离开国内好多年了,刚回来后就被告知现在已经不流行到其它人家做客和串门了,很多人都喜欢隐私的生活,朋友们见面大都约在咖啡店里。 在海外周末常被邀请到朋友家或去咖啡馆品尝咖啡聊聊天,轻松的度过一段温馨的时光 。 如果首次被邀请到西方人的家庭喝咖啡,带些自己制作的小甜点和小礼物去,你会备受欢迎。女主人也会准备好咖啡和茶、自己制作的蛋糕、饼干来招待你。 喝咖啡的时间常常会安排在周日的下午,那些退休的老人们也会安排在上午来请朋友们聊聊天。当主人邀请你去喝“Cup of coffee”时就是请你喝喝咖啡聊聊天,如果讲:"Would you like coming for Tea ?" 一般情况下是邀请你来晚餐,最好带束鲜花去呀! 阅读全文>> |
材料:</STRONG>面粉(标准粉)500g,盐2茶匙(10g),小苏打1/2茶匙(3g),发酵粉1/2茶匙(3g),油1000ml(实耗30ml) 制作方法: </STRONG> 1、取一个较大的盆,放入面粉、盐、小苏打和发酵粉。徐徐加入冷水,先用筷子搅动均匀,再用手和面,要使面团达到最柔软又不沾盆内壁的状态。 2、最后于面团表面刷一层油防止干皮。放在室温下醒2-3小时(冬天可以提前一夜制作面团)。 3、取一个大平盘刷油,用手揪出一小团面,放在盘子中用手指擀平压薄。并在面饼中心划开3道口子。 4、大火加热炸锅中的油,至冒烟。把生面饼平放入油锅,先炸透一面,再翻炸另一面。两面焦黄即可捞出沥干油分。 小贴士: </STRONG> 在炸油饼的过程中不要频繁来回翻面,避免油饼的口感变硬。 选择铁锅做炸锅会比不沾锅传热性更好。 我老公今天给我炸油饼吃,呵呵....由于我们忘记买发酵粉了,做出来的油饼真是好硬啊,就像饼干。结果无论如果,我们享受制作的过程,很开心! |
切尔西队歌 Blue is the colour, Football is the game. We're all together and winnig is our aim. So cheer us on through the sun and rain Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name. Here at the Bridge whether rain or shine, We can shine all the time. Oh,for a way come and see us play You're welcome anyday. Hey, blue is the colour Football is the game. We're all together and winnig is our aim. So cheer us on through the sun and rain. Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name. Come to the shed and we'll welcome you. Wear your blue and see us through. Sing loud and clear till the game is won. Sing CHELSEA everyone. Oh, blue is the colour Football is the game. We're all together and winnig is our aim. So cheer us on through the sun and rain. Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name. Blue is the colour<b...阅读全文>> |
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