Saturn, the new moon, and the Sun - and on the other side of the sky Uranus will be staring at each planet. Some sort of situation seems to be reaching a breaking point.

If your partner means a great deal to you, then make an effort to cooperate and compromise on the issue that surfaces at this time. Much depends on how things have been going all along, because if you are at the end of your rope, you will leave, for showing more patience won't seem likely. This is not a predestined outcome, for you hold the final result in your hands. If you stay with a partner throughout this period, you will know your alliance is strong.

The level of dramatic cosmic energy this month in Virgo and Pisces will be highly unusual, and anything that is not firmly fastened will come flying off the walls of your life. Because Uranus is involved, you may be surprised at what weak link is revealed.

The moon rules your fifth house of new love, pregnancy, and children. All month, but particularly after September 18, don't rock the boat in any of these areas. You may have a difference of opinion with a lover, or if you are more mature, you may argue with your teenage child, as two examples - and I feel sad about suggesting any of these possibilities.

A creative project may go off the rails too from mid-month onward, and if so, you'd need to fix things immediately. It must be obvious to you by now that you won't know what part of your life to attend to first. If you can keep your schedule fairly open and elastic, it will be easier for you to attend to all you need to do!

On top of all this planetary action, on September 18 or 19, depending on your time zone, transiting Mars will oppose the exact degrees of the July 7 eclipse. This indicates that a friend may suddenly jump to your aid and help you in a very significant way - or become a problem. Again, the situation will present itself in the extreme, for Pluto will be in hard angle to Mercury.

If you were born on or within five days of March 6, you will benefit most from this special Mars transit on September 18 and 19. You may give this aspect a plus or minus five degrees. If you were born later in the month, closer to March 16, your desire to make decisions about an impending, present, or ending partnership will be strong.

The new moon will be under so much pressure from Saturn and Uranus that it will likely be a very tense time for all people, not just Pisces. Fortunately, this is a new moon, known to be more objective, rational, and emotionally stable than a full moon.

Normally a new moon in Virgo would be a time to enact new plans with a partner, whether in business or your romantic life, but honestly, things will be much too volatile for that - you need to wait until October to make any binding commitments. Actually, it may be a total disaster to do so now. The odd thing is, you may be pressured to make a choice, but you will need to deflect it and take you own sweet time.

The barrage of angry planetary energy will continue on to only one more day, September 23, when Mercury will oppose Uranus. This too is a very difficult aspect that usually makes one feel as though one's nerves have been zapped by a sudden, quick little bolt of electricity. You may get a letter, text, IM, or phone call or see a post on Facebook or another social network that makes you upset. You may also send email to someone by mistake, causing a lot of problems. Don't get involved with gossip at this time, or post too much on Twitter - it could do you in.

Keep an eye on your home situation and your parents near September 23. Mercury rules your domestic condition, so you may hear unexpected news concerning your residence, other property, or your parents near September 23.

Alternatively, you may find that an unhappy, pressure-filled relationship becomes just too much and suddenly decide to part. With Mercury in retrograde, make sure you are not making a decision based on faulty information or a simple miscommunication. As unlikely as this seems, there is that possibility, so be careful, and resist being impulsive. This month, your only danger is being a bit too hasty.

Single and not dating Pisces will fare better in September because the aspects will be focused mainly on attached Pisces or those in business collaboration. If you have been dating only a short time, you are less likely to see turbulence in your relationship.

Mars has been touring your fifth house of true love since August 25 and will remain there until October 16. This is a lovely place for Mars to be as it's one of your best places to find new love. So although the world will seem at times that it's gone stark raving mad in September, if you are single, it will nevertheless be a good time to meet new romantic interests. Link with friends and circulate. Don't get overly involved - keep things light and breezy.

Do you remember that person you found so compelling at that party a few months ago but whom you never heard from afterward? The upside of Mercury retrograde is that you could hear from that person now, quite out of the blue, and it will be fun to reconnect.

Additionally, the eclipses of July 7 and 21 that occurred in your social sectors are still exerting strong energy now. These eclipses were encouraging new growth and the start of new relationships. If you hope to meet someone new, those eclipses will help make that happen. If you are newly dating, be optimistic, but work to keep emotions fairly steady and drama-free. This is NOT the month to have that "big talk."

Best romantic dates for single or attached Pisces: September 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, and 30.

There are Pisces who may decide to have a baby, and in truth it's always a good time to have a child. If you have always wanted a baby, news that you received last month at the end of August may have proved exciting, and you may now be painting the nursery pink or blue. Not yet? You may still get news of a surprise pregnancy in September. If you are not ready for a baby, take precautions and be careful in early September.

Additional news about romance, new love, or a baby that comes to you next month, on or near October 14, will be very upbeat and give you important clues about the future. The dates mentioned are "eclipse points" that will be triggered by energetic Mars. If you want a baby, the eclipses that continue to come your way every six months until mid-2011 will be your friend.

Many Pisces work in creative professions, and this same energy to be triggered next month on October 14 will help foster an exciting new creative project. Actually, when it comes to your artistic expressions, you are on fire. Rarely have you been so on top of your game. Present ideas and catch the wave of adulation that is coming your way. Clearly, you have the right touch, and others are responding enthusiastically. Do not hold back in any way - go for the gold!

By time you get to September 24, all the cosmic storms will have passed. I promise nothing like this will come again, not ever.

The outcome will be quite positive for you, and you must trust in this. By the time this month is over, you will know what is valuable and what is not. All the weak links in your life will be exposed and either swept away or rooted out by you.


A big focus on love and commitment will make this a month to remember. How things go will depend on how things have been going in your relationship all along. With planets in Pisces and Virgo doing a dramatic tug of war in the heavens, feelings will be pushed to extreme ends of the spectrum.

If you've been happily dating, you may now decide it is time to tie the knot. The new moon September 18 and the two weeks that follow could bring that decision to light. You can make loose plans, but wait until October to make your formal announcements. Give yourself time to think, and don't rush at any point during the month. The urge to merge will be strong, but in your rush to couple up, you may overlook some important points that need to be discussed first.

Mercury will be in retrograde in your opposite sign of Vigo from September 7 to 29. Although signing on the dotted line is never advisable when Mercury is out of phase, this month would be a doubly bad one for Pisces to make long-range decisions, for they will not likely stick. This holds for personal or business plans - wait until October to seal your plan, and you will be glad you did.

If you feel that your relationship has deteriorated and despite various tries, it is now beyond repair, you may finally leave. With Saturn, Mercury, the new moon, and Sun all in Virgo and doing battle with Uranus across the sky in Pisces, sudden splits would be commonplace with the unhappiest Pisces.

Venus in Virgo from September 20 to October 14 should logically help matters, but in truth, this time Venus won't be too helpful. Venus will move into a direct line of attack from Saturn on October 8 and from Uranus on October 9, making the relationship outlook rocky for Pisces next month, particularly for those born near March 13.

If your union is strong, you will come through this strong and in tact, but even the best unions will notice pressure. If your relationship has been difficult, these aspects will show you precisely where fault lines lie and the tectonic plates of your world may suddenly shift.

Dear Pisces, you often think so much about others that you often overlook your own needs. This month that will be corrected and you will find the words you need to express your innermost feelings. The full moon in Pisces this month on September 4 will make everything clear, and you will learn, at least for now, to make your own wishes a priority.

If you've felt repressed and overly controlled by someone, you'll break free. If you have been on a positive track, you will see fulfillment to a personal goal within four days of that full moon September 4. In all, September will be a month of beginnings and endings, but either way, this month will help you build a brighter future.

Dates to Note:

The full moon in Pisces September 4 will be a critical moment for personal fulfillment and for understanding your evolving needs. If you were born on March 3 plus or minus five days, you will feel most directly the effects of this full moon.

The week of September 14 is due to be highly stressful. Don't overload your schedule. Guard your health, and avoid falls.

With Saturn opposing Uranus on September 15, it will be clear that old methods of doing things won't work anymore. It's time to innovate.

A partnership may be pulling apart at the seams September 17. Those born on or within five days of March 15 will be most susceptible to the opposition of Uranus to the Sun.

The new moon September 18 will bring partnership issues to light. If you are happy, you may now be in discussions to couple up, but if you are not, you may make the final decision to leave forever. This is an unusually somber new moon - everyone, you included, will be in a very serious, thoughtful mood.

Pluto's turn direct on September 11 will help you socialize more, too. If you have felt as though your friends almost never have time for you, Pluto can now see to it that you do get together for fun and to get their good advice.

Your health will be under strong pressure all month. Protect it in any way you can. You might consider getting a flu shot - ask your doctor.

Best romantic dates: September 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, and 30.



9/29/2009 4:19:00 AM [军事探讨] 分享




















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