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«January 2025»
1/13/2010 9:26:00 PM [体育运动] 分享


For the ski length sizing chart, click here.
For the ski boot sizing chart, click here.


Skier Type

Determine your skier type

All-Round Recreational Skiers / Type I:
Type one skiers are not overly concerned about their technical skill level and ski for enjoyment and exercise. They tend to ski conservatively and prefer slower speeds on easy to moderate slopes. They favor lower than average release/retention settings which corresponds to increased risk of inadvertent binding release in order to gain increased releasability in a fall.

Progressive Intermediate Skiers / Type II:
Type two skiers are generally looking for improvement of their level of technical proficiency. They have made a commitment to the sport and want to ski faster with good control. These skiers are searching for challenging terrain and wish to ski well in all conditions.

High Performance Skiers / Type III:
Type three skiers are more serious about the sport, they have mastered most of the technique and want to improve personal performance. They want to have fun and will expose themselves to extreme situations and conditions (weather and terrain) for an adrenaline rush. A primary concern is the performance attributes of the product. Type three skiers tend to ski aggressively and at higher than average speeds on steep or challenging terrain. They tend to prefer higher than average release/retention settings on their bindings which decreases releasability in a fall in order to gain a decreased risk of inadvertent binding release.

Racing / Ski Instructors / Type IV:
This group of skiers has perfected its technique and its satisfaction is derived from their personal performance against the mountain. High performance is demanded from the product, as the skier will always be pushing the performance envelope, and expect the product to deliver consistently without risk of failure.

Ski Types

Recreational: These skis will perform well all over the mountain, in all conditions, and represents the largest segment of today's market.
Extreme / Freeride: Done on terrain that is very steep, where the skier skis on the fall line. Performed in snow conditions that vary greatly, moguls, broken powder, or crud are all normal.

Race: This style of ski is used at very high speeds where extra length is required to provide stability. The sidecut holds the ski on the fall line and requires a high technical skill level to turn.

Super Giant Slalom: Designed for high speed sections, like downhill, but with slightly more side cut for a technical wide radius turn.

Slalom: Skis designed for short radius turns on the fall line.

Difference between coventional and shaped skis


The past few seasons have been witness to radical change in the thinking of side cut and ski performance. Recent developments have revolutionized the ski market.

Just a few years back the ski tip width was around 85mm ? This measurement allowed for relatively easy turn initiation and direct line tracking stability. Inability to control torsional flex of the ski made it difficult to go much broader than this with the construction technology at that time. Side cut radius of most skis ranged around 37-45 meters. Conventional skis fall into this category today.

The shaped ski developed as shell ski construction methods improved the ability manage torsional flex. The past assumption of the ski tip width affecting tracking stability has been overcome due to the ability to control the torsional flex. Torsional flex control has allowed ski manufacturers to expand the width at the tip and tail, tightening the ski turning radius with out sacrificing edge hold. The right combination of longitudinal flex, side cut and torsional flex has provided skiing with the shaped ski. Shaped skis are easier to turn and allow skiers more enjoyment with less effort and lower skill levels.

As a result of their shape the 揝haped Skis? are easy to start a carved turn. The relationship from the tip to the waist is for the initiation of the turn, shaped skis range from 100 mm?in the tip to 62 mm ?in the waist at 180 cm length. All products in this category will initiate turns easily. The relationship from the waist to the tail delivers the release from the turn.

Control of the torsional flex of the ski separate from the longitudinal flex is the key to delivering performance in this ski type. They are required to be stiff torsionally and soft longitudinally. All shaped skis will initiate the turn easily when put on edge and release the turn easily when taken off edge when these factor are designed into the ski.

All skis manufactured now offer some degree of enhanced side cut. Turning radius will vary from 40 meters to as tight as 18 meters depending on the model.

What is flex and sidecut?

Torsional Flex
Longitudinal Flex: A Ski's flex is the most tangible aspect of a ski's design. Longitudinal flex distributes skier weight along the length and allows the side cut of the ski to be enlarged with the snow. A balanced flex will allow the forebody and the tail to flex evenly under the same load, which will keep the sidecut engaged in the snow and deliver a carved turn. An unbalanced flex has a stiffer tail than forebody, which will tend to accelerate the ski out of the turns.
Torsional Flex: Defines how well a ski resists twisting along its length. If the ski has too much torsional flex (not rigid), the sidecut will not get a chance to form it's arc, the result is the ski will twist off and have little edge grip. With not enough torsional flex, (too rigid) starting and finishing turns would be very abrupt. Turn initiation would not be smooth and releasing the edge from the turn would be difficult. The stiffer a ski is torsionally, the better the edge hold at high speed.

Sidecut: Works in conjunction with longitudinal flex and will dictate the natural turning radius of the ski. The deeper the sidecut a ski has, the faster it responds to direction changes.


Vibration Damping
All skis use materials in their composition for vibration damping. Vibrations introduced through the terrain cause the ski to loose momentary contact (bounce or chatter) with the snow. The loss of contact affects the skiers ability to control or direct the ski. The more a ski抯 vibration is controlled the more stable a ski will be as speed is increased.

Anatomy of a Ski

Core Materials
The core of the ski contributes to the ski's characteristics. It can be laminated with materials, such as metal or fiberglass, in order to add strength, durability and to modify performance.


Wood: Usually laminated to provide extra strength and consistent shape. Wood is a damp material (absorbs vibration) that will maintain consistent performance through an extended period of time.
Metal: Aluminum or titanal aluminum are used as load carrying members on the top and bottom of a core structure. These materials increase torsional stiffness which improves stability and edge hold.

Foam: A light weight, inert material that provides a lively feeling. This means that the ski is easier to maneuver. The foam is generally a closed cell type in order to prevent water from getting into the core.

Fiberglass: Also used as load carrying members on the top and bottom of a core structure. It is often rein  阅读全文>>


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1/13/2010 9:35:00 PM [美食-旅游] 分享




1/13/2010 3:17:00 PM [旅游天下] 分享


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