cUS President Barack Obama will announce that advised strategy for
the war in Afghanistan Thursday that will involve deploying at
least 30,000 American troops. The White House spokesman Robert
Gibbs says Tuesday the president would discuss the time frame in
which she believes the United States can transition its forces out
of Afghanistan. “We’re going to accelerate going after al-Qaida and its extremist allies. We’re going to accelerate the training of an Afghan national security force.” Again that the White House spokesman Robert Gibbs Voice of America will carry President Obama’s scheduled live address to the national about its against Afghanistan policy today at 1:00 Universal Time. South African President Jacob Zuma says his country will embark a major expansion of testing and drug treatment for HIV-infected patients. Mr. Zuma announced the initiative Tuesday at ceremonies marking World AIDS Day in South Africa. The nation worse affected by HIV and AIDS. He said by next August the country will give treatment to all children less than 1-year-old who test positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Pakistani officials say a suicide bomber has killed a politician in the country’s volatile northwest. Authorities say the bomber blew himself up today and killed lawmaker Shamsher Ali Khan at his home in Kanju which is about 30 kilometers northwestern Mingora. Supporters of victims of the world’s worst industrial disaster which happened 25 years ago this week are releasing new scientific studies claiming a continuing environment disaster in the central Indian’s city Bhopal. VOA’s correspondent Steve Herman has details from New Delhi. Many people in Bhopal are still drinking water contaminated with dangerous chemicals. That 阅读全文>> |
一个多月前,季羡林先生去世后的那几天里,电视上连续播放了几集有关他的专题片,里面有一些镜头是两只猫跟着他在燕园散步,周围几个人指指点点,很是好奇。翻看先生的散文集,里面收录了专门写猫的一篇文章,题目就是《老猫》,这只黑猫还有个名字——虎子。文章很长,点点滴滴记录了老人和动物和谐相处的感人情景,是的,一个爱护、心疼小动物的人内心一定是善良的,在他的世界里处处是温暖,时时是爱心。前几天,上海台播了一则新闻,说的是一群爱猫人士围堵一辆满载着五百多只将被送到广东餐桌上的猫的大卡车,双方发生了激烈的争执,看到一只只可怜的小家伙们脸上那种孤独、无助、凄凉、哀怨的表情,我心里很难受。一位老太太流着泪说:这些小动物着谁惹谁啦,它们也是生命,它们也有生存的权利,现在口口声声说要建设和谐社会,她们这些退休老人,坐在公园的长椅上,脚下小猫小狗穿来穿去,嬉戏打闹,难道不是一幅最好的和谐图画吗?</STRONG> 我本来是不喜欢猫的,第一,怕它们身上不干净,到处跑,难免带上什么危害人健康的病菌;第二,也知道这些小东西惯不得,给它一点好,就会老缠着你,非常腻味人;第三 |
英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)本周三在议会下院进行每周例行问答时,因为把美国女星瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)和芮妮·齐薇格(Renee Zellweger)混为一谈而闹了笑话。 曾凭借电影《与歌同行》(Walk the Line)而荣膺奥斯卡影后的瑞茜·威瑟斯彭本周三以“反家庭暴力大使”的身份访问了英国议会,在之后的首相问答环节中,布朗应邀对这位好莱坞女星进行道贺,在贺词中布朗说到他“非常感谢芮妮·威瑟斯彭力推的这项(反家庭暴力)运动”,他还说这位女演员去年在英国导演安东尼·明格拉(Anthony Minghella)葬礼上的悼词很感人。 而事实上,去年在安东尼·明格拉(Anthony Minghella)葬礼上致悼词的是曾出演过《冷山》(Cold Mountain)并因此片荣获奥斯卡最佳女配角的芮妮·齐薇格。瑞茜·威瑟斯彭和她完全是风马牛不相干的两个人。 这已经不是布朗第一次在讲话中出现口误,去年12月10日他在议会下院首相问答环节中曾把“拯救银行”误说成“拯救世界”,今年2月4日他在议会下院首相问答环节又误称世界经济陷入“萧条”。 作者:Nemo |
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