eat Wall
eat Wall
China Photo: The Great Wall Sunlight brightens 中国图片:长城 Photograph by Gavin Photograph by Gavin Hellier/Getty Images Sunlight brightens the flanks of China's Great Wall—one of the most ambitious construction projects in human history. The wall was a barrier between China and "barbarian" lands. HellierGetty Images 阳光照亮了长城的侧身——人类历史上最雄心勃勃的建筑项目之一。长城是中国和“蛮夷之地”之间的屏障。 HellierGetty Images China Information and History</STRONG> China Photo: The Gr中国概况及历史</STRONG> Photograph by Gavin China is the world's most populous country with more than 1.3 billion people—20 percent of the Earth's population. Occupying most of East Asia, it is the fourth largest country in area (after Russia, Canada, and the U.S.). China's geography is highly diverse, with hills, plains, and river deltas in the east and deserts, high plateaus, and mountains in the west. Climate is equally varied, ranging from tropical in the south (Hainan) to subarctic in northeastern China (Manchuria). 中国是世界上人口最多的国家,拥有超过13亿的人口——世界人口的20%。它占有东亚的大部分,是领土第四大国家(居于俄罗斯、加拿大和美国之后)。中国的地理状况呈现高度的多样化,在东部有山区、平原和河流三角洲,在西部有沙漠、高原和山地。气候也呈现多样性,从南方的热带气候(海南)到东北部的极地气候(满洲里)。 HellierGetty Images China's geography causes an uneven population distribution; 94 percent live in the eastern third of the country. Shandong province, with its mild coastal climate, has more than 90 million people, but Tibet, with its harsh mountain plateau climate, has less than 3 million. The coastal regions are the most economically developed—acting as a magnet for an estimated 150 million Chinese migrants from the poor rural interior. This figure, from 2008, grows by an estimated 10 million Chinese each year. Photograph by Gavin 中国的地理状况造成了人口的不均匀分布:94%的人口居住在该国东部1/3的地域。山东省具有温和的海洋性气候,拥有大约9000万人口,但是西藏为艰苦的山地高原气候,人口不到300万。沿海地区经济最为发达,象磁铁一样吸引了内陆不发达地区大约1.5亿流动人口。该数字来自于2008年,估计每年增加1000万人。 China has perhaps the world's longest continuous civilization; for more than 40 centuries its people created a culture with strong philosophies, traditions, and values. The start of the Han dynasty 2,200 years ago marked the rise of military power that created an empire—one that provided a golden age in art, politics, and technology. Ethnic Chinese still refer to themselves as the "People of Han," and Han Chinese constitute 92 percent of the country's population. eat Wall 中国图片:长城 中国可能拥有世界上文明最悠久的历史,4000年来其人民创造了辉煌的哲学、传统和价值观。2200年前,中国汉朝的开始,标志着创造了一个帝国的军事力量的崛起,该帝国在艺术、政治和技术方面开创了黄金时代。蛮夷称中国人为“汉人”,汉族占全中国人口的92%。 eat Wall 中国图片:长城 Successive dynasties developed a system of bureaucratic control that gave agrarian-based China an advantage over rivals. By 2030 it's estimated that some 60 percent of the country citizens will live in urban areas. 代代相传的王朝发展出了一种使农耕为主的中国超过其他对手的官僚政治统治。据估计,至2030年,将有60%的人口居住在城镇地区。 Sunlight brightens The first half of the 20th century saw the fall of the last Chinese emperor, Japanese invasion, World War II, and civil war between Chinese Communist and Nationalist forces—ending with the retreat of the Nationalists to Taiwan. The People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1976 imposed state control on the economy. Since 1979, China has reformed its economy and allowed competition, and today it has one of the world's highest rates of growth, averaging nearly 10 percent since the late 1970s. HellierGetty Images Rapid industrial development has increased pollution—with China having four of the world's ten most polluted cities when it comes to air quality. The largest producer and consumer of coal, the country is turning away from coal toward clean hydroelectric resources, such as the Three Gorges Dam. 20世纪初,中国最后一个帝国倒台,日本入侵,二战,国共内战,最后以国民党退守台湾为结束。中华人民共和国从1949-1976年在经济上实行国家控制。从1979年开始,中国改革其经济允许竞争,今天它是世界上经济增长最迅速的国家之一,从1970年代晚期至今大约年增长10%。工业的迅速发展增加了污染——以空气质量而论,世界上污染最严重的城市中国就占了四个。它是煤炭的最大生产和消费者,现在正在由煤转向清洁的水电资源,如三峡大坝。 Sunlight brightens Politically China still maintains strict control over its people. Chinese rule over Tibet remains controversial, fighting with Muslim separatists in Xinjiang continues, and political issues with Taiwan remain unresolved. China regained Hong Kong from Britain 阅读全文>> |
bsp; &nbs 和讯网独家采访曹仁超实录:
&n 和讯网:大家好,这里是和讯视点。在全球股市和经济多数仍在寻底时,有一个响亮的声音称中国一定是最先走出低谷的。今天我们就请出了这里面的得力干将,香港著名投资分析人士曹仁超先生。 和讯网:曹仁超先生原名曹志明,现职信报有限公司董事,主管信报财经新闻投资分析部。每周一至周六于《信报》撰写《投资者日记》逾三十年,是该报最受欢迎的作者之一,他也是香港最权威的投资评论家。曹sir从港币5000元的散户开始,40多年里历经2次惨败,目前身价超过港币2亿元,财富增加4万倍。他的传奇故事在和讯网一直是最热门的文章之一。今天我们就有幸和曹sir探讨他30多年的宝贵投资经验。 bsp; &nbs 和讯网:今天我们要请教的第一个问题是,散户在股市持续盈利的难度在哪?就想07年10月来,10个散户9个亏,曹先生怎么看? 曹仁超:普通投资者经常犯的是五个错误。第一个错误,他们不肯止损。就是亏了本,他们也不肯卖出去。如果开公司,一家公司亏本了,你将它关掉。而赚钞 |
宪法规定信访是公民的基本权利;“零上访”与“一票否决”却在变相否定这种权利。 《半月谈》杂志日前编发了一位从事信访工作的乡镇干部的真实经历,并指出,“作为中国最基层的行政工作人员,他们的行为被上访者、上级部门、新闻媒体等做着形形色色的解读。然而,当真正走近他们,你才会理解他们的无奈和隐衷。” 当然,这里的“理解”只是“同情之理解”,并不代表支持。据这位乡镇干部介绍,他在乡镇工作十几个年头,从事信访工作6年多,十多年来在几个乡镇干过,从一名普通的工作人员成长为分管信访工作的镇党委副书记。“天天胆战心惊,如履薄冰。”文中谈到当地一位老上访户,30多年来,几乎每年都要在重大会议召开时(如中央、省、市级“两会”等)上访。他一旦进京,或到省里、市里,镇政府都要安排专人去接访,甚至中途截访。每次接访,我们都要安排两人以上去,到省城、北京来回一趟,每次差旅费少则三五千元,多则上万元。有时,还得委曲求全,不得已做一些让老实人吃亏、“会闹腾的”赚便宜的事来。 具体情节更像是小说。据说,为了确保万无一失,近年来每到重大会议召开时,镇里都要派出5名干部24小时跟随这位上访者,陪吃陪喝陪睡陪上厕所,一次耗时半个 |
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