</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 突然很想吃粉,</SPAN>把QQ</SPAN>签名改成了”</SPAN>谁要带我去吃粉~~~”</SPAN>大约是我可怜巴巴的话儿有人听到~~</SPAN>一不小心赚了好多好多碗粉~</SPAN>我想吃螺蛳粉老友粉桂林米粉…</SPAN>就这样子把约会给排满了…</SPAN>呵呵…</SPAN>有点简单吖~</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 其实最近有在看书的啦~</SPAN>每天背单词,</SPAN>很枯燥,</SPAN>但是真的很想今年12</SPAN>月一次就过了4</SPAN>级吖~~</SPAN>也算是给自己一个小小的目标吧~</SPAN>不至于在学校继续颓废下去~</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 还有吖~</SPAN>以前一直在暧昧暧昧住~</S 阅读全文>> |
Fiat Yamaha star Valentino Rossi will be looking to extend his
nine point title advantage at the ninth Grand Prix event of the
2009 MotoGP World Championship season this weekend, with the podium
being a minimum target. Rossi knows that his injured but ever-improving young title rivals Jorge Lorenzo, Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa will also each be fighting for glory at Sachsenring, where the Italian idol has won on three previous occasions in the top class. Even if he confesses that the venue is not his favourite on the calendar, Rossi enjoyed a key moment of success en route to the 2008 championship on his last visit – as he picked up a crucial second place in a wet race as Pedrosa crashed out of the lead and effectively the title fight. Going into the third of four races in an intense five week period - a visit to Donington follows immediately after the Alice Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland - Rossi stated, “Thank goodness we’ve had some time to rest after the last two r |
作为一个社会成员我们所需求的是什么? </STRONG> 太平县人 假设有一个家庭原有五亩地,当时他们家中还不一定有钱。但这五亩地可以维系他们祖孙万代的生计。有一天家长作出了这样一个决定,把家中的四亩地给卖掉,留下一亩地种粮。把卖地的钱都用作消费了,卖了大量吃的、穿的、用的,过上了时尚生活。现在这个家庭还留有一亩地,有钱花了、有肉吃了,家长还可以出去旅游了。还剩一亩地,所以他们也有地种,大家还用不着那么幸苦。你说这个家长的决策是对的吗?如果用科学、发展的观点去分析,这种决策是绝对错误的! 实际上作为一个家庭成员他们的要求其实很简单:在一个大家庭中大家能够和睦相处、每一个成员都有一份能够为家庭建设的工作权力、每一个成员都能够拥有自己的一份自由、平等、发展的空间。所以说作为家长在一个家庭的发展过程中,没有必要特别强调“金钱”的地位与作用,更没有必要把“富裕”当作头等大事来忽悠,而犯根本性的、方向性的错误,而忽视家庭的道德与思想建设。 为了眼前利益把自己家庭赖以生 |
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