Look at Trevor's
December schedule, quite a busy one. </SPAN> CURRENTLY</SPAN></STRONG> </SPAN> Toronto</SPAN></STRONG> Star article about holiday shows to see (including our Massey Hall concert!):</SPAN></STRONG> http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/article/728790--holiday-fare-time-to-shine</SPAN> Our Kids blog about our Massey Hall concert:</SPAN></STRONG> http://www.ourkids.net/blog/index.php/christmas-concert-st-michaels/</SPAN> Catholic Register article on Monsignor Armstrong:</SPAN></STRONG> http://www.catholicregister.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3594&Itemid=849</SPAN> Brantford</SPAN></STRONG>Expositor article on Dec. 6 Junior Choir concert:</SPAN></STRONG> http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2193360</SPAN> Barrie</SPAN></STRONG> Advance article on Alumni Christmas performance in Colgan:</SPAN></STRONG> http://www.barrieadvance.com/article/150836</SPAN></SPAN> Whole Note Magazine - Dec/Jan issue:</SPAN></STRONG> Look for our Massey Hall ad and</SPAN></STRONG> the ad for our new recording, "In Midnight's Stillness"</SPAN> which will be released at the Massey Hall concert. [More information on the new recording will be posted on our website next week!]</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> UPCOMING</SPAN></STRONG> </SPAN> Saturday, November 28th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> CFRB newstalk 1010 interview with Mr. Bob Berringer regarding the upcoming Massey Hall concert.</SPAN> Monday, November 30th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> Picture of Junior Choir in Toronto Star with article on story called "The Choir Boy" written by Thomas Buckely (www.thechoirboy.ca)</SPAN> Tuesday, December 1st 2009</SPAN></STRONG> - Performance (choir to be confirmed) at 96.3FM live in lobby 1:20 to 1:45 followed by interview</SPAN> Wednesday, December 2nd 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> Elementary Choir performs at the AGO 1:30 and 2:10</SPAN> Friday, December 4th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> Article about Massey Hall concert on 680NEWS online</SPAN> http://www.680news.com/</SPAN></SPAN> Sunday, December 6th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> Channel 4 OMNI TV airs the Portuguese show "Vamos ao Bailinho" 10:30 am and 11 pm. This is a short version of the piece they filmed at the school with our students to promote the concerts. </SPAN> Friday, December 11th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG>Pre-Massey Hall concert cocktail reception hosted by Alumni at the National Club. For more information please contact Mrs. Grise at 416-397-6367.</SPAN> Sunday, December 13th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> Channel 4 OMNI airs the longer version of the Portuguese interviews at the school at 10:00am and 11:30 pm. [The international airing is on December 24th at RTP International (check for the schedule at www.rtp.pt</SPAN> ).]</SPAN> Tuesday, December 15th 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG>Victoria Scholars Men's Choral Ensemble & the Senior Choir at Roy Thomson Hall http://www.rth-mh.com/eventdetail?eventId=278</SPAN> Tuesday, December 22nd 2009</SPAN></STRONG> -</SPAN></STRONG> Episode #5 (Toronto) of City Guide series on Treasure HD channel (Rogers and Bell carry this show and this channel is available for free until the end of December)</SPAN> </SPAN> And watch for the Salt + Light series “Those who watch for Christ”</SPAN></STRONG> Advent and Christmas Reflections in December by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB and Most Reverend Peter Hundt, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto featuring the students of St. Michael’s Choir School, on Salt + Light TV.</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
去了一家新餐厅,环境很幽雅,加一点圣诞前的气氛 东西也很好吃,但是减肥中的Carol看到的只有卡路里 今天晚上又破戒了,出门之前还计划着晚餐只有鸡肉粥一小碗 哎,有人说了,不吃饱哪来力气减肥呀,真的是很欠扁的一句话 好吧,以后要管住自己的荷包,管住自己的嘴巴,不能再这么肆无忌惮 累了,不想打字了,放上几张照片吧(Iphone照出来的相片就只有这样了) |
关于公布2008山东省旅游商品文化博览会系列活动获奖结果的通知 各市旅游局: 2008山东省旅游商品文化博览会暨“曲阜顺鑫孔子商贸城杯”第六届山东省旅游商品创新设计大赛、第四届山东省民间手工艺制作大师、2008山东省标志旅游商品及2008~2009年度山东省旅游休闲购物十佳品牌评选活动已于2008年9月24日圆满结束。经评审委员会审核,17个单位荣获优秀组织奖、9个单位荣获优秀展台奖、3个单位荣获最佳展台奖、1个单位荣获突出贡献奖;评出旅游商品创新设计特别大奖1个、金奖5个、银奖10个、铜奖16个,优秀奖60个;评出6位“山东省民间手工艺制作大师”、6种“2008山东省标志旅游商品”、92个“2008-2009年度山东省旅游休闲购物十佳品牌”。现将获奖名单公布(见附件1)。 本次活动有以下几个特点: 一、组织得当。作为2008山东省文化产业博览会济宁会场的重要组成部分和落实我省经济文化强省建设的重要举措,本次活动受到各级党委政府的高度重视。作为承办单位之一的济宁市旅游局付出了艰辛的努力,效果突出。济南、青岛、泰安、烟台、临沂、枣庄旅游局工作得力,组织有方,超额完成了任务;其他各市旅游局也积极组织, |
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