This morning, I was noticed that the city BBS which I stayed was closed. It's not surprising. Two days ago, two of my friends told me the possibility. At that time, everything is unconfirmed... The city BBS is set up and managed by one of my friends. When he has to leave to deal with his real life business, I went there to help him. I don't want his net dream here is disappeared for his absence recently. I managed that city BBS for him. Several of my old firends often visit and write some articles there.Most of the time, the area is quiet.To break up the silence, I organized a Thesis Collection. The second time I'm back to BBS to be a so-called leader.Every rule is strange for me. Appreciate my frien 阅读全文>> |
</SPAN> </SPAN> 在一个春末的早晨</SPAN></SPAN> 你轻柔地告诉我</SPAN></SPAN> 你的生日</SPAN></SPAN> 盛夏的六月二十四</SPAN></SPAN> 从此</SPAN></SPAN> 我对夏</SPAN></SPAN> 多了一分深深地眷念</SPAN></SPAN> 你说夏并不遥远</SPAN></SPAN> 经过夏日的洗礼</SPAN></SPAN> 你那亭亭玉立的茎</SPAN></SPAN> 那田田的叶</SPAN></SPAN> 那临风绽开</SPAN></SPAN> 摇摆生姿的花</SPAN></SPAN> 宛如情窦初开少女</SPAN></SPAN> 婀娜多姿</SPAN></SPAN> 宛如初会情人</SPAN></SPAN> 娉婷欲语时</SPAN></SPAN> 两颊羞涩的绯红</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 我年复一年地盼着</SPAN></SPAN> 盼着夏天的来临</SPAN></SPAN> 终于又盼来了</SPAN></SPAN> ...阅读全文>> |
家具导购八步曲——步步为营、招招赢客</SPAN></SPAN> ——由家具业著名营销实战专家张屹老师主讲</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>----</SPAN>千锤百炼,全国巡讲几十场的经典导购圣经。业界称作家具导购的“天龙八部”、“降客八卦掌”!将消费心理学、导购行为学、交际语言学转化为浅显易懂的模式;把卖场、顾客、产品带到课堂。通过情景模拟、实战演练、现场导购等形式,快速通过导购员的实战能力!</SPAN></SPAN> 第一讲</SPAN> </SPAN>迎客阶段基本规范与要领</SPAN></SPAN> 第二讲</SPAN> </SPAN>顾客识别阶段规范与要领</SPAN></SPAN> 第三讲</SPAN> </SPAN>沟通近身阶段规范与要领</SPAN></SPAN> 第四讲</SPAN> </SPAN>需求探寻阶段规范与要领</SPAN></SPAN> 第五 |
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