Long before you do this, someone at Starbucks has done
this. It's the spit-and-polish of coffee making. You are inside the
room at Starbucks world headquarters in Seattle. This is
where the coffee that eventually makes it into your hand, first
gets vetted</SPAN>诊疗</SPAN>. We evaluate</SPAN>评估</SPAN> flavor of the coffee to make sure that they are of the quality that we want and that we're gonna be able to use them the way that we want in our coffee blends and a single origin offerings. Today they're testing 40 coffees. And this is a light day. Sometimes this table is crammed</SPAN>塞满</SPAN> with hundreds of glasses, each one a little different, each one needing a taste. I start with the basics, and I do look for that, those scientific pieces, the acidity</SPAN>酸性</SPAN>, the body, the flavor and the complexity. Only 20 people worldwide have this job for Starbucks. These three work here in Seattle. They begin by grinding</SPAN>研磨</SPAN> the beans. Next comes the shot of boiling purified</SPAN>净化</SPAN> water. Then they stir</SPAN>搅拌</SPAN> the finished product. That's gonna release a steam from the top, that is when you're building up underneath. So you're gonna get a real good sense of what that, what the coffee is gonna taste like. Inhale</SPAN>吸入</SPAN> the aroma. I'm not just do real good agitation</SPAN>搅拌</SPAN>, it's tough and then what's gonna happen is gonna saturate</SPAN>渗透</SPAN> the grounds</SPAN>沉淀物</SPAN>, and the grounds are gonna fall on the bottom of the cup. And skim</SPAN>掠过</SPAN> the froth</SPAN>泡沫</SPAN>. Only after that, those coffee meet power. It's not really about how loud you slurp</SPAN>饮食出声</SPAN>, it's not really about how violent you slurp, actually it's all about atomizing</SPAN>雾化</SPAN> the coffee to make sure kind of sprays</SPAN>水沫</SPAN> around your mouth. You've told the mouth feel and also get(s) in your old factories, so that you can actually uate the flavor fully</SPAN>十分地</SPAN> at that point. These are not people you wanna</SPAN> invite over</SPAN>请客</SPAN> for coffee. If they'll like it, they spit it out. And if they do like it, they spit it out. They have some of</SPAN> the most sophisticated</SPAN>最尖端的</SPAN> coffee palates</SPAN>味觉</SPAN> in the world. They can actually tell from the taste where a cup of coffee was grown. And Starbucks listens closely to what the cuppers as they are called have to say. We say that some people have a golden tongue in the building, and if they like it, you know, they pretty much know what's gonna do well. It's probably the only job where burning your tongue means you have to take a sick day.</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
这组片子是在十月中旬国家奥林匹克足球场为黄健翔出品的《最体育》拍摄的封面及人物,正值中超最后几轮的较量,本来的初衷一是夺冠的祝福,二是未夺冠的来年期盼,今年的赛事,没有太多的激动与沸腾,实因整年鲁能的状态一直太过平庸,让球迷根本看不到08泰山的雄姿,其实,若对世界复杂多变的规律和秩序,有了理解,也就有了宽容之心,其实球迷需要的很简单,不是苟延残喘,不是得过且过,而是勇敢的精神,不懈的努力。附图片及最体育对hyy的提问: <img src="http://1822.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/2009/11/16/12/2/125aaa5f4...阅读全文>> |
山东鲁能外战记录 亚俱杯征战史: 第二十届2000年 第一轮:山东鲁能轮空 第二轮(主客场): 山东鲁能 - 新加坡内政联 3:0 新加坡内政联-山东鲁能 1:2 随后在 亚俱杯东亚四强赛上(雅加达) 山东鲁能 - 印尼望加锡马卡萨 3:1 山东鲁能 - 日本磐田朱比洛 2:6 山东鲁能 - 韩国水原三星 0:6 (山东鲁能仅列东亚第三,被淘汰) 2005年亚洲冠军联赛8强 小组赛: 日本横滨-山东鲁能 0:1, 山东鲁能-泰国BEC 1:0, 印尼马卡萨-山东鲁能 0:1, 山东鲁能-印尼马卡萨 6:1, 山东鲁能-日本横滨 2:1, 泰国BEC-山东鲁能 0:4 名次 队名 场次 胜 平 负 进球 失球 净胜球 积分 1 山东鲁能 6 6 0 0 15 2 13 18 2 横滨水手 6 4 0 2 10 4 6 12 3 马卡萨 6 1 1 4 2 9 -10 4 4 BEC萨桑纳 6 0 1 5 1 10 -9 四分之一决赛: 山东鲁能-沙特伊蒂哈德 1:1 沙特伊蒂哈德-山东鲁能 7:2(总比分3:8) 2007年亚冠联赛 小组未出线 小组赛: |
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