以下文章摘自PETA,本人翻译水平有限,如有不足,请各位朋友指教。 (提示:照片很让人心碎,请朋友阅读时做好心理准备) Why We Euthanize 为什么我们要实施安乐死 In my first year working at a grossly substandard animal shelter in Maryland, I forced myself to go in early to euthanize dogs by holding them in my arms and gently helping them escape an uncaring world without trauma or pain and to spare them from being stabbed haphazardly—while they were fully conscious, terrified and aware—in the general vicinity of their hearts with needles blunt from reuse and left to thrash on the floor until they finally died by the callous people who would arrive later to do the job. 我第一年在马里兰一家不合规格的宠物收容所工作,我强迫自己早点到,对狗狗施行安乐死,我用胳膊抱住它们,温柔地帮助他们毫无痛苦地离开这个冷漠的世界,使他们免于不必要的偶然刺伤——当针头由于反复使用而变钝,然后把它们放在地上,直到它们完全死去,冷漠的工作人员迟些会回来收尸。 I always wonder how anyone cannot recognize that there is a world of difference between painlessly euthanizing animals out of compassion—aged, injured, sick, and dying animals whose guardians can't afford euthanasia, for instance—as PETA does, and causing them to suffer terror, pain, and a prolonged death while struggling to survive on the streets, at the hands of untrained and uncaring "technicians," or animal abusers. 我总是对此感到疑惑,到底有没有人能分别出两者间巨大的差异之处:一方是出于对动物的同情,而实施无痛苦的安乐死——极老的、受伤的、生病的,和主人无法承担安乐死的垂死动物,例如PETA所提供的安乐死。另一方是导致它们忍受恐怖,痛苦和长时间垂死挣扎的街头流浪生活,和未经过训练与毫无怜悯心的“技术人员”,或动物虐待者。 Diamond正承受着面部肿瘤的痛苦,肿瘤会慢慢吞噬掉他的脸。</STRONG> Sasha被咬伤的伤口严重感染。</STRONG> It's easy to point the finger at those who are forced to do the "dirty work" caused by a throwaway society's casual acquisition and breeding of dogs and cats who end up homeless and unwanted, but at PETA, we will never turn our backs on neglected, unloved, and homeless animals—even if the best we can offer them is a painless release from a world that doesn't have enough heart or homes with room for them. It makes it easy for people to throw stones at us, but we are against all needless killing: for hamburgers, fur collars, dissection, sport hunting―the works. 人们很容易把矛头指向被迫做这项“肮脏工作”的机构,然而随意丢弃的社会风气、一时起兴的饲养和不用心的训练,是导致这些猫狗被丢弃,成为无家可归和无人关心的流浪动物的最终原因。但是在PETA,我们绝对不会对这些被人忽视,无人关心,无家可归的流浪动物坐视不理——即便我们所能做的,只是帮助它们无痛苦地从这个缺乏爱心和容身之所的世界中解脱。这样做很容易使人们对我们反感,但我们反对一切因利益而进行的屠杀:为汉堡包,为皮草大衣,为解刨,为娱乐性质的打猎——等等诸如此类。 PETA handled far more animals than 2,124 in 2008. In fact, we took in more than 10,000 dogs and cats and work very hard to persuade people to spay and neuter their animals and to commit to a lifetime of care and respect for them. We go so far as to transport animals to and from our spay/neuter clinics, where they are spayed or neutered and given vet care, often for free! Since 2001, PETA's low- to no-cost spay-and-neuter mobile clinics, SNIP and ABC, have sterilized more than 50,000 animals, preventing hundreds of thousands of animals from being born, neglected, abandoned, abused, or euthanized when no one wanted them. And on a national level, PETA is focusing on the root of the problem through our Animal Birth Control (ABC) campaign. 在2008年,PETA手中的动物已远远超过2124只。事实上,我们收留超过10000只的猫和狗,并努力向人们宣传,对自己的宠物节育,给予它们尊重,并照顾它们一生。我们经常跑到很远的地方,去接送宠物到绝育诊所进行绝育或医疗,通常都是免费的!从2001年起,PETA的低费用-零费用-绝育移动诊所,和SNIP与ABC,已经为超过50000只的动物进行绝育,避免了成千上万的动物诞生,这些动物也许会被忽视,被遗弃,被虐待,或在没人想要时,被实施安乐死。并且在全国范围内,PETA致力于问题的根源,通过我们的动物节育运动。</STRONG> 当工作人员发现Big Girl 时,她仍然活着。</STRONG> If anyone has a good home, love, and respect to offer, we beg them: Go to a shelter and take one or two animals home. The problem is that few people do that, choosing instead to go to a breeder or a pet shop and not "fixing" their dogs and cats, which c 阅读全文>> |
特爱吃路边摊,羊肉串啊,烤鸡翅啊,麻辣烫啊,属于见了就走不动道那种,最好再配上冰凉的啤酒,那感觉简直是绝了。一次狼吞虎咽之际,有位朋友在旁提醒,这些玩意不卫生,对身体不好,当时没在意,该吃吃该喝喝,后来又有人几次在耳边唠叨这些东西不好,不由得开始琢磨了,这美食和健康,难道真就是鱼与熊掌? 严格来说,这些东西算不上正经八百的“美食”,上不了台面,顶多归于小吃一类,但却有着难以抗拒的独特味道,有时候宴席上吃过一通儿,回家路上看见羊肉串摊子,还是忍不住来上几串,管不住自己的嘴,对不住自己的胃。 看了篇文章,说是油炸的食品不健康,烤制的食品不健康,甚至饭馆的菜油太多,也不健康,尤其点名批评路边大排档,卫生条件极差,在那里用餐被称作“慢性自杀”,如此说来待俺掐指一算,也只有乖乖自己在家做饭了。不过卫生合理的饮食搭配对大家的身体还是有好处的,毕竟这才是咱们革命的本钱,当然如果各位也跟我似的管不住嘴,那就做到适量吧,切记切记。 |
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