当地时间8月26日,孙艺珍、徐仁英、韩孝珠、朴艺珍、金敏喜一同出席了Level5在韩国首尔新店的开幕仪式。朴艺珍的厚重印花裙,尽显成熟稳重;徐仁英最新短发红衣Look,是惊艳还是惊悚?韩孝珠依旧简洁Look打造邻家可人气质;朴艺珍一件衣服跑两个活动,堪称最佳环保女星;金敏喜黑白两色衬托修长完美身形,至于到底谁的着装你更爱,那就要你来选选看啦! 阅读全文>> |
The daylight came. I rose at dawn. I busied myself for an hour or two with arranging my things in my chamber, drawers, and wardrobe, in the order wherein I should wish to leave them during a brief absence. Meantime, I heard St. John quit his room. He stopped at my door: I feared he would knock--no, but a slip of paper was passed under the door. I took it up. It bore these words - "You left me too suddenly last night. Had you stayed but a little longer, you would have laid your hand on the Christian's cross and the angel's crown. I shall expect your clear decision when I return this day fortnight. Meantime, watch and pray that you enter not into temptation: the spirit, I trust, is willing, but the flesh, I see, is weak. I shall pray for you hourly.--Yours, St. John." "My spirit," I answered mentally, "is willing to do what is right; and my flesh, I hope, is strong enough to accomplish the will of Heaven, when once that will is distinctly known to me. At any rate, it shall be strong enou...阅读全文>> |
喝粥P小三 闺蜜在电话里痛哭流涕,她老公有了小三。被闺蜜指责的小三我见过,短小黑壮,脑袋硕大,真不比我闺蜜年轻也没她好看,偏偏她老公像着了魔似的,左一口宝贝,右一口亲爱的唤着那小三,把我闺蜜气得要死。估计当媳妇的人,都会被这种男人气死。</SPAN> </SPAN> 为这事,夫妻俩闹腾了好几年。每次闺蜜都提出离婚,每次婚都离不了。现代男人在情场上,大概都梦想着拥有屋内正旗不倒屋外彩旗飘飘万里江山一片红的壮观场面,简单地说,她老公就是那种典型的“三不男人”。最令人崩溃是,在这方面,那小三和她老公可谓臭味相投,也是老公情人一把抓,两人大有追求“不在乎天长地久只在乎曾经拥有”的至爱境界。</SPAN> </SPAN> “我要杀掉</SPAN>TA</SPAN>——,杀掉</SPAN>TA</SPAN>——”闺蜜在电话那头竭斯底里,我在电话这头好生惊吓。“</SPAN>TA”</SPAN>,我猜想该独指小三。女人摊上这种事,最恨的一般不是那个背叛自己的老公而是小三,我的闺蜜正巴不得能一手掐死</SPAN>TA</SPAN>捏。不行,作为好友我 |
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