编者按:全球变暖已成为科学界争论的话题。很多科学家认为全球变暖是由人类活动造成的,由于人们焚烧化石矿物或砍伐并焚烧森林,产生了二氧化碳等多种温室气体,导致全球气候变暖。有的科学家认为全球变暖是谣传,甚至还有科学家认为全球变暖事实上是好事,因为这样可以允许人们在很多原来冰冻的地区种植农作物。不管怎样,全球变暖会使全球降水量重新分配,冰川和冻土消融,海平面上升等,既危害自然生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。避免温室效应,势在必行。 There is a huge argument going on in the world these days and it is centered on the notion that our planet is warming up. It’s called global warming and it postulates that our use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil and our destruction of large areas of forest across the world have combined to create so-called greenhouse gases. These gases prevent the heat from sunlight and other sources from radiating away into space and the trapped heat is slowly causing all sorts of negative effects. Those who warn us about all this point to receding ice caps at the north and south poles, less snow in winter, smaller glaciers in the mountains and so on. They say the consequences will be dire . There is an argument because not everyone believes that global warming is taking place. The 阅读全文>> |
Once upon a time there were two merchants, who were friends. Both of them were getting ready for business trips to sell their merchandise, so they had to decide whether to travel together. They agreed that, since each hat about 500 carts, and they were going to the same place along the same road, it would be too crowded to go at the same time. One decided that it would be much better to go first. He thought, "The road will not be rutted by the carts, the bullocks will be able to choose the best of all the grass, we will find the best fruits and vegetables to eat, my people will appreciate my leadership and, in the end, I will be able to bargain for the best prices." The other merchant considered carefully and realized there were advantages to going second. He thought, "My friend's carts will level the ground so we won't have to do any road work, his bullocks will eat the old rough grass and new tender shoots will spring up for mine to eat. In the same way, they wi...阅读全文>> |
阶 <STRONG>七月情思</SPAN></STRONG></SPAN> </SPAN> 天河倾泻飞流直下滔滔七月</SPAN></SPAN> 云雾在湿漉的山坡间开始散步</SPAN></SPAN> 雷电仍唠叨不休,它重复着恐惧和彷徨</SPAN></SPAN> 唤起人们的仇恨。也有敬仰。</SPAN></SPAN> 但更多的是思念。</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 七月堆满了黑色与白色</SPAN></SPAN> 阳光也被泪水包围</SPAN></SPAN> 满目泱泱,浑浊涛涛</SPAN></SPAN> 不去痛恨,麻痹的固若金汤溃烂</SPAN></SPAN> 魔高一尺道高一丈,有赖武警官兵</SPAN></SPAN> 威师总是出现在关键时刻。</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 想念一个人,我知道她在什么地方</SPAN></SPAN> 虽然她不喜欢珠光宝气</SPAN></SPAN> 也不想在每一个屏面亮丽</SPAN></SPAN> 自信的娇艳。发来一字一笑</SPAN></SPAN> 汇成光流,把一树新...阅读全文>> |
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