How to Practice by Bill Patton Every golfer who wants to excel at the game will devote significant time to practice. But even extensive practice can be a fruitless endeavor if the player does not think through what he is trying to accomplish. Simply concentrating on the kinds of shots one likes the best will not necessarily improve a player’s game. Instead, like everything else in golf, one must let the game itself be the player’s guide. 让运动本身成为球员的练习指引: (表格请看上一篇博文) 表一 分析的是18洞的类型 4个Par3,不超过250码 10个Par4,250y-450y 4个Par5,450Y以上 表二 72杆的构成 20y以内的短杆 36杆 50% 距果岭100-180y 铁杆 18杆 25% 发球木 14杆 20% 球道木 4杆 5% 围绕高尔夫比赛的核心——进洞——延展开去,首先是推,加上切/挖/沙坑击球,结合上表得知高尔夫有一半杆数是围绕果岭产生的,所以你应该分配至少一半时间去练这些。 Regardless of length of the hole, you are expected to take two putts. In this case, we add in chips, pitches and bunker play, because no one, not even the pros, hits every green in regulation. Many players do not realize that fully half the game of golf is played on or around the green. But that is the case, and dictates that a player should devote at least half his total practice to that aspect of the game. 根据你自己的表现适当地调整各种短杆练习时间的百分比 Keep track of how many greens you hit in regulation. Adjust the percentage of time you devote to each aspect of the short game accordingly. Practice most the kinds of shots you find yourself playing the most. 然后是铁杆(旁征博引地用很多数字说明铁杆的精准度之重要,最后总结:离洞超过8尺,你只有50-50地看运气了。) Every hole, even the par 3’s, will require that you hit an iron to the green. Remember that the closer to the pin you can place your iron shots, the more likely you are to score well. The adage is, “you drive for show, you putt for dough.” But analysis by Dave Peltz has shown that the best putters on the pro tours are not the most frequent winners. Putting, he found, is really a matter of statistics. The reason is obvious: an average foursome will take 600 steps on any given green. The resu 阅读全文>> |
济南独有特产之糖醋煎饼</STRONG> 糖醋煎饼是济南特产,是在普通的小米糊中添加白糖和香精,即可增加风味,又可防止煎饼回生变硬。是三十年代初由王姓开设的德顺斋煎饼铺所首创。这种煎饼十分酥脆,香脆可口,并且久放不变质,因此,成为济南著名的特产。现在济南糖醋煎饼已成了来济外地人首选的地方风味小吃,也是济南人馈赠外地友人的上佳礼品。 煎饼</STRONG> 糖醋煎饼主要原料为小米。由于放入的香料不同,味道各异,有花生、栗子、菠萝、香蕉、薄荷、玫瑰等不同味道。 1、糖醋煎饼含丰富的蛋白质,淀粉,粗纤维,碳水化合物,胡萝卜素,钙,磷,铁,钾及人体所需物质。糖醋煎饼的各种氨基酸,维生素,做煎饼的原料都带皮壳,含粗纤维多,能够清除体内垃圾,具备排毒养颜的功效,还能促进血液循环降血脂,健脾养胃促进消化,对吃腻了大鱼大肉的现代人来说,就是一种健康食品。 2、煎饼的硬度和韧性都高于馒头及其他主食品,长期食用煎饼,具有增强牙齿咀嚼能力的作用. 3、吃糖醋煎饼整个脸部肌肉都在动,但正是这样能使脸部肌肉得到锻炼,有益于保持视觉、听觉和嗅觉神经的健康,减缓衰老增加面部血液循环,有利于美容。食用煎饼需要较长时间的咀嚼,因而可生津健胃,增进食欲,促进面部神经运动,有益于保持视觉、听觉和嗅觉神经的健康,减缓衰老,不失为一种保健食品。 济南独有特产(济南金晔食品有限公司</STRONG></STRONG>)</STRONG> |
唉。。。 开篇就唉声叹气了,真的不想这样 毕业旅游,真的这么难咩? 对贵了五十元,霸王条款简直 虽然五十元不是什么,但是,总有一点不甘! 再说,不是每个人都会愿意这么加50 只有25个人不能去咩? 其他旅行社,20或者30人就可以成团了! 唉,算了, 就我们宿舍自己去吧,想去的一齐 去个旅游都这么麻烦 当时,我同老区话去就去了,住得唔差就OK了 唉,好烦啊 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 唔知点解,明明就已经来完M啦, 点解D皮肤都无感觉嘅? 以前一来完m,我就会感觉皮肤吸收好好。。豆豆都少 但系,呢次,反而皮肤有不适,痴线咩1!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 知道啊莫,发生D甘既事,点解会甘邪架。。。甘多不顺心,不如意! 我唔敢问发生咩事, 我亦都帮唔上D咩忙 唯有系心里面,希望D唔好既野快D消失啦 希望我身边的一切都好好的 |
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