the Supreme Cou rt of the United States, when nothing is involved of national authority.Mr. Cooley, in his work on Constitutional Limitations, on page , says: But the same reason which requires that the final decision upon all questions of national Jurisdiction should be left to the national courts will also hold the national courts bound to respect the decisions of the state courts upon all questions arising under the state Constitutions and laws, where nothing is involved of national authority, or of right under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States, and to accept the state decisions as correct and to follow them whenever the same questions arise in the national courts.In Beauregard v. New Orleans,How I Ed Mr. Justice Campbell, speaking for the Supreme Court of the United States, says: The constitution of this court requires it to follow the laws of the several states as rules of decision wherever they apply. And the habit of the court has been to defer to the decisions of their Judicial tribunals upon questions arising out of the common law of the state.In Bank of Hamilton v. Dudley's Lessee,Pet L. Ed it was argued that the exclusive power of state courts to construe legislative acts did not extend to the paramount law, so as to enable them to give efficacy to an act which was contrary to the state Constitution; but Marshall, C. . speaking for the STods Online upreme Court of the United States, saidTods Shoes: We cannot admit this distinction. The Judicial department of every government Is the rightful expositor of its law s, and emphatically of its supreme Uw., L Ed the same eminent Judge says: The judicial department of every government where such department exists, Is the appropriate organ for construing the legislative acts of that governmentThe opinions of the Criminal Court of Appeals of Oklahoma upon all questions of criminal law are binding upon the Supreme Court of the United States and the Supreme Court of this state, the Governor, and all state officers. Certainly, then, the sheriff and jailor of a county are without the slightest power or authority to disregard and disobey tTods Shoes Sale he orders ofTods Outlet this court and such disobedience and disregard of the orders of this court constitute contempt of court The power of the court to punish for contempt is clearly stated in the ninth volume of Cyc. p as follows: Independent of authority granted by statute, courts of record of superior Jurisdiction, whether civil or criminal, possess Inherent power to punish for contempt of court Such power is essential to the due administration of justice, and the Legislature cannot take it away or abridge itUpon the hearing of this matter a great mass of conflicting testimony was introduced, and if the court was disposed to take a harsh and extreme view of the facts presented there is ample evidence in the record to justify the court in adjudging respondent guilty of contempt and in inflicting severe punishment therefor.We are satisfied from the testimony that the respondent Davis did not render that ready and unquestioning obedience to the order of the court which it was his duty to do; that a personal difficulty took place between respondent Davis and the attorneys for relator in which some highly improper language was used; but it also appears from the testimony that the respondent Davis has been a fearless, zealous, and faithful officer, and that when he had time for reflection he complied with the order of the court We are inclined to the opinion that the hesitancy which relator first manifested with reference to obeying the order of the court and what he then said, was due more to the personal feeling existing between relator and the attorneys for respondent than to a disposition to defy this court While this constitutes no defense to the charge of contempt yet we feel that in justice we should take it into consideration in pronouncing judgment against relator. This court has no desire to resort to arbitrary measures, especially against the peace officers of the state. All that it asks and requires is that its order shall be obeyed. No 70
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